Chapter 374 Winning is Winning
In the world of adults, in the so-called "friendly match", a tie is the least hurtful and the best result, but in the hearts of children, winning is winning, and there is no other option. ——Fish Tangtang "School Grass No. 1 Pet: Tyrant Kissing All Night"

The judges of this game are two university professors.

After their discussions, the final result was shocking.

"Because the red team added an extra spring device to the chassis, it is unfair, so it is ruled that the red and the blue are tied, and both are eligible to receive honorary certificates."

The people who eat melons are angry, what is "unfair"?Obviously they all rely on their own abilities, but the red side has anticipated that kind of attack form, so they added the spring function in a targeted manner!

In the world of adults, in the so-called "friendly match", a tie is the least hurtful and the best result, but in the hearts of children, winning is winning, and there is no other option.

An Shengyu took the initiative to walk up to He Youyi, patted him on the shoulder, and said heartily:

"I lost this time, but next time, our team will definitely be able to design a soccer robot with better performance."

He raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows, and grinned confidently: "In the next competition, it should be your junior who will play, right? Don't worry, I won't show mercy to them."

He was implying, An Shengyu, you are already an "old fritter" in the third year of high school, and you don't have much chance to play with robots again!It is not a matter of our Sixth High School winning your Eleventh High School!

At the end of the game, the yellow line was withdrawn. Lin Mengmeng ran over, gave He another high-five to congratulate him on leading the team to victory, then pulled An Shengyu's arm, and asked impatiently:
"Brother Xiaoyu, how did you lie to me? I heard that you are not a scumbag, and your grades are so good!"

An Shengyu smiled: "You just found out, little fool. Haha."

"Hmph, you lied to me." Lin Mengmeng thumped him, dissatisfied.But she wasn't really angry either.

"It's just a joke, don't take it seriously." An Shengyu smiled wickedly.

Seeing the two of them coming and going, He Youyi felt unhappy, clicked his tongue, looked at Lin Mengmeng disdainfully, and said quietly:
"You, you are too naive to give bad guys an opportunity. In the future, when you meet this kind of sheep in wolf's clothing, consciously keep your distance, don't move around and just go out to play or something."

It not only taught Lin Mengmeng a lesson, but also hurt An Shengyu.

"Oh? How do you know we played together?" An Shengyu teased: "Could it be possible that you followed Mengmeng?"

He turned his head to look at Lin Mengmeng sympathetically, dragged his chin with one hand, and said with ulterior motives: "Mengmeng, you have to be careful, your master has strange habits."

He glared at him again, "Don't talk nonsense, if you want others to know, you must do nothing yourself."

He wouldn't even admit that he happened to meet them at the bowling alley and was finally pissed off.

Lin Mengmeng is quite magnanimous, after all, she has enjoyed both the "Key Notes" and the delicious steak, so she has both of them, so she chimed in:

"Okay, stop arguing. Anyway, I have nothing to lose. Didn't Brother Xiaoyu say it? It was just a joke. Explain it clearly and stop lying to me in the future."

"Cut, brother Xiaoyu's mouthful, it's so affectionate." The gully between He Youyi's brows got deeper and deeper.

Seeing his downcast face, Lin Mengmeng knew that she had said something wrong, so she quickly turned against her:

"Actually, we don't know each other well, so we have studied together. You are right, you should be careful with him, who told him to lie and deceive others."

An Shengyu still wanted to refute, but she stopped her with a wink.

She took He Youyi's hand, and gently pressed: "Let's go to the auditorium, the fairy tale drama will start soon, and we need to prepare makeup in advance."

Only then did He Youyi put away the murderous look in his eyes, and followed Lin Mengmeng out of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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