Chapter 163 'Fool' Mo Qishao (2)

Thanks to this background, Mo Ce, under the arrangement of his mother, ignored the criticism of others, refused to go to special schools, and directly airborne No. [-] Experimental Middle School, where he studied in the same classroom as "normal children".

Not to mention the school, even the parents of Class 8 dare not raise any opinions. If Mo's family is pissed off, their jobs and jobs may not be guaranteed.

Mo Ce was like this. He used his presence in school every day, and always sat on the high horizontal bar. No one could persuade him to get off.

He is a fool, he doesn't know that doing this will damage the Mo family's face, he only cares about his own happiness, he can do whatever he wants, he is fearless, because he has the capital!

However, you can't just look at things on the surface.

This human society, which is so huge that the unit is "billion", is like a kaleidoscope. If you go deep into it from the same perspective, you will get all kinds of strange results. Some people call it complicated, and some people laugh and don't talk about it.

If one sentence describes Mo Ce's inner world, it can be summed up by Tang Bohu's "Others laugh at me as crazy, but I laugh at others not seeing through".

The sky doesn't know, the earth doesn't know, you don't know, only Mo Ce clearly understands in his heart what kind of "fool" he is, he is obviously too smart and just pretending to be stupid.

If you look at him with the eyes of a 13-year-old boy, you will fall into the trap he wove in the first second and become a pawn in his full strategy.

Mo Ce, his thoughts are far beyond ordinary people, the city is extremely deep, his sharpness is not exposed, his actions are strange and unpredictable.

This secret, even the only one close to him, his mother, has no way of knowing.

Mo Ce's mother, named Su Meici, was born in a small businessman's family. At the age of 24, she met Master Mo's third son, Mo Hanzhou, and they fell in love at first sight.A year later, Mo Hanzhou disregarded his family's opposition and at the cost of severing his father-son relationship, finally got married with Su Meici and gave birth to Mo Ce.

I thought this family would live happily and peacefully like this, but at this moment, disaster fell from the sky.As a freelance photographer, Mo Hanzhou often goes to the wild to take photos of rare animals, plants and wonders. Once when he was hiking in a mountainous area, he happened to encounter a sudden landslide and was buried in rubble on the spot.By the time the rescuers dragged him out, he was already dead.

After his death, Mr. Mo missed his old feelings and brought Su Meici and Mo Ce into his home, allowing them to live a life without worrying about food and clothing.

But this is where hell begins.

Mr. Mo has three sons and four daughters, and Mo Hanzhou is the last one, his youngest son.Originally, the Mo family had many daughters, complex relationships, and endless intrigues, but when Su Meici's mother and son suddenly got involved, the battle for power and profit intensified, leaving them in the cold and suffering.

The root cause of brothers killing each other and sisters tearing each other up is the words of Mr. Mo.

"After I die, the Mo family must have an absolute leadership core, so I will choose the best person among my descendants and hand over all my inheritance and power to him."

The cake is so big, but there is no way to share it equally, so it can only be eaten by itself, which makes the children of Mr. Mo resentful.But they can't help it. After all, father is the head of the family, and his words are the final decision.

Mo Hanzhou, who was sexually free back then, had to stay away from his family and stay with Su Meici. Part of the reason was because he was tired of this cruel competition.

 Mo Ce's IQ is on the same level as He Youyi's, and he's still young...

(End of this chapter)

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