Chapter 120 Couple Tattoos
He gave her a contemptuous look: "I'm still 'opening the gates to release the flood', I'm the one who really 'fights the flood'!"

Lin Mengmeng had a blank face, she couldn't understand what he meant, the memory of being drunk just now had been erased from her brain.

"Forget it, I don't care about you, anyway, your brain capacity is about the same as that of a little white rabbit."

The four wandered around the town leisurely.Although there are not as many tourists here as Haleakala, there are some, most of them are yellow-skinned European and American donkey friends, and there are almost no tour guides waving small flags.

There is a quaint market here, with a lot of people|traffic.Lin Mengmeng saw so many tropical fruits here that she couldn't name them, so He Youyi bought a box of fresh fruit shaved ice for her to try.

There are not only food stalls, but also some artworks, seafood, medicines, and even some people are selling flowers, birds, fish and insects.

What Sara is most interested in is the tube top skirts handmade by local women, which are especially Hawaiian and not expensive. She and Lin Mengmeng spent a long time choosing as if they had found a treasure, and each bought one.The difference is that Lin Mengmeng is too small, and the children's style is enough to wear, and the price is half of the adult style that Sara bought.He Youyi found out and was made fun of again.

Walking to the end of the market, at the entrance of an alley, Sara saw a small tattoo shop, and insisted on dragging Aaron to get a couple tattoo.She chose a phoenix tail style to be tattooed on her lower back.

Lin Mengmeng looked at the tattoo master curiously, and began to paint with tools skillfully, feeling itchy in her heart.

Aaron asked: "Why, do you want to try too?"

Lin Mengmeng was a little timid: "Will it hurt?"

"It's only a little bit. After all, the skin needs to be punctured, but you see, I have nothing to do with Sara. The pain is not serious."

Hearing what he said, Lin Mengmeng was also moved. She casually flipped through the pattern booklet, thinking that each one was so cute.

He Youyi leaned over and said with a smile, "You might as well tattoo a pig's head on your forehead."


"Then tattoo the little white rabbit?"

Lin Mengmeng blinked: "You can, but you have to get a big bad wolf tattoo."

Accidentally, Lin Mengmeng saw a set of "angel and devil" couple tattoos. An "angel" is two small wings spread out with a halo on them; a "demon" is a pointed devil horn plus wings and a sword head and tail.

"This one is really beautiful, the lines are simple, and the tattoo on the back is not ostentatious." She liked it very much, took He Youyi's hand, and asked, "How about it? I have an angel tattoo, and you have a demon tattoo, okay?"

"Why should I participate? Are you not good at getting tattoos yourself?" He Youyi took a sip of his cold drink, seemingly not interested in tattoos.

"Please, let me get a tattoo. Such a small pattern can be drawn quickly." Lin Mengmeng clasped her hands together and begged.

She really hopes to have a pair of tattoos with He Youyi, which can be carried for a lifetime and has a very special meaning.

He You half-closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then smiled: "Actually, it's not impossible. It's just that I want to tattoo an angel, and you tattoo a devil. In this way, it can be regarded as bringing the other side by your side at all times."

"Huh? I have a devil tattoo? Is it too playful? Angels are cute!"

But no matter what to say, He Youyi refused to give in.She had no choice but to agree.

After listening to the request of the two of them, the tattoo master smiled "hehe" without saying much, and went straight to the props and started working.

When the thread was cut, the sensitive Lin Mengmeng screamed in pain: "Can I give up, can I give up?"

He Youyi simply covered his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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