Chapter 252 Night

That night.

Except for the guards on duty, everyone has already rested.

Jing Li came to Pei Junyi's room, handed him a porcelain bottle, and motioned him to drink all the medicine in it.

Opening the porcelain bottle, Pei Junyi frowned. The medicine contained in the porcelain bottle was unknown, but it was smelly.

"I can't help it. I have to break your leg first, and then treat it. This process is too painful. If you don't lose consciousness, I'm afraid it will alarm others."

There is really no way to move it, and it can only be done in the posthouse. This concoction, but he spent a lot of effort to get it.

When he said this, Pei Junyi sighed, held his breath, and drank the medicinal juice in the porcelain bottle in one gulp.

The effect of this thing is indeed very fast. After a while, his consciousness gradually withdrawn, and he didn't know anything.

In the room, besides Jing Li, there were Yuan Bao, Yan Xiao and others.

It's not that I'm worried that Jing Li will harm the Seventh Prince, but I know that there will be something that needs help, so I'm here to help.

"Yuan Bao, help your master take off your trousers." Jing Li ordered to prepare for the treatment, and Yuan Bao got the order to expose Pei Junyi's legs according to his request.

It can be clearly seen that those legs are much whiter than those of ordinary men.

Originally, Pei Junyi wasn't black, but the whiteness of his legs was a little sick.

Although people give massages on weekdays, there are still some places where the muscles are slightly atrophied.

This is not a problem, and you will recover slowly later, but this process will take a long time.

After hesitating for a moment, Jing Li made a move and broke Pei Junyi's leg bone. His medicine was very effective, and such severe pain did not wake Pei Junyi up.

At most, he frowned slightly in a coma, with cold sweat appearing on his forehead.

Yuan Bao stepped forward and wiped Pei Junyi's sweat, Jing Li put away his things, took out a bamboo tube, and opened it beside the bed.

Inside the bamboo tube, I don't know what kind of insect it is. Looking at the colorful colors, it makes people feel a little scared.

After arriving on the bed, as if attracted by something, she went straight to Pei Junyi's legs.

It can be clearly seen that those bugs have penetrated into the skin along Pei Junyi's legs.

Even though Pei Junyi was in a coma, he couldn't help but hum.

From the looks of it, this kind of pain is far better than being knocked out of a broken leg bone.

"Master Jing, that's..." Yuan Bao asked Jing Li with a trembling voice.

"It's okay, you can take it out later." Back then, he also treated his legs in the same way, "You keep this, and when His Royal Highness really can't stand the pain, give him one to relieve the pain."

I also want to know what kind of pain this poisonous insect will feel in the body.

But there is no way, the only way to heal Pei Junyi's leg.

Yuan Bao put away the things that Jing Li handed over, and put them in his bosom carefully, seeing Jing Li took out golden needles again, and performed acupuncture on several large points on his master's legs.

It was near dawn before the golden needles were put away, Jing Li looked tired, and signaled Yuan Bao to put the pants on for the seventh prince.

In the process of administering the needles, he needs to use his internal force to guide the poisonous insects to their proper positions.

After all, within a few hours, if Jing Li hadn't been prepared, he might lose his strength halfway through.

Even so, the consumption was not light. He leaned back on the chair and rested for a while before standing up.

"Take care, when His Highness wakes up, remember to tell me." Jing Li went back to the room to rest after instructing him a few words.

Yuan Bao waved his hand, signaling Yan Xiao and the others to go too, while he stayed by Pei Junyi's side, waiting for him to wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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