Chapter 115 Hotel
114 Hotel
After graduating from university, Zhang Xiaoxiao did not obey the arrangement like most of his classmates. He returned to teach in a certain school in his hometown, or became the secretary of a government unit or a large company.She opened a hotel in the downtown area of ​​Nanshi, and managed it in an orderly manner, with a sharp increase in turnover. In addition, she also has several other properties and shops for rent.She lived a leisurely life, and soon, she learned a driver's license, bought a Volkswagen, and often traveled between Nanshi and Nanxian.

At that time, there were very few people with cars. In order not to be too ostentatious, she chose this very common Volkswagen model, but even though she was so low-key, her behavior still aroused discussions among the neighbors.

A girl's family finally got admitted to university. After graduation, instead of keeping a good job with peace of mind, she started her own business, and drove a car to go in and out after graduation. Otherwise, as a girl who just graduated, she has the ability to do business and drive a car?

People's words are terrible, and people use ordinary concepts to guess that if a young and beautiful girl is rich, it is definitely because she has gone bad, not because of her own ability.

Zhang Xiaoxiao didn't care about other people's comments, but his parents and grandpa did, so he had to keep a low profile.

Zhang Xiaoxiao saw that although the restaurant opened by his parents was doing well, it was too hard work. Now, not to mention the money they have accumulated over the years, it is just the annual rent, which is inexhaustible, but they just can't stop.

Zhang Xiaoxiao had no choice but to build his own house on Nanhua Street into the best hotel in Nan County.The fifteen shops on the ground floor are still rented out, and the rooms on the ten floors above are all standard rooms. Nanhua Hotel can be said to be the first house with an elevator in Nan County. There are ordinary standard rooms and deluxe standard rooms, which can accommodate different levels There is a yard and a parking lot at the back.Zhang Xiaoxiao named this hotel Nanhua Hotel.

Thanks to the experience in the management and operation of Nantong Hotel in Nanshi, Zhang Xiaoxiao’s Nanhua Hotel quickly entered the right track. Because it is located in the bustling Nanhua Street in Nanxian County, Nanhua Hotel was quickly known and loved by people in Nanxian County. accept.Business is also getting better and better.

Zhang Xiaoxiao intentionally guided his father to come to Nanhua Hotel to have a look, especially with the increasing turnover, Zhang Weimin was also tempted. No matter how good the business of the restaurant is, it is really nothing compared to the income of the hotel.Moreover, everything in the hotel is in order under the management of my daughter. If I take over by myself, I will only be the boss in name, and there is almost nothing to do.

Thinking about it this way, when I compare it, I feel that the restaurant that used to be opened easily and contentedly has become cumbersome and tiring now.Coupled with Zhang Xiaoxiao fanning the flames in Zhang Weimin's ears every day, Zhang Weimin finally decided to transfer the restaurant out.

The next day after the wind was released, Boss Zhao came to the door, intending to turn Zhang into a private restaurant. Although the business of Boss Zhao’s rice noodle restaurant has always been good, there are more and more people doing business now, and the competition is also increasing. The stronger you are, if you stop thinking of ways and keep sticking to the old rules, you will be eliminated one day.Boss Zhao is a shrewd and capable person. When he was thinking hard about further development, he heard that Zhang Weimin’s restaurant was about to be sold. He knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Zhang Weimin’s restaurant was almost a household name in Nan County. They are all very valuable, and Zhang Weimin's character is not mentioned. It is not that he, Boss Zhao, has dealt with him before. Transferring the restaurant from him is not only profitable, but also reassuring.

Boss Zhao and Zhang Weimin are old acquaintances on the same street. One intends to transfer, the other intends to take over, and they quickly negotiated the transfer at a price of 15 yuan.Even all the furniture of the house and signboard plus Zhang Weimin worked for Boss Zhao's house for a month, during which he generously received his life's cooking skills.

It can be said that Boss Zhao took the lead when he heard the news. Later, a few people heard that Zhang Weimin’s restaurant was going to be transferred, so they hurried over. It's a pity to say that since you have spoken first, you can't go back on your word.People can only return with a sigh.

Zhang Weimin switched restaurants and began to learn how to manage Nanhua Hotel.Driven by his daughter, Zhang Weimin quickly learned the management model of Nanhua Hotel.Because of this, Zhang Xiaoxiao got out of the business and was happy to be at leisure.She let Zhang Weimin handle all the affairs of the Nanhua Hotel. She only occasionally went to see her Nantong Hotel in Nanshi, and sometimes went for a walk on the street alone, as long as she had money and found suitable land and houses. She just bought it, and no one except herself, her relatives and friends including her parents knew how much house and land she had accumulated.

Zhang Xiaoxiao's life is leisurely and compact, she seems to be casual but well-organized, step by step.Most of the time, Zhang Xiaoxiao reads books. Sometimes he feels itchy and writes some articles for newspapers and magazines. Watching the words he writes become printed and published in his favorite publications, the joy and achievement in his heart are more than the income he earns. A lot of money even worse.

Zhang Xiaoxiao likes to enjoy this kind of life very much, earning easy money with confidence, doing what he likes without any financial pressure and utilitarianism, what a pleasant day it is.

Of course, such a comfortable and comfortable day is not so beautiful when facing parents and friends.

My classmates and friends in college all have boyfriends, and they come and go in pairs, not to mention friends from middle school. Hu Yanlin’s daughter is two years old, and Xu Yinfang’s son is half a year old. He is chubby and very cute.

Since knowing that Zhang Xiaoxiao and Guan Haoran broke up, Xiaoxiao's mother has been worrying about her daughter's marriage.After the transfer of the restaurant, Xiaoxiao's mother was completely free and became a housewife, and she devoted all her attention to Zhang Xiaoxiao.Do everything possible to arrange a blind date for Zhang Xiaoxiao.So much so that Zhang Xiaoxiao solemnly protested that if her mother interfered like this again, she would never come back. Zhang Xiaoxiao did what she said, and she really came back to Nanxian several times, staying with her friends and not going home.The mother had no choice but to surrender. Although she was anxious, she didn't dare to chatter with her daughter anymore, or try to find a blind date for her.

(End of this chapter)

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