Chapter 317
In the hospital corridor, Su's mother was gnashing her teeth angrily. If Shen Ruojun had been there, she would have rushed forward to give her a few slaps.

Chi Haohao obediently appeared in front of Su's mother, moving his pale lips, "Auntie, the doctor said that Su Liang's mood is unstable, I think..."

Before Chi Haohao finished speaking, Su's mother shouted: "What do you think? Do you think I should call that woman back now? Do you know how hard it took me to force that woman to go abroad? If it wasn't for her mother I have a bad heart, and I threatened and lured her, so she agreed, can you still be here now?"

Chi Haohao raised his eyes, "Is it because of this that she went abroad?"

"Otherwise?" Su's mother said angrily, "It is absolutely impossible for me to let that woman enter the gate of my Su family. Chi Haohao, although you are stupid, there is a place for you now. Su Liang wants to be discharged from the hospital by force. He After you are discharged from the hospital, you will move to where he lives..."


Mother Su's expression was sharp, "Chi Haohao, don't be ignorant, I asked you to help me, you refused, but in a blink of an eye you crawled into Su Liang's bed, and now you are going to refuse me again, right? Okay, so do I." I don't force you, but you don't want to see Su Liang again in the future."

Chi had a bitter mouth, "Auntie, even if I move in, so what? Su Liang hates me so much, and I appear in front of him every day, won't it affect his mood?"

"You don't have to worry about anything else, you just stay by his side and take care of him, whether he tells you to get out or drives you out, you must stay by his side." Then, Mother Su frowned again, her tone was not so sharp, She continued, "Chi Haohao, I know you like Su Liang in our family. Auntie and I will never let that woman come back, so this is also the opportunity I give you. It depends on whether Su Liang can accept you." It's up to you."

Chi laughed.

A bitter smile.

Now, she doesn't expect Su Liang to accept her, she just wants him to recover and be the same as before.

After Su's mother left, Chi Haohao wanted to go to the window to see Su Liang, but suddenly grabbed her wrist with one hand and dragged Chi Haohao into the safe passage.

"Huanhuan, why are you here?" Chi Haohao looked surprised.

Gu Huan took a deep breath, "I heard what Su's mother said just now, Chi Haohao, if you do what Su's mother said, then you are a bitch!"

Gu Huan knew that what she said was serious, but she was afraid. She was afraid that Chi Hao would end up in the same tragic end as she did in her previous life.

Chi Haohao lowered his head, "Huanhuan, I just want Su Liang to get better..."

"Let others take care of him, you can't!"

Chi Haohao's eyes were red.

"Chi Haohao!" Gu Huan held her by the shoulders, "Didn't you tell me to leave the imperial capital? Can you leave? Stop liking Su Liang..."

Gu Huan's eyes were also flushed, "Even if you go to take care of Su Liang and just want him to get better, will he appreciate it? He hates you. He thinks that you and Su's mother will drive Shen Ruojun away together. You stay here There will only be more pain around him..."

Gu Huan's tears also fell drop by drop, and she wiped some tears from her cheeks, "Mother Su told you not to see Su Liang, then you don't want to see him again, and you will be a stranger from now on."

Chi Haohao removed Gu Huan's hand on her shoulder, she smiled, but her eyes were flushed, "Huanhuan, it's not as easy to say as it is to do, if it's so easy and simple, how great it would be! "

(End of this chapter)

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