Chapter 780 Dilemma
"How should we deal with this situation? I have never encountered such a situation before, and there are no cases that can be used for reference."

"What else can we do? The other party is just a private company, but we are the great America. Of course we fight back. If we beat them until they surrender, everything will be solved."

"Things are not that simple. Isn't it because the opponent's individual force is stronger than ours now? They can attack our submarines at any time, and the effect of our submarines on them is extremely unclear, which is very detrimental to us."

"That's right, and the opponent also has a record of killing one of our aircraft carrier fleets. It can be said that they have rich experience in dealing with our various ships. Although they are only targeting our strategic nuclear submarines now, they can attack all of our ships at any time."

"The most important thing is that all their warships can submerge and become submarines, which is very bad for us, so that it is difficult for us to find them and attack them."

"Is there nothing we can do? Just watch them protest at us and we don't do anything? Is this still America?"

"That is, the combat effectiveness of their individual ships is high, but their number is definitely not as large as ours. We can fight as many as we can, but we don't believe that we can't annihilate them. If necessary, we can also recruit other countries to form a joint force. , Arclight Group’s territory doesn’t even have strategic depth, so we can definitely penetrate it in a short period of time, then we will win.”

"No, it's not that simple. You have forgotten that in addition to the navy, the Arclight Group also has an army and an air force, and they have great technological advantages, especially they also have space advantages. Their aerospace planes only need to be slightly modified. , that is an air-space fighter, and our chances of winning will be reduced by a few percent..."

"Strikes from space are indeed difficult to defend against. They are too fast to intercept. I don't know how the laser interception system at the laser laboratory is upgraded. If this happens, can it be successfully intercepted? "

"Yeah, space... The focus of our research on the initial island is aerospace technology. I believe there will be results soon. We cannot live without a space force in the United States. This is very important. It is related to national security. I suggest that this matter should be paid more attention to. A little, and a little faster."

Regarding the issue of the molesting of strategic nuclear submarines, although the people present stand on the interests of the United States, their perspectives on thinking about the problem and finding solutions are different. After all, the people here are also divided into hawks and doves. What is advocated is to solve problems by force or peaceful evolution.

At the very least, the starting point for the military and the government to consider issues is not the same. Although they are also divided into hawks and doves, it is obvious that the government must consider things more comprehensively.

The army only needs to consider whether it can fight and whether it can win the war, but the government can't.

Domestic and international political issues, as well as domestic economic issues, and even external relations issues, as well as chain issues that may arise from this matter, etc., all need to be considered by the government, so it cannot be blindly stubborn, or even Giving time is also the best choice.

However, the President of the United States turned off the video after appearing here for a while, because it seems that there is no feasible solution for this matter in a short period of time. He just said to the Minister of Naval Operations before leaving, "Notify all units of the Navy, especially It is the strategic nuclear submarines that are being tracked and provoked to remain vigilant, and once the other party makes any cross-border actions, let the submarines immediately counterattack."

"However, be careful not to attack the headquarters of the Arc Light Group, which is Arc Light Island, because we are not 100% sure whether our opponent is the Arc Light Group."

"Yes, Your Excellency the President," said the Chief of Naval Operations.

After instructing the navy, the air force and the army also gave a little instruction. Although the other party has only found the navy now, there is no guarantee that the other party will not attack the army and the navy.

And once it is really decided to go to war, the air force and army must make corresponding preparations, strive to attack with all their strength in the shortest time, and then defeat the opponent in the shortest time.

The shorter the time it takes, the better it will be for the United States, because the history of the United States' foreign wars in recent decades has clearly told them that the longer it takes, the easier it is to be dragged into the quagmire of war. Unfavorable, so the length of the war is important to them.

After instructing the side in charge of combat, the President of the United States looked at the Minister of Intelligence again, "80% accuracy is not what I want, what I need is 100% confirmation of who our opponent is, so that we can formulate targeted plans , Only in this way can we ensure that we have the greatest chance of winning with the smallest loss in the event of a war, so you must find out who the opponent is in the shortest possible time."

"Remember, I want 100% and clear evidence!"

"Understood, Your Excellency the President," the Minister of Intelligence assured, "We will determine our opponent as soon as possible, be accurate to 100% in the shortest possible time, and find the evidence."

After confirming that everything was said, the President of the United States turned off the video screen, and then rubbed his temples with his eyes closed.

Dealing with this stuff is so frustrating.

But within ten seconds, he opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to press a key on the phone on the desk and said, "Notify the team to wait a moment, I will take a 15-minute break, come and notify me in 15 minutes, and we will go to Congress again. "

"Okay, Mr. President," the caller replied.

Going to Congress, he must want to keep his spirits up. As the president, he has great powers and can even directly declare war on any country, but the military expenses needed for war are allocated by Congress, which hurts him very much.

This time the matter is so big, the United States must make all preparations. Once it decides to go to war, then all military expenditures must keep up, or the war will not be fought.

Moreover, the current situation in the United States is also very complicated. You can’t just say war and fight like before. At the turning point of this era, many people’s thoughts and considerations are different, so what will happen to Congress? He really said No, maybe it will be another big melee, and we have to fight first on the Congress side.

Although in the news reports, those who fight in major meetings are the parliaments of some small places, but they actually have them here, they just don't report them.

Even if it's not because he needs to rest because he's tired from work, or because of a "war" for a while, he has to replenish his mental and physical strength.

After he went to the Congress, the situation there really did not disappoint him. The situation was more complicated than he had imagined, and it was...he had no way to refute it.

The Earth has entered a period of rapid change, and anyone can see it.

After the Arclight Group was born, this sign began to appear. The innovation of science and technology is so fast that it is dizzying. Moreover, after several incidents caused by the Arclight Group, countries around the world have increased their investment in technology. .

Then there is the amazing appearance of the initial island, which is like a shortcut key for the world. Many countries have begun to adjust their national plans and embarked on the fast track of technological innovation. They even don't care much about international affairs. There are fewer disputes, and it seems that all the focus is on the initial island and its related matters.

Because they all know that as long as they seize this opportunity, other things will be easy to talk about, and even the difficult things now will no longer be difficult in the future.

But if you miss this opportunity, you will have to follow others to eat exhaust gas, and you will not be able to see the taillights.

So it's such a critical moment. As the president of the United States, he doesn't want to think about how to develop the United States quickly, but he still wants to make trouble.

PS: For today's chapter, please ask for tickets by the way, hehe (smile without B number)

(End of this chapter)

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