Chapter 118 Deep feelings, bored!

"No! This is a misunderstanding! I didn't know what to do at the time, so I put it on him..." - Yutangtang "School Grass No. 1 Pet: Tyrant Kissing Night! "

"It's okay! Sara is super drinkable!"

Aaron usually drinks beer as mineral water, and he doesn't think there is a lot in a box.If he wasn't driving, he would have started drinking.

Sara pointed to Lin Mengmeng's beer, gave her a thumbs up, and said "good" to her.


He Youyi patted Lin Mengmeng's head, and signaled her not to be entangled: "Their adult world is so rotten, you don't want to learn from it."

According to Sara's suggestion, they planned to go to a nearby town for a stroll.

He Youyi's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was Du Hong calling.

"Son, how are you doing? Is Mengmeng still happy?"

"I'm so happy, my mouth is almost crooked. We're going to watch the stars at night, and we won't be back until after eleven o'clock."

"Oh, oh, it's okay, you can watch it all night, you don't need to come back, just stay in a scenic hotel for one night."

He Youyi sighed softly: "Mom, what the hell are you planning?"

Du Hong smiled and said, "Your dad and I are teaching Mengmeng's parents how to play golf. They are very interested in learning. Wait a minute, I'll let them talk."

"Your parents." He handed another phone to Lin Mengmeng, and switched on the phone.

Lin Mengmeng said, "Hello?"

On the other end of the phone, Ye Lan's voice came, and she could be heard to be in a good mood: "Mengmeng, I'm your mother, I met your parents-in-law, they are all very good, very enthusiastic!"

When He Youyi and Aaron in the front row heard this, they both held back their laughter.

Lin Mengmeng was so ashamed: "What nonsense are you talking about parents-in-law! By the way, after knowing that 'Aunt Du' is not a tour guide, why are you so calm?"

Ye Lan didn't know that there was an outside release, and continued: "We have experienced many storms and waves, how can this scare you? It's you, don't come back at night, and you are allowed to stay in a hotel with your son-in-law! But it must not be like last time That way, you'll push her down on the bed, all in all, the women of our Lin family are very reserved!"

"Shut up! I'm not being reserved anymore!" Lin Mengmeng yelled, and hung up the phone mercilessly, almost throwing the phone away.

He Youyi couldn't bear it anymore, hugged his stomach and laughed out loud.

Aaron also smirked and said: "It's really unexpected, the little girl turned out to be so active, it's really hot love, hot love!"

"No! It's a misunderstanding! I didn't know how to do it at the time, so I put it on him..." Lin Mengmeng hurriedly explained, but the description became darker and darker.

Seeing this, Sara hurriedly asked Aaron what was going on, and Aaron recounted what happened just now in English.

"Don't say it, don't say it! Stop! Don`t.listen! (Don't listen to him!)" Lin Mengmeng yelled, and quickly opened a bottle of wine for her to divert Sara's attention:

"Sara, my.friend, cheers! (Sara, my friend, let's have a toast!)"

This trick worked, and the bold Sara really didn't ask any more questions, but drank more than half of it in a blink of an eye.

She shook the wine bottle, handed it to Lin Mengmeng with a smile, and said, "Next, you! (You come to drink)"

"Okay, for you, I'm going all out! Isn't it just letting go of myself, hmph, I'm not afraid!" Lin Mengmeng took the bottle without hesitation, imitating Sara's appearance, caring about him, He drank the wine to the bottom.

As everyone knows, once this Italian beauty started drinking, she never finished.

Sara took out two more bottles of wine, stuffed one into her hand, and opened the other by herself.

"Mengmeng, cheers! (Mengmeng, done it!)"

As she said that, she also adhered to the tradition of "doing first is respectful", and after a while, another empty wine bottle was added!

 Is this girl a wine fairy? (Everyone sees my bad English, don’t laugh)
(End of this chapter)

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