Chapter 600
"Hey, don't mention it!" Speaking of this, Su Jing'an felt embarrassed.

Su Jing'an, who became a queen, was not always trapped in the palace. Occasionally, she would leave the palace, or go to the south of the Yangtze River, or other places to check the planting and development of gunpowder.

Because of her, today's Celestial Dynasty has several more types of food that can harvest a lot and keep the people from starving.

The people are not hungry, life is getting better and better, more money is being earned, and the treasury of the Celestial Dynasty is getting more and more full.

The reason why the research and development from Jiangnan was not moved to the capital was that Su Jingan had to go back and forth. On the one hand, the things developed were too dangerous, and on the other hand, there were docks and familiar foreign businessmen there.

Many things can be traded directly there.

In addition, when researching gunpowder before, I had deliberately selected it and found a suitable place to test its efficacy. There were no people around, so I didn't worry about casualties.

If they moved to the capital, if something went wrong, the entire capital would be in danger.

Therefore, Jing An can only work hard, and she can only talk about some things.

Most of the time, Tao Ran was in the south of the Yangtze River. In the past, although he was Pei Junyi's person, he had been helping Jing'an with affairs.

Now, Jing An is the queen, and he spares no effort to serve Jing An.

Unless he can't handle it, otherwise, he can handle many things by himself, saving Su Jing'an a lot of trouble.

Some time ago, there was something he couldn't do anything about. In desperation, Su Jing'an had no choice but to leave the capital and go to Jiangnan. He had only been back for a few days.

When she went to Jiangnan, she met some old friends from the past, and she had to have dinner together and finalize everything by the way.

Xu Shi drank some wine, and when they parted, his old friend William kissed Jing An.

Although he quickly realized that something was wrong and he didn't really kiss Su Jing'an's hand, but he was still seen by others.

Su Jing'an didn't think much of it, she knew that kissing hands was very common in William's country.

It's just a way of expressing respect and gratitude.

Besides, William didn't really kiss, just made a show.

In the past, he didn't know his identity and hugged her when they met and parted.

After knowing her identity, he paid close attention to it.

The matter discussed this time is very important. If it succeeds, it will be of great benefit to both of them. William drank some wine again, a little excited, and subconsciously separated according to their etiquette, which was not considered rude at all.

But after Su Jingan returned to the capital, someone told Pei Junyi about it, saying that William not only held her hand, but also kissed her, which was much more serious than hugging.

After hearing this, Pei Junyi went to Jing An and asked her about holding hands and kissing, but she didn't hide anything and told him everything.

The result was obvious, the two quarreled, and Su Jingan moved back to Fengzao Palace.

After listening to her, the fifth princess blinked, and burst out laughing after a while.

Her laughter made Su Jing'an very embarrassed, this matter is indeed a bit embarrassing.

It's not a big deal at all, there shouldn't be a quarrel, but now it's like this, Su Jing'an is also angry with the person who adds fuel and vinegar to talk nonsense.

She knew it couldn't be Tao Ran, but it was still unclear who it was.

Regarding Pei Junyi's disapproval of the harem, most of the courtiers are neutral, and occasionally a few, especially the new courtiers, may have some objections.

I heard that during the days when she was not in the capital, someone had vaguely mentioned the matter of the draft with the emperor...

(End of this chapter)

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