Chapter 332 Bloody Abuse ([-])
It was Liang Meihui who suffered the most at this time.

Her neck was no more than a punch away from Crying Blood, if it wasn't for Crying Blood's body being frozen and unable to move, she would have fallen to the ground just like the previous disciple.

"I don't want to die... I don't want to die. Please let me go! Woohoo... You want to eat other disciples... Woohoo, I can be your cow or horse, I just ask you to let me go."

Liang Meihui's selfishness can be clearly seen at this moment.

On the other side, another disciple who was hiding in the corner rushed over with a loud shout, taking advantage of the weeping blood being stopped.

"Bastard! I'll kill you!!"

The disciple pulled out the hairpin from his head and stabbed at the weeping eyes.

Since you can't get out for the time being, then kill the beast first.

Crying Blood suddenly widened his eyes, and his roar became even more angry and ferocious.

Although it can't speak, it can understand the words of the people of the nether world.

If it hadn't been reincarnated as a black panther, if it had been an ordinary citizen, it wouldn't have been reduced to the point of caring for the rest of its life!It longs to be an ordinary citizen of the nether world, not the beast that is inferior to its people.

Just when the disciple was about to get close to Crying Blood, Crying Blood suddenly opened his mouth and roared loudly, a huge wave of air and an unpleasant smell hit at the same time, knocking the disciple to the ground.

The next moment, the pause talisman used by Meijing was burned by the fire and lost its effect.

Weeping Blood jumped up and tore the disciple's face into pieces, leaving only a skeleton of a skull.

But he chose not to cut her neck, and let her roll on the ground in pain, but she couldn't make any sound.

The disciple was tormented by great pain. When she raised her hand to touch her face, she touched a cold bone.

The blood, skin and flesh all belonged to her, and in the process of rolling, it covered her whole body.

When Liang Meihui saw that the disciple's body was covered with flesh and blood that had been scratched from her own face by the weak light, she immediately vomited in disgust.

Outside the house, Yingyue was about to release more spells to suppress the crying blood, but she saw Li Nai coming behind her.

"Do you need your subordinates to do anything?" Yingyue asked in a low voice.

Li Nai shook her head expressionlessly.

"No need."

This answer was completely beyond Yingyue's expectations.

If it was before, Yingyue must have thought that Mixin was just a playful pet in the eyes of Shengzun, and it would not last long.But ever since the Holy Lord reversed time for her twice in a row just now, no matter how low Yingyue's EQ is, she can see the importance of obsession to the Holy Lord.

But why does the Holy One ignore it now?
Li Nai's holy pupil is always on, so he can see everything in the house clearly.

It is a lie to say that there is no worry or torture.

But the first thing he thought of at the moment was if he stood in the position of obsession, would he want him to intervene in this matter?

Obviously not.

She regards this assessment as extremely important, even if there is an accident of crying blood, it is still an important opportunity for her.

If she can successfully resolve the accident and complete the assessment, it will be of great significance to her next upgrade.

He understands that Mixin must want to persevere.

It was the first time that Li Nai was so determined but contradictory to think about the problem from the perspective of obsession, and suddenly found that many of the things he had done before were too strong and domineering.

Never thought about her too much.

At this time, a group of disciples were listening outside, and heart-piercing shouts came from the black room from time to time.

Friends and fans who love to eat ghosts and other beautiful scenery are very worried at this moment.Seeing that the Holy One was standing there motionless, and his face behind the silver mask was cloudy, he didn't dare to speak easily.

(End of this chapter)

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