Chapter 492 The Confession of Washing the Dish

(Four consecutive updates)

Lin Mengmeng tilted her head and looked at He Youyi.His profile is as dazzling and beautiful as a star, and his deep eyes are so clear at the moment, shining with a dazzling brilliance.When speaking, his Adam's apple fluctuated slightly, like a boy, but also like a man.He is thinking.

Lin Mengmeng, a little nymphomaniac, was attracted by this masculinity, she couldn't help leaning towards him, stretched out her hand to hang his arm, and said softly:

"Xiao Zhi, your ambition is really ambitious. But, is there a major in designing airplanes in college? It sounds very daunting."

Speaking of the topic he was interested in, He Youyi turned slightly. "Yes, I can apply for the aerospace design and engineering major of Imperial University, which is a high-end major in China. It is not only about designing aircraft, but also long-range missiles and landing on the moon like we saw in the news. Plans, spacecraft, etc., are also top-notch technologies from this field."

Hearing what he said, Lin Mengmeng was shocked. "It turns out that your dream has already crossed the earth and went to outer space. You are indeed a genius. I knew that your choice would be different."

"What kind of genius is not a genius? I believe that many people have this dream. They want to know what kind of world is above the unknown clouds." When he spoke, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and his eyes were half-closed, as if he really Traveling in imaginary space.

That must feel great, right?

Lin Mengmeng suddenly stood up and smiled. "Then you study hard, and when the Trisolarans attack the earth in the future, you will make the best aircraft to attack them and defend the home of the earth."

"Hahaha, thank you for thinking it out!" He You frowned: "I'm thinking about the future very seriously, what are you talking about?"

Lin Mengmeng pursed her lips: "I'm also thinking about it seriously. I believe there are aliens."

He Youyi couldn't help joking: "Aren't you a Martian yourself, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that your companion will come to pick you up and go back to your hometown?"

"Hmph, even if I'm a Martian, I'm still a princess on Mars, they have to roll out the red carpet to pick me up!"

He Youyi was amused and laughed loudly: "Then you can't help the brothers on Mars, how long is the red carpet..."

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City A airport, international waiting room.

A pleasant female voice came from the radio. "Passengers who are taking flight BG128, please go to gate 11 to check in..."

Xue Huan stood up, pulled up the handle of the suitcase with one hand, and said to the boy beside him with sideways eyes:

"Merce, I'm leaving, there will be a period later."

Mo Ce put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile: "It's rare that I took the opportunity to see you off when I changed schools. Are you so indifferent? You just want to leave without even saying a word to me?" Because he no longer has to pretend to be stupid Well, in order to train him, the people of the Mo family have transferred him to the private eleventh middle school through their relationship, so that he can easily have a new start.

"What can I say??" Xue Huan glanced at him, and secretly complained why this person was so troublesome, "I even said no, you insisted on coming to see me off, and I didn't beg you." She said coldly After Leng finished speaking, he walked away, but Mo Ce grabbed his wrist.

"What are you doing?!" As soon as she was about to shake her hand, she felt that Mo Ze's cheek had come directly from behind, almost touching her face, and her warm breath was blowing around her ear, making her heart skip a beat Jumped a beat.

He just said calmly: "Miss fiancee, the revenge has been avenged, we must make persistent efforts."

Xue Huan was furious: "Miss fiancee??? First, the fiancee is fake, so I don't bother to talk to you. Second, I'm not a miss, huh!! Mo Qishao, let me remind you that my relationship with you is At most, it is a community of interests.”

Mo Ce was not angry at all when she denied it like this. "Even if it is a community of interests, you will have to share weal and woe with me in the future. Maybe you will fall in love with me for a long time that day, and you will become very clingy to me..."

Xue Huan showed his sharp little canine teeth, and his eyes turned sideways. "I can't see that you have delusional disorder. Go to the hospital soon."

She was too lazy to talk nonsense, and walked directly into the boarding aisle, mingling with the crowd, her ears filled with the sound of suitcase pulleys one after another.

Mo Ce stood where he was, watching her leave, with that warm smile still in his eyes.

"You girl, you are really... not cute from the beginning to the end." The tone was a little doting.

Knowing nothing about this, Xue Huan strode forward with his head held high, without looking back once.Forgive such a big bend, she finally knew what the meaning of her life was for the rest of her life.

Since she gave up He Youyi, she once lost her goal and devoted herself to painting, wanting to express all her loneliness and loneliness through the brush, but now she knows.

She wanted to revive her father's company and revive Xue's real estate's pivotal position in City A.

She is very clear that in order to achieve this goal, she still has a lot of things to do.

Time is waiting for me.Huanhuan, come on.she said to herself.

It may be because the weather is too cold, so this winter has passed very, very slowly.It feels like the beginning of spring is almost here, but when I look at the calendar, it is Christmas.

The streets and alleys of City A are full of Christmas joy: the tall Christmas tree and plastic reindeer standing in the Central Park, the colorful stars hanging on the street trees, and the transparent glass windows of the commercial street covered with snowflakes and sequins. ...all stimulating people, looking for an excuse to party!
Zuo Li originally planned to spend Christmas by staying at home and playing video games, but he was unlucky. The newly opened small supermarket downstairs played two songs in a loop over and over again. The resentful clerk who worked overtime at Christmas did this on purpose——

The first one is "A Christmas Knot" by Eason Chan.Every line of the lyrics is full of accusations and sadness of a single dog, and the second song is "End Loneliness" by Mayday.But loneliness is a thing, the more you want to end it, the more you can't end it.I don't feel anything after listening to it once, but if I listen to it twice, three times, N times...

He finally couldn't bear the loneliness, ran to the balcony to take a few sips of the cool breeze, then turned on his cell phone and dialed Zhou Waiwai's number.

"Hey, Wai Wai, come and play at my house."

"To your house? I don't." Zhou Waiwai remembered that at this time last year, it was Zuo Li who invited her to play, but she ran over excitedly, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw him lying on the ground in a drunken mess. There was still a pool of smudges from his vomit on the floor... Woohoo, there was no other way, she had no choice but to admit that she was unlucky and help him clean up for free, so she knew how messy Zuo Li's single man's room was. Difference!
Tsk tsk tsk, as a doctor, my personal life is so unhygienic!In the impression that Zuo Li was a super clean freak when he was a student, how come he has become a bearded uncle now?In short, when she thought of this past, she could smell the smell of wine when she entered the door at the tip of her nose, and she couldn't help frowning.

If others heard Zhou Wawai's refusal, they would basically give up, but Zuo Li was different, he was a roundworm in Zhou Wawai's stomach, he knew how to catch the big and let go of the small, and hit the nail on the head.He said unhurriedly:

"Way, it's the end of the year, do you have no money to pay for your home network? Has it been disconnected??? Hehe, my home's wifi is very fast, super fast, and you can use it for free. And I will give you a special Delicious food. You know my craftsmanship is good. I will definitely not get drunk this time, and I will definitely wait for you to come to eat."

The person on the phone thought for a few seconds before answering. "Okay, I'll come."

The best way to deal with a dead house author is to cut her net.In the same way, the best way to seduce a dead house writer out of the nest is to tell her that there is unlimited wifi in the meeting place.

Zhou Waiwai was so stupid that he tricked him into going home.As soon as you enter the door, you will see a variety of delicacies on the table.

"I'll go! Chef Zuo, you are very sincere this time. Look at the ingredients you bought, they are all quite expensive!" She praised incessantly.

"Naturally, is it not expensive to entertain you?" Zuo Li greeted her with a smile: "There are one or two more dishes, just wait outside."

"Okay, keep working hard." Zhou Waiwai was not polite, and ran directly to his study.

The study seems to have been tidied up, much neater than last time.Zhou Waiwai is an author after all, and what interests him most is what new books are in other people's study rooms.

After looking around, she suddenly discovered something.

There isn't a single book 'that' either in the crevices of the bookshelves.The so-called "that side" books are the books that men like and keep privately the most.When they are lonely, the books they like to take out and read and ravage most.

What, there is not even a small h book!Zhou Waiwai became more determined in his heart: Zuo Li is absolutely incompetent.

She really misunderstood Zuo Li when she thought this way, Dr. Zuo is a real man, but his taste is rather weird and "picky".At this moment, he was preparing to confess his love to Zhou Waiwai.

It's been so many years, the misunderstanding should be cleared up.He missed too many opportunities, and every time the words came to his lips, he was blocked back.Afraid of losing, but unknowingly, using "friends" as a shield to stay with her, and sometimes even feel that it is good to be friends with her like this for a lifetime.But on this lonely Christmas Eve, he didn't want to be alone.No matter what, I want to be with this woman.

Zhou Waiwai is the most suitable woman he has ever met in his life, but she never sees herself as a man, it's a tragedy...

Really, you stole my first kiss, and you still refuse to take responsibility!Zuo Li bit her cheek, and made up her mind to get her done tonight, starting with conquering her stomach.

"Zhou Waiwai, come over to eat!" He skillfully took off the apron and hung it on the hook. This action was seen by Zhou Waiwai who came out, and she teased him that he was a bitch.

"What the hell? Don't you cook without wearing an apron?" Zuo Li objected.

Zhou Waiwai innocently opened his eyes wide, and replied confidently: "I never cook."

Zuo Li couldn't help insulting her: "Sometimes you really don't look like a woman."

Zhou Waiwai rolled his eyelids, and retorted: "You man sometimes doesn't look like a woman."

That's really... irritating.It takes more damage to have more damage.Zuo Li almost rushed over directly, letting her experience her masculinity for herself.Finally, he endured his anger and pointed at the dishes on the table with his chopsticks.

"Come on, Chef Ben has worked so hard to make it. You should have a taste of it."

Zhou Waiwai happily picked up the bowls and chopsticks, ate deliciously, wiped his mouth and said with a smile:

"Yeah, not bad, Eunuch Zuo of the Imperial Dining Room, you have done a good job..."

Zuo Li lowered his face when he heard this. "You said that as a writer, can you stop speaking so aggressively? I know that your recent book "Love Tyrant" has been relatively good, but so what? After a small success, you will be defiant, right?"

"Where is it? I have such a normal heart." Zhou Waiwai has indeed lived a relatively healthy life recently, and saved a little money. "That book will be popular, and you don't want to see who the prototype is."

Speaking of which, the two young men Lu Bin and Zhuang Shihao really seem to be right.She started to act unruly again... This is a common fault of the author...

The two just talked to each other like this, and they exchanged cups and cups, and finally wiped out the plates of food.

After the meal, Zuo Li suddenly said, "Zhou Wai Wai, you must stay and wash the dishes for me."

"Okay." The soft-mouthed Zhou Waiwai held a toothpick in his mouth and rubbed his full stomach.

But Zuo Li didn't stop there, and immediately said: "You also come to wash the dishes for me tomorrow."

"No way, I'm not your maid, why should I wash it for you?" Of course Zhou Wawai was not happy.

Zuo Li continued to give orders as if he didn't hear her words: "You have to come and wash the dishes for me the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the next month, or even after that."

"Hey! Zuo Li, you have to be reasonable. I just ate your meal, and I didn't sell myself to you. You act like a landlord and rich man, what kind of evil have you fallen into?"

"I fell into your evil spirit." Zuo Li gritted his teeth and said courageously. "Zhou Wai Wai, we are all grown up, don't make trouble, let's just live together."

Zhou Waiwai almost spit out a mouthful of Coke. "Have a honeysuckle together!! Are you drunk again???"

"I'm not drunk, I mean..." Zuo Li tried to make his voice sound more natural, "I think you and I are quite suitable, if you don't hate me, just stay with me. From now on we I am willing to hand over the passbook for you to keep."

Zhou Waiwai stared at him, remained silent for a while, and slandered: You are an incompetent X, why are you teasing me, an old leftover girl, if you have nothing to do?Is there anyone as cute as you?

Seeing that she was silent, Zuo Li continued: "In the future I will be responsible for making money, and you will be responsible for writing books. When you don't want to write books, you can wash the dishes for me, okay?"

 I originally wrote the manuscript today, but the writer's assistant couldn't save it due to convulsions, so I rewrote the full text, vomiting blood ING...

(End of this chapter)

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