Chapter 653 Extra Story: Picnic (5)

With a smile on his face, Ye Fan couldn't help chuckling, "If you like it, I'll bake it for you anytime."

Well, there is nothing wrong with pampering your wife and daughter.

As long as their mother and daughter are happy, he is willing to do anything, cooking a meal is nothing.

Seeing Tong Caiwei pick up the drumstick, a trace of anticipation appeared in Ye Fan's flat green eyes.

Although he hid deeply, he disappeared very quickly.

After biting down on a chicken leg, Tong Caiwei's facial nerves tensed up.

this. .This chicken leg. .Will it be a little too salty and a little too sweet?

The chicken legs are baked with a layer of honey, so that the baked chicken legs are soft and glutinous.

I don't know how much salt he put, and a few layers of honey.

This extreme saltiness mixed with extreme sweetness, taste. .It's really special, very strange.

"Yeah, delicious."

After all, this was Master Ye Fan's first time, and Xiao Zimeng lied to avoid his disappointment, so she might not be as considerate and sensible as her daughter.


Although everyone agreed unanimously, Ye Fan was still a little uncertain.

"Well, after all, it's your first time doing it, so it's pretty good." Tong Caiwei swallowed the food in her mouth, took a few sips of water beside her.

It seems that Master Ye Fan doesn't seem to have much talent in cooking.

The two children also ate up the chicken legs in their hands with great difficulty.

Water became the most sought-after thing.

Ye Fan was not stupid. Looking at their posture, he knew that the chicken legs he roasted were not as good as they said.

He took a piece and took two bites. He frowned, put down the chicken leg in his hand, shook his head first, and then sighed melancholy, "I put a little too much salt and honey. Don't eat any more."

As he said that, he picked up the remaining chicken legs and made a gesture to throw them away.

Tong Caiwei grabbed his hand and comforted him, "Actually, it's already very good. At least this chicken leg still looks very beautiful, and the appearance is very good. As for the taste, it is said that practice makes perfect. How can someone make it for the first time?" It's delicious, when I first cooked it, the rice was burnt by me."

It is said that the daughter is a caring little padded jacket.

Seeing that her daddy seemed to be a little hit, Xiao Zimeng's cotton-padded jacket walked over to him, hugged Ye Fan's arm and leaned against him, and comforted him sensiblely, "Daddy, I think the roasted chicken legs are the best in the world." As long as the chicken drumsticks are made by Daddy, no matter what they are, Tangtang will love them."

Ye Fan was feeling relieved that his little baby was sensible and caring, but when he heard Xiao Zimeng change the subject, he tilted his head and said to him, "Daddy, Uncle Mu's cooking is delicious. I like eating him the most." The steak is done, Daddy, you can learn from Uncle Mu, he is very good."


Although Ye Fan doesn't know how to roast chicken legs, he is very confident in the steak he cooks.

Back then, in order to pursue Tong Caiwei, he even cooked steak for her himself.

That was something he had studied for a long time before.

He believes that nothing is difficult in the world if there is a will. Since he can cook a good steak, this roasted chicken leg, as long as he spends some time, he can definitely cook it well.

What's more, his precious daughter praised another man in front of him.

It is still a rival in love that he still cares about and guards against.

During Xiao Zimeng's five years of growth, he was absent for three years.

(End of this chapter)

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