Chapter 1045

It is useless for Li Wanjiang to regret now, the giant baby's body has become a little bit transparent.

The soul began to withdraw from the body.

Li Wanjiang lightened in his arms, and the giant baby's voice became softer and weaker, as if it disappeared without a trace when the breeze blew by.

"Giant baby..." Li Wanjiang called her name loudly.

At this moment, his eyes gradually regained their vision, but the giant baby's face became blurred.

When she was still intact by his side, he couldn't see her face clearly, but when his eyesight recovered, she was about to disappear.

"Heh... I seem to have seen my brother. He was taken to a place called the Underground Palace, but later he was rescued by a kind girl. I was very happy to see him, because he was finally no longer a slave under the ground. But an ordinary citizen of the underworld.

By the way, I forgot to tell you, in fact, although our family is very powerful, but because we are naturally dull, we are not good at farming or manufacturing, so we have nothing but brute force, and many times we even have problems with food and clothing.

Gradually, we became slaves of foreign races, were whipped, played with, played with, and became tools for their enjoyment.They know how to make spells and refine crystals, and we, who know nothing, are determined to be their slaves.

My brother and I also tried to learn how to draw talismans, but we were discovered at the beginning. My brother was taken away by the wicked, and I was beaten up and thrown here, leaving me to fend for myself.

In fact, I lied to you from the beginning. I am not here to guard at all. I am just the lowest slave who escaped from the master's house.I am not even a free person, but during the time I spent with you, I felt your respect for me, and you never regarded me as a slave.

Even if I'm gone now, I'm content, because I know my brother is gone, and I'm going to find him..."

The giant baby gradually disappeared into Li Wanjiang's arms.

She didn't even know until she was out of her wits, it was because Li Wanjiang used a charm technique on her that she would tell him.

After all, Li Wanjiang failed innocent people again.

Even if he didn't know it, if it wasn't for him, the giant baby wouldn't have heard that he came here because he helped his sister and helped him. If it wasn't for the giant baby, he would have died long ago.

But in the end, he survived, and the giant baby died because of him.

Even if he didn't have a heart, at this moment, he felt a deep pain.

He clenched the dark spar in his hand, but his body was heavier than ever before.

In the past, he always felt that he was invincible, and that no one in the whole hell could catch his eyes.

He is used to a high life.

But during the time he left the underworld, he realized that the higher he stood, the emptier his soul would be.

Only when he walked all the way, searched all the way, and stumbled, did he fill his empty soul little by little.

Now, it is filled with a life.

"Giant Baby, I'm sorry, I will definitely pay you back what I owe you."

Li Wanjiang put the giant baby's blood into a porcelain bottle that he carried with him. What he can do for the giant baby now is to bring her blood back to the stone statue of Nether Juli, so that their siblings can be reunited.

At the same time, if he has the ability, he will look for the giant family, help them get rid of the fate of slavery, and find a world suitable for them to live in.

Because of the giant baby's sacrifice, Li Wanjiang saw more and more his selfishness and conceit. When he wanted to love someone, he suddenly found that he no longer had the heart.

He didn't want to live up to any feelings anymore.

But he can't promise anything...

His past is over.

His memories, from now on, will be where they stop.

There will never be a moment to move forward and accumulate again.

(End of this chapter)

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