Chapter 331 Brewing Good Wine
The world of little people is pure and innocent, and they get along together. Although it is the first time they play, these children play very harmoniously.

However, Xiao Xiurui is well aware of the danger of playing with the princes, so every time she plays new tricks with Xiao Li Zhi, she asks him to say in public, "If the king falls, kowtows and holds it, It has nothing to do with you, forgive your innocence!"

After saying this solemnly, Xiao Xiurui agreed to allow Xiao Li Zhi to play with them.

As a result, this sentence became Xiao Li Zhi's catchphrase. It took only two days for this little kid to become a habit.

Li Ke, who was guarding Li Zhi's side, seemed to have a nervous twitch at the corners of Li Ke's mouth, and his beautiful mouth twitched crookedly.

Xiao Xiurui, who carved jade and porcelain dolls in powder, has a lot of eyes. She was afraid that if she played with Xiao Li Zhi, she would be questioned if something went wrong, so she thought of this trick.

Although this trick is a bit naive, it is also effective. After all, Jin Wang Li Zhi is a prince and represents the royal dignity. Naturally, what he says is nails, no joke!
Li Ke felt that you should not underestimate the IQ of these children, let alone Xiao Xiurui.

About these children, Xiao Yulian, Cheng Yaoduo, Cheng Yaojin and the others didn't know anything about them.

Now that they are busy with wine making, how can they take care of these children?

Besides, Xiao Yulian knew that Xiao Xiurui was reborn from Princess Nanyang, and she had an adult mind, so nothing would happen to her if she played with those children.

In the brewery, all the brewing tools are ready, and everything is ready.

Xiao Yulian took Cheng Yaojin and Cheng Yaoduo, as well as a group of trainers, to start the wine making business.

The food sent by the veterans in Chang'an City this time includes sorghum, corn, rice, and glutinous rice, which are the main raw materials for wine making.

Cheng Yaojin looked at the piles of grain stacks that looked like hills, and grinned with joy, wow-ha-ha-ha-ha, the color of gold and silver seemed to be swaying in front of his eyes, he was so happy that he couldn't speak.

Cheng Yaoduo was even more beautiful in his heart. He followed behind Xiao Yulian, and said in a lowly tone, "Daughter-in-law, tell me, if these grains can be made into wine, isn't our family rich? Huh? At that time, our daughter-in-law's dowry, our daughter's dowry, hahaha... don't worry about it."

This dude, the child is only four, five or six years old, he has such a long-term plan, those who don't know think that he has far-sighted plans.

Xiao Yulian glared at him angrily, and warned, "I will stay with our daughter for a few more years. If she doesn't, she is not allowed to marry. My son is not yet 20 years old, so he is not allowed to marry."

Thirteen or fourteen-year-old brats are betrothed to them. Except for the emperor Li Shimin who can do such an inhuman thing, her children of Xiao Yulian are not allowed to be treated as livestock so early to reproduce!

Just married?

Married at the age of 20?

Cheng Yaoduo was impatient for a while, so to are the mother of the two children, aren't you? , Isn't it too late to get married at the age of 20?

But Cheng Yaoduo, who always took his daughter-in-law's words as the main purpose, even though he didn't agree with Xiao Yulian's statement in his heart, he didn't refute it face-to-face. Anyway, the child got married early, so it's irrational to argue with his daughter-in-law now!

Not to mention that Cheng Yaoduo didn't quite agree with Xiao Yulian's idea, even Cheng Yaojin didn't agree with her doing this, whose daughter stayed until eighteen?It's not that no one wants it anymore, why don't you choose a good husband's family for her earlier?
On the matter of Xiao Xiurui's marriage, Cheng Yaoduo and Cheng Yaojin had an amazing understanding, and they had the same thoughts in their hearts. They must not keep this child until eighteen, and delay her.

Xiao Yulian didn't know that the two brothers were already preparing for a protracted war with her, and what she cared about most now was her property.

In terms of wine making, although the wine workshops are all owned by Cheng Yaojin, but the property belongs to the Cheng family, she is still very careful, so she decided to brew some corn wine first, to try the taste of wine brewed with Lingquan water How about brewing other grain wine.

"Brother, you bring all the trainers here first, and I will teach them step by step. This steamer is very particular about the ingredients, and there must be no carelessness, otherwise the taste of the wine will not be satisfactory."

At this time, Cheng Yaojin looked like a good boy, obediently waving for the selected brewing technicians.

"I'm waiting to see the Duke, the Earl, and the Countess." These people are Cheng Yaojin's loyal servants. They followed Cheng Yaojin to the battlefield as a soldier, and after coming down from the battlefield, they returned to Su Guogong He served the government and was loyal to Cheng Yaojin.

"Hurry up, listen to me and listen carefully to the Countess' instructions. From now on, we will entrust you to make wine in our brewery. If you make good wine, you will be rewarded; if there is a mistake, you will be punished severely. !" Cheng Yaojin shouted, and these people hurriedly responded, "Yes!"

Xiao Yulian explained to them one by one according to the brewing procedures, and handed the brewing notes she compiled to Zhang Yan, the leader among them, "This is the brewing notes, you must strictly follow the above method to make, you must not Opportunistic."

"Yes, ma'am!" Zhang Yan took the lead, answering loudly and confidently!

Satisfied with their good and rigorous attitude, Xiao Yulian smiled slightly, and took out a box of Jiuqu pills that had been prepared from the armband, and solemnly said, "This is a must for wine making. It is different from the usual Jiuqu pills. You should not take it lightly, any more will be bitter, and one less will be astringent, and the taste of the brewed wine will be extremely bad."

Hearing the words, Zhang Yan and the others immediately tensed up, and once again solemnly expressed that they dare not be negligent.

So, for three days in a row, Xiao Yulian stayed at the brewery, instructing Zhang Yan and others to make wine.

Three days was not long, but it was not short either. Cheng Yaoduo and Cheng Yaojin were like patron saints, guarding the winery all the time, never leaving the brewing pot, even more nervous than Zhang Yan and the others.

When the glutinous rice wine was finally brewed, the two brothers were completely insane. Without saying a word, they tremblingly picked up the water ladle, scooped up half a scoop of the sweet glutinous rice wine, and drank it in one gulp.

The high-purity glutinous rice wine is sweet to drink, but the alcohol content is much higher than that of Datang's bad wine, and it is much stronger, so when the two brothers started drinking it, they were not on their feet, and after a while, they both became top-heavy The eyes are dizzy, and there are double eyes everywhere.

"Daughter-in-law, you, don't move, don't move. You're shaking so much... I can't find you." This is Cheng Yaoduo.

But Cheng Yaojin staggered towards Zhang Yan, "Daughter-in-law, I haven't seen you for a few days, why have you changed? Come on, when my husband puts a flower with you, you will be even more handsome."

Well, this old rascal doesn't even distinguish between men and women, so calling him like this really confirms his old rascal's nickname!

(End of this chapter)

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