Chapter 430 See Through

"His Royal Highness? How is it possible?"

As soon as the emperor's words fell, Su Jing'an sneered, seeing the emperor staring at her, she suppressed her smile and coughed twice.

"Why are you so sure?" Jing An's attitude surprised the emperor.

Because of what Su Jingan said about sweet potatoes just now, he was a little more patient with her.

"Your Majesty, you are the Son of Heaven, the Ninth Five-Year Honor, so naturally you don't remember it."

"As a matter of fact, the minnv used to serve in the palace. At first, she followed Master Li. Later, when Master Li went away, the slaves were sent to the Clothes Bureau."

"Until by chance, Minnv was fortunate enough to go to Yongfu Palace and serve by Concubine Yao's side."

"You said just now that Minnv is like a queen. Presumably, Concubine Yao also found out at that time. She asked about Minnv's past, but after entering the palace, Minv lost her previous memory due to illness, so the empress Even the daughters of the people can't come back to what they asked."

"But the empress is still very good to Minnv. In addition, Minnv went to the paddock with her before, where she made friends with my sister-in-law Fifth Princess. It was also at that time that Minnv met His Highness the Seventh Highness."

"Although Minnv has lost her memory, she knows a lot of things. When she was still with Master Li, Concubine Tian Gui once asked Minnv to go to her Yikun Palace, but was rejected by Minnv."

"Later, I went to Yongfu Palace, and was called to Yikun Palace by Concubine Tian Gui, and almost lost my life. Under such circumstances, how could she allow His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince to have anything to do with the women?"

"Not to mention that the Minnv is from the Su family, and His Highness Ninth Prince's natal family is from the Tian family. He said he likes me? I'm afraid he wants to hold the Minnv in his hands and use it to restrain the Minnv's elder brother?"

"Presumptuous!" As soon as she finished speaking, the emperor's voice came from the first place, which seemed to be filled with anger.

Su Jing'an knelt down again, but she was not afraid at all.

Now that she said so, she had already thought about how to deal with it, besides... the evil star should have arrived, right?
"Do you know that what you said just now is enough for me to deal with you?" Looking at Su Jing'an who was kneeling on the ground, the emperor did not feel any fear from her.

It amuses him.

The presumptuous sound just now was subconsciously said, but in fact, he didn't intend to do anything to her.

After all, she is the son-in-law's own sister.

I vaguely remember that when the queen was still there, there was always a little girl in her palace who was a child of the Su family, presumably it was this child.

It's no wonder that she looks a bit like the queen, after all, she was taught by the queen.

If you really look into it, it's only a little familiar on the surface, and the behavior is similar. After all, it's a child of the Su family, not the queen's.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. What the girl said is what she thinks in her heart. The emperor is a wise king. The girl believes that you will not punish the girl just because she told the truth."

"Furthermore, the emperor must have noticed that the hairpin on Minnv's head belonged to the former Empress.

"When the fifth princess saw her, she recognized her at a glance. When her eleventh prince saw her, she knew it right away. Her eleventh prince was younger than her ninth prince, and she still had memories. When her ninth prince saw a servant girl, she really couldn't recognize her. ?"

Su Jing'an didn't know that some of what she said completely overlapped with what Pei Junyi and the emperor said.

The emperor knew that she had only entered Beijing yesterday and had no chance to meet Lao Qi, but she said almost the same words. They had indeed seen through Lao Jiu's thoughts.

Just as the emperor was thinking about it secretly, Fu Lu's voice suddenly came, "Report to the emperor, His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince begs to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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