Chapter 556 Dream

The emperor fell ill completely, and the whole person was unconscious.

The affairs of the court cannot be left alone, so they are temporarily handed over to Eleven and Pei Junyi.

After all, it involved treason, and it was impossible to wait until the emperor woke up to deal with Lao Jiu's funeral, so Pei Junyi ordered to let the palace see the situation.

Such an order made Dian Zhongsheng very embarrassed, and after deliberation in the end, it was not very good, but it was not shabby either.

This is not bad. Mel Xun's body was thrown directly into the mass grave, and it won't be long before it will be eaten by wild beasts on the mountain.

The news spread to the cold palace.

Ever since she was thrown into limbo, Tian occasionally dreamed that the Nine Princes invaded the capital, won the throne, and respected her as the Queen Mother.

She walked out of the cold palace gracefully, and trampled all those people she hated under her feet.

But now, she suddenly got news that the Ninth Prince was gone, and he rebelled again, but failed, and finally committed suicide in front of the emperor.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

After receiving the news, Tian desperately shook her head, not sure if it was true.

In the evening again, a note was stuffed in the food she ate, which was the only eyeliner she had left in the palace.

She quickly unfolded the note, which clearly stated the news of the Ninth Prince's suicide, and also said about the emperor's coma.

Her eyeliner infers that perhaps it won't be long before Yu Wang Pei Junyi will become the new king, and advises her to make plans early if she has a way.

As for him, this is the last time to send news to Tian, ​​and from then on, he will only protect himself.

Now, even if you don't believe it, you have to believe it.

Sitting at the table, she was silent for a long time, not knowing what she was thinking, but the door of her room was never opened again.

When the palace man found out, she had been dead for a long time, and she committed suicide by cutting her wrist with a piece of bowl.

The blood in the room has dried up...

The news of the successive deaths of the Ninth Prince and the Tian family spread to southern Hunan.

At that time, the eighth prince was practicing calligraphy. Hearing the news, he couldn't recover for a long time.

He was not surprised when he heard about Lao Jiu's rebellion, after all, there was Father Emperor, Lao Qi and Su Jingxuan.

But he didn't expect that he didn't hide well after running away, and unexpectedly made a comeback, and this time, it cost his life.

Not only that, even the mother and concubine in the cold palace lost their lives.

"My lord, are you alright?" Seeing that he didn't move for a long time without speaking, the subordinate was a little worried and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, write a memorial and send it to the capital, asking if I can enter the capital?"

This is the end of the matter, I didn't implicate myself last time, who knows what will happen this time?

Even if he is not involved this time, he wants to go back and see if his mother and younger brother are gone.

Besides... Presumably the new king is about to ascend the throne, and he has to go back then.

After receiving the order, the subordinates acted according to his order. As for him, he leaned on the chair in the study and couldn't recover for a long time.

In a daze, he fell asleep and had a long dream.

In the dream, Empress Yu, the queen mother, died suddenly, the Su family was destroyed, and the Yu family was also destroyed. The seventh brother, Pei Junyi, had both legs disabled because of being plotted against by others, and he has never recovered from the fall.

He was obviously his father's most beloved child, but he never saw his father's face again, even if such and such things were brought to him.

His legs have always been bad, the Tian family is thriving, his mother and concubine are well-loved, and even the old nine are especially valued.

Although I still don't like to welcome her, and my concubine is eccentric, it's not what it is now.

Hunting in the paddock, when his father was assassinated, it was Lao Jiu who rescued him. From then on, he was valued by his father even more...

(End of this chapter)

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