Chapter 491 Someone Wants to Make Trouble Again
After finally having a truly leisurely time, Dong Chen watched a new sci-fi movie while hugging Hei Miao, and when he was getting excited, No. [-] relayed a message to him.

It is the news that the United States will launch a new round of anti-terrorism operations.

Dong Chen set some tasks for No. [-], including telling him when major events happen in the world, and the United States is about to start anti-terrorism, which is undoubtedly a major event.

Watching the President of the United States give an impassioned speech in the video, Dong Chen knew that something would happen again.

The anti-terrorism of the United States is not simply "anti-terrorism".

After the iconic building in the United States was attacked by an airplane, the United States launched a global anti-terrorism war. At that time, it should really go to fight terrorism.

However, as time goes by, there are more and more "loopholes" in the US-style counter-terrorism, and double standards are often implemented, with inappropriate strategies and missteps, so that "the more counter-terrorism, the more terror".

Many people in the world, even many people in the United States, feel that terrorism is getting more and more violent, and the world is less safe than before.

Even many scandals broke out, triggering heated discussions in the United States, as well as turmoil around the world.

There are also two protracted wars, which have plunged the United States itself into the quagmire of war. Thousands of soldiers died in Afghanistan, and the United States has also borne a heavy financial burden for this war.

Not only that, but it also left the local people with their homes riddled with holes, reducing the entire country to ruins, and it has not been relieved so far.

Moreover, the United States is not simply fighting terrorism, but dividing camps in the name of fighting terrorism, just for its own self-interest.It is also the reality of hegemony in the name of anti-terrorism, and as a result, more terrorist activities have been "fired".

The double-standard policy they implement is even more disgusting. In the eyes of the U.S. government, organizations that pose a threat to the U.S. are terrorist organizations, while organizations that pose a threat to other countries are not necessarily, and may even be called freedom fighters.The United States can use force against terrorist organizations and even some countries it defines, while others cannot.

Because the United States is the leader of the world, it holds a considerable voice in the United Nations, and can even bypass the United Nations and directly do it, while other countries can only protest a few words.

But something went wrong after the war started. I thought that after killing those who opposed me, I could support forces close to me, but in the end it led to a crazier organization. Not only did I not get close to them, but even the citizens of my own country suffered.

In the end, the stall got bigger and bigger, and it was out of control. After paying a painful price, the terrorist organization can be basically wiped out. The organization is going to join forces, and it's going to be a big news for them.

And the intelligence personnel of the United States also know their approximate location, so the United States is going to send troops.

Then came the interesting thing.

After the United States announced the news, the United Terrorist Organization also publicly issued a gauntlet to the United States.

Of course, because they also knew that the strength of the enemy and ourselves was very different, they just burned the American flag in a tightly wrapped room.

But losers don’t lose. They also showed their own equipment in the demonstration video, a full set of American equipment. Those who didn’t know thought they were a special force from the United States.

This video almost made the president of the United States crooked his nose. The support aircraft carrier fleet that was originally scheduled to depart a week later immediately accelerated its preparations and set off as quickly as possible.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows the source of these arms, and the President of the United States also knows that they must come from those arms groups in the United States.

It's really hard to say that they sell arms to terrorist organizations.

But they sell a large number of weapons to others every year. This "other" is the middleman of arms.

Middlemen are responsible for finding buyers. Several major arms dealers in the United States only sell to middlemen and do not directly trade with buyers.

So the U.S. government does not know who the weapons were sold to in the end.

Or it is impossible for arms dealers to sell it to other countries, and then other countries sell or provide it to terrorist organizations.

Dong Chen didn't care much about the American country's self-poaching. After he knew that the American country was going to "actual combat training" again, he didn't care.

Moreover, many people have interpreted this anti-terrorism operation for many reasons, most of which are to divert domestic conflicts.

Everyone knows the domestic situation of the United States. With the rise of other countries, the United States is becoming more and more unstable in the number one position, and its international status is unstable. In recent years, various domestic conflicts have a tendency to erupt. .

Especially in the near future, as it approaches 2020, under the leadership of that president, the United States has a tendency to be equaled or surpassed in many aspects. There is beyond.

The fall of the International Space Station is also something that affects "morale". The public is not very satisfied with the performance of the aerospace industry. Now that their own space station is gone, other people's space stations are staying in space.

In the field of space, it is obviously the loudest voice in its own country, but it is not even comparable to private companies in other countries.

The current domestic atmosphere is very bad, and it would be strange not to divert domestic conflicts.

Ask No. [-] to turn off the video, and stop watching sci-fi movies, pinch Heimiao's meat pad and ask No. [-], "How is the investigation on the satellite collision going?"

"Sir, we have not found much evidence, but one of our satellites has detected a bit of information sent from the United States, but the signal strength is very weak, and it is impossible to analyze the specific order, and there is a part of the satellite in the accident in Ah Sanguo this time. Parts from the United States. The United States has some suspicions, but the strange thing is that the International Space Station was also damaged this time. Due to insufficient evidence of direct relationship, it is impossible to determine whether it is the United States.”

One showed some evidence on the screen and said.

After listening to No. [-]'s narration, Dong Chen frowned and thought for a while, "If you say it this way, I'm a little sure that it's the country of the United States. Maybe in their hearts, even if they launch a war to destroy the world, they must It should be initiated. Relatively speaking, to deal with us or Huaguo, destroying an international space station by the way is just a trivial matter, anyway, it will be destroyed after a few years."

"What you said may be correct, but my logic cannot 100% confirm that it is the United States." No. [-] said.

"Then you don't need to confirm," Dong Chen pinched Heimiao's meat pad and said, "I've basically confirmed that it's them, but I don't know why they did this. superior."

"Or do they have confidence in their own technology? It's really big."

However, it is not his habit to suffer losses. If there is a grudge, he has to pay it back. If the materials of the space station are not resistant to beating, those who are too late to withdraw will be finished with the space station.

After thinking for a while, Dong Chen said to No. [-], "Has the submarine warship on Falcon International's side been built yet?"

Hearing Dong Chen's question, No. [-] immediately displayed the graphics of eight warships and a map on the screen.

"A drone submarine aircraft carrier, three submarine frigates, and four submarine destroyers, a total of eight warships have been manufactured, and 120 attack drones have also been manufactured, and all have been delivered to Falcon International. Director Tiff has started corresponding training."

Dong Chen nodded and said, "Contact me with Steve, the American side has already approached us, so we need to find an opportunity to give them a fight back, or they will think we are easy to bully."

"Okay, sir, connecting..."

PS: Today, I watched the WeChat official account push of Juzuo, and I also talked about the matter of the third brother satellite. The title was "Whose fault is it?" So I left a message silently...

(End of this chapter)

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