Chapter 533 The wild lily also has spring ([-])

Chen Xi's piano skills are there, this woman named Q is only at the middle level, and no matter how outstanding her dancing skills are, she can't surpass Wei Yiyi.

Even Wei Yiyi and Chen Xibi would lose.

What's more, an intermediate disciple who dare not even reveal his real name.

With Meimei and Chenxi in place, just as Chenxi was about to play...

All the candles on the scene were extinguished at the same time.

It was Miao Tong and some helpers led by Die Wu who extinguished the candlelight.They used internal force to extinguish the candlelight in the hall, and Pei Yaxing led people to wrap the night lights at the four corners of the hall.

"Everyone, don't worry, this is part of the dance." Meijing's voice sounded leisurely.

Voices of doubt immediately sounded at the scene.

"Dancing in the dark? What can you see?"

"Since everyone who plays the piano can wear dancing clothes, and the dancers turn off the lights at the beginning, what's the problem?"

Jingmei responded unceremoniously to the questioning voice.

What annoys me the most is the voice that asks questions as soon as it comes up without seeing anything.

Don't slap your face too much later.

At this moment, Chen Xi's heart was full of ups and downs.

Obviously, the lack of light will not have any effect on her playing the piano, because she has already learned those gestures by heart and can play them with her eyes closed, but at the moment she just feels that the ghost is playing tricks.


But Xiao Shuai no longer gave her a chance to find out the reason.

Chen Xi could only play the first rhythm in the dark, and at the next moment, suddenly a dozen flashlights from mobile phones hit Mei Jing's body, while Chen Xi was still shrouded in darkness.

Meimei's seemingly simple movements, under the cover of light and shadow, are extremely penetrating, and the most important thing is the full score of expressiveness.

Chen Xi also looked at the beautiful scenery curiously, because she had never seen this kind of dance before, so Chen Xi almost played the wrong rhythm.

The next moment, snap!The light of the flashlight went out at the same time.

When the flashlight was turned on again, the beautiful scenery appeared in another place.

It turned out that she used the dark time to change the venue.

Meimei learned hip-hop dance in modern times, and also learned traditional dance when she came to Nether College. She combined the two.

"Her clothes will glow!!"

I don't know who yelled first, and as all the lights were turned off, those seemingly weird stripes on Meimei's body took effect.

It turned out that there were soft cloth strips soaked in phosphorous powder, which were wrapped around her body in a fixed position according to her request.

When all the candles were extinguished, what everyone saw was a glowing humanoid figure, which moved like a puppet, which was very novel and special.

There is the soul of dancing, but also a fresh look and feel.

Because of the appearance of light and darkness, Chen Xi couldn't help but mess up the rhythm once.Just when she wanted to concentrate on adjusting the rhythm, Meimei suddenly accelerated the speed of rotation.

What this means in the traditional competition is: once the dancer speeds up, the piano player should also speed up to keep up with the opponent's rhythm.

Naturally, Chen Xi couldn't admit defeat, and just as she was about to speed up, unexpectedly, the light of the flashlight turned on again, and more than a dozen trails of light hit Mei Jing's body.

Meijing was still wearing a golden mask at the moment, but the breath permeating from those clear eyes gave people an indescribable feeling of intoxication.

It was a half-smile, but a slight smile.

Just like the meaning that this song wants to express: the spring is bright, the girl's mind is on her mind, and she is ignorant and green.

(End of this chapter)

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