Chapter 204 All Out
Thoughts are flying, and there are a lot of emotions.

If, really only if, I can't turn back into a man, just live as a woman, find a boyfriend, date, get married, have children, and then become a full-time housewife, husband and child...

It must be very happy to be able to marry her own man, after all, she is considered a beautiful woman, and her temper is also good, um, this is really the case, she can't wait to marry herself.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, what kind of idea is this, to have a baby?Isn't this nonsense? How can I say that I am also a man, so it should have nothing to do with having children.

But since I can have menstruation, I should have the ability to have children.

Well, if you really want to have a baby, who is better to have a baby with, Ye Ning?Zhao Xinghe?Or that divine doctor Bai Yan?or……

Thinking about it, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but blush a little, it must be because of her drinking tonight, otherwise why would she think about these boring things!

"The news of an unknown creature attacking citizens in the XC district of City A has already killed two people. Everyone relays the news to avoid causing more casualties."

"Come and see what monster caused this wound?"

"The security guard of Tianhe Amusement Park suffered retribution and was bitten to death by monsters!"

"Someone witnessed a monster as strong as a cow passing by the door of their house. The villager Xiaohua talked about her passing by the god of death."

"My family Wangcai is missing, there is blood on the ground, it may be dragged away by a monster."

"The story I have to tell the monster..."


For a while, the major chat groups and some unknown small websites began to leak some gossip crazily, and people panicked.

Even a shrewd author immediately wrote a novel "I Have a Date with a Monster" based on this, and it is said that it sold very well!
Of course, this kind of news also has some benefits. At least the square dancing aunts who had to make noise every night until midnight and early morning closed their stalls early today, and there were some people who had not received the news walking sparsely on the road.

However, it was just getting dark, and some patrol cars whizzing by also confirmed the news circulating on the Internet at all times.

Although there is no official report yet, this further confirms everyone's speculation.

In the meeting room of the Public Security Bureau of XC District, City A, a middle-aged man with a big belly was answering the phone with a mobile phone in his hand. There were many comrades in police uniforms sitting under the stage.

Suddenly the middle-aged man hung up the mobile phone in his hand and threw it on the table with a snap. Everyone in the audience fell silent.

"Ridiculous!" After the middle-aged man said this, he stopped talking, walked back and forth with his hands on his hips, "Let's talk about what you have to say, this matter can't be covered, and someone on the Internet has already started Spreading rumors and making trouble! Of course, what they said was not all rumors. The news just came that another citizen died, and he also had bite marks on his body! Bold, too bold, it’s just dark, and it started action?"

The director's words were like throwing a big stone into a calm lake, and everyone in the audience was in disbelief in an instant.

Death again?This is already the fourth case. Could it be that some monster really appeared in City A?

This is a big deal, you must call your family quickly and ask them to close the doors and windows!
"Okay, you are the police, you are serving the people, you are not just sitting here with your salary!" The director looked very angry.

Shut up, everyone, be wise and protect yourself, and keep your mouth shut!

However, at this moment, the chief's mobile phone on the conference table rang again.

The director took another look at everyone, and only after everyone lowered their heads shyly, he walked over to pick up the phone in a calm manner.

"Hey, wife? What's the matter? Yes, it's true, yes, you tell our daughter and others not to go out at night these days, yes yes, it's dangerous, it's a monster, it's a monster, it must be Don't go out, what? Already out? This child... Okay, I know!"

The director was calm at first, but after the phone call, he panicked.

Everyone just sighed in their hearts, some laughed, and some sneered!
"Director Sun, who is in charge of patrolling my area?"

The person who was called was a long-faced thin man. After thinking for a while, he quickly replied: "Report to the chief, it's a team of the armed police, and the captain is my nephew. I'll call him right now to make him pay more attention! Make sure the chief's daughter is safe!"

"Okay, okay, hurry up!" Thinking of the terrifying faces of those dead people in the past two days, the chief was terrified!
The meeting continued to discuss. The director's house can be heavily guarded, but what about their family members?

Everyone is anxious like ants on a hot pan!
"Since we have requested the support of the National Security Bureau for this matter, I believe they should be able to give an answer today. I think the most important thing for us now is to ensure that there will be no more casualties!" A beautiful female police officer in uniform analyzed .

She, too, was the only female police officer seated, dressed in a military uniform with a belt cinched at the waist, accentuating the greatness of her chest.

"Guarantee that there will be no more casualties among the people? How to guarantee it? What about the rumors on the Internet?"

"According to the information I received, the people who died were all security guards of Tianhe Amusement Park. They had a total of twelve security guards. Four of them have been attacked and killed, and there are eight more. Some are migrant workers, and I have collected their respective residences, but my manpower is limited." The female police officer responded calmly.

"As for the rumors on the Internet, I have to trouble Section Chief Liu of the Network Management Section. I think he will have a solution. Time, we need time now to determine what is hurting people!" The female police officer pushed the big cap on her head , "I have already contacted Murong's family for assistance, I think there should be results tonight!"

These words should be said by the bureau chief, but at this time, this woman stole the limelight, but no one refuted it.

Does she have a lot of background?
"What are you still doing in a daze? Then do what Officer Ouyang said! Officer Ouyang, distribute the addresses you collected to everyone, and everyone will lead their teams to the squatting spots of these families. Tonight will be extremely rewarding." .” The chief slapped the table.

Everyone got up immediately, dismissed the meeting, and then took charge of their own teams.

Are monsters at work?
City A hasn't seen this kind of situation for many years!
Mr. Chief looked at the scattered meeting room, leaning on the window with both hands to look at the brightly lit night scene outside. Could it be that what happened more than ten years ago was going to be repeated again?
I still remember that I was just a small employee at that time, and the city A was full of uproar about that incident, and I didn't expect that after many years, there would be a situation where I figured it out!

Murong's family?
Yes, the Murong family should be responsible for this matter!

 Thank you cousin Mo Weiruomeng for the reward of 100 book coins, Mint Weiliang for the reward of 1888 book coins,? ——? ? 100 book coins reward!

(End of this chapter)

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