Chapter 418
"Guys, look, what to say, here comes the breakthrough." Just as they were discussing, Dong Chen suddenly frowned and said.

"What's going on?" Gao Ze asked.

"Something happened in Africa, the war started in Dansu, and our breakthrough has come."

Dong Chen knocked on the table with a solemn expression, and asked No. [-] to provide the information to them as well.

The news on the [-]st can be said to be the earliest, except for the three warring parties in Dansu, and then those local people were the first to know.

The peacekeepers on mission there may still be confirming the real situation in order to report the most accurate information to the higher authorities, but some bold journalists or civilians have already begun to spread news to the outside world.

No. [-] collected this information, and the super-advanced "Sparrow" satellite in earth orbit is not a decoration. Based on the situation captured by the satellite and the information collected, No. [-] analyzed the intensity of the war and immediately Reported the information to Dong Chen.

Because Dong Chen set up such a task for it very early on.

"Good guy, didn't you say that you accepted the mediation of the United Nations a while ago? Why did you suddenly start fighting, and it was a Dansu southern country and Darfur who fought against the Dansu northern country together." The first person who read the news briefing Chen said by himself.

Immediately after the others finished watching, Fang Dingbo, who had been listening to them before, said, "This time the war starts, and I don't know how many people will die. I guess we have to evacuate the overseas Chinese again this time?"

When it comes to evacuating overseas Chinese, there are many topics for everyone to talk about, everyone has everyone's considerations.

"I guess the overseas Chinese are about to be evacuated. Now that any major event happens in other countries, we Huaguo will be the first to go up and evacuate the overseas Chinese and overseas workers safely. It has basically become a standard line."

"So what kind of ship will be launched this time? Will the aircraft carrier go? Get an aircraft carrier fleet."

"I don't know, probably go back?"

"It doesn't make much sense to go to the aircraft carrier, right? What's the use of going there? You can't let people stay on the deck, right? And not all ports can stop the aircraft carrier."

Dong Chen listened to what they said, but Dong Chen shook his head and said with a smile, "Don't make wild guesses, a certain former navy boss has already talked to me about this issue, even though the war hadn't started at that time."

Ex-Navy boss?
"You mean the seat?" Gao Ze was the first to ask.

"That's right, it's the seat," Dong Chen bared his teeth after speaking.

When everyone heard it, it was true that Dong Chen was very familiar with Ju Zuo.

"That's right, Chief...why didn't we expect that, the old man absolutely understands this, please tell us quickly."

"That's right, when did you meet the seat? Did you meet the few days when you received the award?"

Hearing their question, Dong Chen stopped hiding from them and told them all about the chat with the boss that day.

This is an old Jianghu, he has never experienced anything, and his years of military career and sudden... cough, military research have given him a strong strategic vision, so some issues are still very sharp.

As an old soldier, he has been following up and studying the world's developments and military disputes. After all, there are some things he wants to explain on the show.

When Dong Chen went to find him, he was studying the content of the next program, which was the content of Tanzania and Sudan and the Darfur region that were undergoing international mediation at that time.

At that time, it was just a routine "milk" for the bureau, but I didn't expect that they would really fight, but they gave an analysis of various situations, and even guessed that if there was a war, Dansu Beiguo would definitely be the one to be besieged.

At that time, a large number of netizens had already left a "group photo message" meme in the barrage. It can be seen how widespread the bureau's deception is, and they are all waiting for the bureau's milk to kill them.

But these are all things that have already been broadcast, and what can be broadcast are conjectures and speculations, but no conclusions will be made in advance.

Many other things were discussed with Dong Chen in private.

If there is a war in Dansu, the safety of the personnel there cannot be avoided. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the expatriates and nationals abroad, but this time it may not be a simple evacuation of overseas Chinese.

Because China already has several aircraft carriers, and there is also the world's most advanced nuclear-powered electromagnetic catapult aircraft carrier.

If war breaks out in the Dansu area, it is undoubtedly a good thing that Huaguo can send warships and rent foreign merchant ships to bring back all Chinese citizens, and it is a manifestation and result of China's national strength.

This is something to be proud of and worthy of affirmation.

However, this is not the end, if all the people are withdrawn at once, then all the hard work of the Huaguo government and individuals in Dansu before the war will be in vain, and the interests of Huaguo in Dansu will definitely be destroyed by the war. .

You must know that Huaguo's investment in Africa is definitely the most in the world. Many infrastructure constructions are quite expensive, and what Africa lacks most is infrastructure construction.

Once there is a war, it is a force majeure factor in any contract, and the loss is lost, and no one will compensate you.

In the past, even if it was known that the cause of the war was not simple, it was even possible that a certain country was deliberately causing trouble, with the purpose of weakening Hua's overseas influence.

This kind of thing has happened many times before. At that time, Hua Guo had no choice but to evacuate all the people after the war broke out in order to ensure the safety of the people, and then watched those things be destroyed.

The overseas Chinese were evacuated several times, but they were destroyed several times.

If war breaks out again this time, the bureau chief said that Hua Guo will never withdraw again, the things there are piled up bit by bit, how could it be possible for others to give up after a little disturbance.

Why did Huaguo build an aircraft carrier?
Why is the Chinese navy going to dark blue?

It is to protect the overseas interests of China and at the same time safeguard peace in the world.

Judging from the "mediation" of regional wars involving the United Nations several times, weak and small countries have nothing to say at all. Even the resolutions issued by the United Nations are double standards. Absolutely.

It's not that there is no reason to say, there is a reason to say, "airplane cannon" is the reason, but don't have it.

As an old navy, the bureau seat has watched the Huaguo Navy come to this point, and also watched Huaguo's national power rise to this day. He clearly told Dong Chen that this is the reason why Huaguo developed an aircraft carrier.

When China has multiple aircraft carrier formations, not to mention being able to crush the United States in terms of strength, even if it is on an equal footing with the United States, the situation will be different.

If the Chinese were evacuated due to wars in the past, Hua Guo could send two aircraft carrier formations to tell the local government or local troublemakers, "Hua Guo's interests are here, and Hua Guo" will never allow you to have wars. "

See if they will make a choice easily?It's still the kind of choice that doesn't give Huaguo face.

The answer must be obvious at a glance.

When Hua Guo's aircraft carrier wandered around the world, some people lost their temper.

It will not happen that Huaguo can only watch the war break out, and then mobilize its forces to withdraw people, but throw all the money in the local area.

The bureau has already told Dong Chen that if there is war in the Dansu area, the Huaguo aircraft carrier will definitely fly there, but it is not for evacuating overseas Chinese in the past, but for deterrent and peacekeeping.

With peace, there is no need to evacuate overseas Chinese.

"If that's the case, then where is our breakthrough? After the place is settled, won't there be nothing for us?" Xiang Wu asked after listening to Dong Chen's explanation.

"So we have to buy time ourselves," Dong Chen said, and asked No. [-] to unfold a flat virtual map on the table, "The director has already told me that it is definitely not easy for our Huaguo aircraft carrier to stop there. It is not a question of whether it can be opened, but a question of how to open it. The resistance is definitely very large, so when Huaguo is arguing with other countries, we have to do what we have to do."

(End of this chapter)

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