Chapter 792
Without the reminders from netizens and outsiders, the Arclight Group itself started to promote. There are only a few days left before the start of the Mars mission, and there are more news from the Arclight Group.

Especially after changing the task leader, the topicality increased even more.

After all, Musk is more or less a big celebrity, a well-known technology madman, who suddenly changed from a domineering president to a small team leader, and there are many things to talk about here.

And Arclight Aerospace also knows about this, so it released some training scenes of the team members performing the Mars mission on the Internet.

This disclosure does not matter, but it has attracted the space agencies of other countries.

The so-called "layouts watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway", after the Arc Light Group released these training videos, those laymen also watched some excitement, feeling that there are some differences from those videos released by other aerospace agencies, and things seem more Be more advanced.

Well, outwardly it looks.

In fact, they didn't understand anything, and even compared it with the equipment in the movie.

However, those professional institutions are different. You can see the difference right away. It is much more advanced training equipment than the equipment in your own institution. Using this kind of equipment can make the astronauts train more comprehensively. , and it works better.

Now is the time when the earth's aerospace industry is developing greatly, and the number of astronauts needed will only increase in the future, and there will definitely be a sharp increase in a certain stage.

And their training costs are too high, it takes a lot of resources, and it takes a long time. This decision cannot keep up with the demand.

So after Arclight Aerospace showed these videos, many aerospace agencies came to ask about the authenticity of what they said in the videos, and after getting accurate answers, they all asked to buy these training equipment.

Finally, after a meeting, it was decided... to sell.

Anyway, the real core of Arclight Aerospace is the various strengthening agents researched by Arclight Biology. These training equipment are not very important things, and it’s okay to sell them.

Moreover, the sale of this thing is a favor, which is different from ordinary commodities. If it is not sold, it will not be sold.

During the period, I also asked Dong Chen for his opinion. After all, I was afraid that he would have some unknown plan. Fortunately, he did not, and he himself agreed.


Soon, as the task time gradually approached, everything was ready.

The Mars spacecraft in the space dock was also officially completed. The fuel sent from the moon filled every fuel tank and working medium tank, and the supplies and equipment brought up from the earth were also filled.

At that time, as a Mars orbit shuttle, a special cargo aerospace plane that has been powered modified will also be fixed to the spacecraft, and the cargo warehouse will also be filled with various materials, building modules, Mars rovers and other items.

Not only the fuel tanks of the aircraft itself are filled with fuel, but even the spare fuel tanks for aerospace planes on the spacecraft are also full, which is used for multiple shuttles between the ground and space orbits of Mars.

Moreover, Arclight Aerospace also gave a comprehensive introduction to the Mars spacecraft for the first time, a very comprehensive introduction.

First of all, the name has finally been settled, from the initial "Yuanhang" series number "001" to the current "Yuanhang".

Uh... nothing really changed.

The main reason is that the spaceship originally planned for this series was called "Voyage", and the number of the first ship was naturally "001", and then the specific ship name was changed again.

However, the design of this ship was originally put together improvised. Although the performance is good in all aspects, it somewhat smells of emergency.

Moreover, Dong Chen didn't feel like it was a real spaceship, so there was only one ship of this model, one ship for each model, and the 002, 003 and other ships would not be built in the future.

Now the design department of Arclight Aerospace has begun to formally design spaceships, the formal ones, and they are divided into civilian passenger ships, civilian cargo ships, scientific research ships, and so on.

Those designers are very high-spirited, this is a real spaceship, and it will be born under their hands.

As for why the word "civil use" was added, anyone who has a little bit of that number knows.

So this first Mars spacecraft finally decided to use the model name as the official name, which can be regarded as a commemoration.

It's like, one man becomes an army.

Although Dong Chen was not very satisfied with the ship, the outside world was in a state of shock.

"Controllable nuclear fusion reaction device?!"

"High-thrust ion engine?!"

"High-energy radiation protection coating?!"

"No wonder the best landing window for Mars is 20 days. It turns out that there is such a big killer."

"Niu Pi, has the Arc Group's controllable nuclear fusion reaction device been developed to shipboard? Huaguo is already very good at this, especially after obtaining alien technology. Didn't they say that there are still a few years to come?" Was it successful?"

"Yeah, Miguo, Huaguo, and Maoxiong were saying a few days ago that they had made a major breakthrough in the field of controllable nuclear fusion because they cracked alien technology, and they are expected to achieve laboratory-level controllable fusion technology within ten years." Safe and stable operation, now being surpassed so far by the Arc Light Group, this face is not bright."

"I just said that our human technology is the most powerful. If you still don't believe it, it's a slap in the face now, haha."

"This is too scary. The Arclight Group's nuclear application technology is so high. They must have mastered the method of manufacturing nuclear bombs. I feel very unsafe when I think that the nuclear bomb may be in the hands of a private company. It should be banned." They use these technologies, give them to the United Nations, and accept the supervision of the United Nations."

"Funny, I don't want to talk to people like you anymore, I don't bother to talk to you."

Before Arclight Aerospace only announced the interior design and exterior design of the spacecraft, and explained the uses of each partition, etc., but the energy zone was skipped after only a brief mention, and it did not introduce it in detail.

Therefore, many people concluded that this spacecraft cannot reach Mars, or that it is impossible to have such a fast speed as Arclight Aerospace said. After all, this energy zone does not seem particularly large.

It's not that no one thought about the possibility of using nuclear power, but at most they thought it was a nuclear fission reaction device installed on it. Some people even condemned arc space for disregarding the life and death of astronauts, which will definitely be affected by radiation.

Some people also believe that, anyway, in space, we will be affected by cosmic radiation, and it is okay to be affected by point nuclear radiation. For the advancement of human spaceflight, these things must be borne by someone.

Not to mention, there is quite a market for this kind of dark current.

However, Arc Light Aerospace has much more conscience than them, and will not joke about the lives of any employees.

And the more important the Arclight Group regards the lives of employees, the greater the shock to the outside world, especially those national institutions, because in order to ensure the safety of astronauts' lives, the higher the technological content here.

The configuration on this Mars spacecraft is simply the top configuration with sunroof and leather seats they imagined. Any key technology removed is enough to be compared with the alien technology they got.

The key is that the alien technology is still broken, and it needs to be restored and cracked, but the Arc Light Group can use it directly.

This... is really heartbreaking.

(End of this chapter)

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