The first princess of the world

Chapter 8 Waste material prostitute

Chapter 8

Who said that she is useless and can't practice martial arts? She is just born with a weaker body because she was not born at full term.The doctor just said that she is not suitable for strenuous exercise.

But I don't know why it was considered waste material by the family members.Thinking of this, Nangong Fengxue suddenly remembered that she seemed to have practiced martial arts when she was a child, and knew every move and half style.It's just that later, for some unknown reason, she fainted as soon as she used force, and then became a complete waste.It's just that it happened before I was five years old, so I don't remember it very clearly.

If it wasn't like this this time, she still couldn't remember it.But why was it possible before the age of five, but not after the age of five?Nangong Fengxue couldn't help thinking deeply, but there was no information about this in her mind.I had no choice but to give up, not thinking about it for the time being.

It's just that Nangong Fengxue made up her mind to find out what the reason is in the future.

After getting up and getting out of bed, it was already very dark, Nangong Fengxue realized that a whole day and night had passed since her practice.Fortunately, the injury on my body is not as painful as it was at the beginning, and the swelling on my feet has also disappeared a lot, at least when I stand on the ground, I don't have that kind of heart-piercing pain.

After groping for a firebox in the dark, Nangong Fengxue lit the oil lamp on the table beside her.Thinking that this family is really not ordinary ruthless.Although she is a good-for-nothing, she is still a daughter-in-law, but she didn't expect that it had been so long, and not even a 'fly and mosquito' came to patronize her.

Even if she died here, no one would probably find out.It can be seen how cold people's hearts are in this so-called big family, maybe they will only appear when they want to punch out, and they will think of her, just like that Nangong Yuying that day.

It would be very sad if it was the real Nangong Fengxue.Fortunately, she is not the real Nangong Fengxue, and she has been used to this kind of world of the jungle since childhood.

At this moment, Nangong Fengxue just evoked an evil smile, which made her look full of evil spirits, but made people feel afraid to face her face, as if she would be swallowed up by her evil spirit at any time.

The trace of Ling Han in his eyes looked directly at the direction of the Nangong family mansion, full of murderous aura, like two blazing flames.Open the door and dodge into the darkness.

Nangong Fengxue dodged guards one after another, and fled into the big kitchen lightly.Looking at the covered pot, he lifted the cover and reached out to take out a few remaining buns, and ate them one by one.A pair of small eyes turned around, seeing the roast chicken on the bowl beside him, he made a paper bag, took a few more buns, and then returned to his small courtyard again.

Back in the small courtyard, Nangong Fengxue put the things on the table, and she came to the courtyard again, taking advantage of the night to ignore the pain on her body, and began to train her skills.

If you practice your skills one day earlier, you will be able to leave this thin and cool family one day earlier. When the sky is high, the birds will fly, and the sea will be wide enough for fish to leap. It will be such a pleasant thing.

Nangong Fengxue practiced from the most basic. For a whole hour, she repeated the most basic movements, squatting, jumping, and waving.

Nangong Fengxue went back to the room to wash and rest when she didn't know how many times her body was wet with sweat.Of course she is definitely the kind of person who doesn't waste a little time.This time, she didn't lie down, but meditated and practiced the Spring Sun Melting Snow Art, like an old monk entering meditation.Nangong Fengxue only opened her eyes when the first ray of sunlight shone into the hut in the morning.

Feeling the lightness in her body, she jumped up directly from the bed, then turned around and sat on the chair with the hem of her clothes lifted.The speed of that movement is not like a person who has just learned martial arts for a day or two.

Maybe Nangong Fengxue is a genius, otherwise she wouldn't have achieved such an achievement in such a short period of time.This speed is really surprising, even Nangong Fengxue in her previous life was not so exaggerated.

Although she didn't sleep all night, Nangong Fengxue didn't look tired at all. She sat in front of the vanity mirror.Looking at his own shadow printed in the bronze mirror, a strange color flashed across his face.

(End of this chapter)

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