Chapter 427 Sudden Appearance
(two in one)

If Lin Mengmeng is a cloud in the sky, only occasionally projected on He Youyi's heart; then Ruan Xixia is a nuclear bomb, no matter how many copper and iron walls are erected, it will be blown into barrenness in an instant.

As soon as the morning reading time arrived, Principal Luo was on the radio, asking the teachers to lead the students in the second and third grades to the playground.

Lin Mengmeng was extremely dissatisfied, and threw the English book on the table with a little emotion, complaining repeatedly:
"What are you doing? You have to dictate words in the first class, you have to race against time, and you have to go to the playground to drink northwest wind?!"

Every time before Justin took dictation, she took chances and crammed herself in the morning, never reviewing herself.

"Hey, let's go. I'll help you when you dictate. I recited it for half an hour last night." Yin Xia got up and waved to Lin Mengmeng.

Half an hour of study time is enough to widen the gap.Lin Mengmeng was convinced: "Okay, it's settled."

The students came to the playground in groups and took the opportunity to frolic a few times before dragging their feet to the playground and forming a square team in order of class.

Teacher Tan Shao has caught a cold for the past two days, his voice is hoarse, his complexion is very bad, his brows are raised high, he changed his usual friendly image, and with his hands behind his back, he greeted the students of Liberal Arts Class [-] ferociously:

"Is your leg broken? Why are you moving so slowly? Do you want me to push it myself?"

For teachers who don't usually show their power, it is very useful to show their power.The first class quickly assembled, standing like a pine tree comparable to military training.

After the division of arts and sciences, the lineup is bounded by the center line of the rostrum, and the most middle square is the first class of science and the first class of liberal arts, and then extends to the second and third classes in two directions, and then turns back to continue to the fourth class and fifth class... and so on.

Therefore, Lin Mengmeng, who was standing fourth in the row on the left, stepped on her feet and looked at the upper left corner, and she could see He Youyi, who was standing next door in the first class of science class.Every time the school held court meetings for various reasons, she used this to comfort herself.

The moment the principal stood on the rostrum, the fugue began.

No matter what you say, if I don’t listen, if I don’t listen, I’m going to let go, I’m going to sleep with my eyes open, hum.

However, when the lengthy speech was over, there was a collective commotion inside the phalanx.

Tan Shao's face became even darker, and he almost gritted his teeth: "Quiet! Be quiet!"

Other teachers greet students in the same way.

Lin Mengmeng's attention was finally drawn to the rostrum by such a yell.

Hey, the principal is gone, the vice-principal is gone, and the dean seems to have stepped down.

Hey, how did you come up with a sister who is as beautiful as an advertising model?

The long-term monotonous and boring rostrum, because of the existence of this sister, has added a touch of bright pink, which makes people sigh: how can they wear thick cotton clothes on beautiful women, so that they become so slim and thin? Are people envious?
Some girls who love beauty glanced at their school uniforms with bored expressions.

Since she had just left, Lin Mengmeng didn't know who this beautiful woman was, so she pricked up her little ears and listened to the whispers of the girls in the back row:

"It turns out that she is Ruan Xixia, she is indeed the number one beauty in the Sixth High School!"

"That's right, An Manxuan can't compare with it."

"The key is that he has a quality and a heart, and he is a top student of the Imperial University! That year he ranked first in the sixth Chinese subject college entrance examination!"

"Tsk tsk, people who are prettier and smarter than me actually work harder, I'm dead..."


There are still a lot of words left, Lin Mengmeng is not in the mood to listen anymore, she looks like petrified, looking at the beautiful figure on the stage with a dull expression, comparing the little girl in the photo in her memory with the person in front of her.

The eyebrows and eyes are very similar, but the overall temperament is completely different. Ruan Xixia, who is wearing light makeup on the stage, is not mature like a college student, but more like a career woman who has been immersed in the workplace for two or three years.

She has a rare temperament. When she is not smiling, she is a little cold, but when she smiles, she is extremely charming.

She politely bowed to the school leader, reached out to adjust the microphone, and said with a smile:
"Hello, juniors and juniors. Seeing your dark circles like little pandas, I feel relieved. It is estimated that the number of people admitted to key universities this year will surge again, right?"

Under the stage, many teachers and students showed tacit smiles.The whispers gradually stopped, and everyone listened quietly.

In front of so many people, Ruan Xixia's voice was still melodious and resonant, with no sense of tension at all.

"Principal Luo invited me here today because he wanted me to give you a bloodbath. In this case, I will chat with you as someone who has been here, the power of dreams..."

Afterwards, she delivered a speech fluently in a lively and humorous tone.

The people in the audience listened with gusto, sometimes passionately, sometimes pondering, and were so moved by the inspirational examples of counterattacks in the college entrance examination that the senior sister said.

He is indeed the proud son of a prestigious university... When he speaks, he quotes from many sources and has profound insights.

There were only three of them, and their minds were very distracted.Not to mention listening to the content, even the basic item of expression management is very reluctant.

Ruan Xixia is back, she is back...

This is the person He Youyi likes... As the rumors say, he is impeccable...

That's right, only with such demeanor can he win his heart...

Lin Mengmeng could only feel her heart pounding, swallowed uncontrollably, stood on tiptoe, and tilted her head to look at He Youyi.

Even if she only looked at his back, she could roughly guess his mood at the moment.

Crashed, angry, overwhelmed.

He stood up straight as always, with his head held high, but under his drooping arms, his fists were clenched extremely tightly, even trembling slightly.

I panicked inexplicably.

She really wanted to go up to him, hold his hand, and comfort him a few words, but she couldn't.

Can't do anything but watch it happen.

There was another person who was equally astonished to the point of forgetting to breathe - An Manxuan.

It's not because of Ruan Xixia's more eye-catching beauty.She is not stupid enough to compare appearance with Ruan Xixia.

Once upon a time, she hoped that Ruan Xixia would come back, return to He Youyi's side, and hang and beat Lin Mengmeng.But now, when this woman really appeared in front of her eyes, she instinctively resisted.Ironically, what she worried about was almost the same as that of Lin Mengmeng.

An Manxuan firmly believes that if Lin Mengmeng is a cloud in the sky, only occasionally projected on He Youyi's heart; then Ruan Xixia is a nuclear bomb, no matter how many iron walls are erected, it will be blown into barrenness in an instant.

She is probably the only iron-blooded dagger that can really stab He Youyi, a weakness that cannot be erased.

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At this moment, Ruan Xixia had a panoramic view of He Youyi's expression.

While waiting, she began to use two things at once.

A heart controls the mind, blurting out the prepared speech in a natural way;

The other heart is firmly locked on the elegant and elegant man in the center of the first row. He has appeared in dreams countless times and disappeared after crying.

 More~ I finally watched the legendary masterpiece "Three-Body Problem" today. Well, it's really good, but there are some things I can't understand...

(End of this chapter)

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