Chapter 217 Reasons
Chen Lingyun's biological mother completely disappeared in the Chen family, and has no effect on the whole family of Chen. Jin Tongzheng and Xiang Shi were very pleased by this, but Qiu Shi sighed.How could you be so cruel and lock up that woman?It's good to take it back, it's lively when you take it back!In the past, the Qiu family wanted to get rid of "Zhen Zhen" and make it quick, but now, they were looking forward to the return of "Zhen Zhen" to make Chen Lingyun and An'er couple unhappy.

"I've been pretending to be filial since I was a child, but now that I'm promising, I'll lock up my mother." Qiu was very resentful about this.

The Qiu family's attitude towards Chen Lingyun was somewhat similar to her attitude towards her concubine sister Qiu Guifei: she wanted to use him, rely on him, but also looked down on him and hated him.

If there were no Concubine Qiu, the Qiu family's natal Xingguo Mansion would have been ruined for a long time.Without Concubine Qiu, the Qiu family would not have dared to resort to the ruthless trick of betraying Chen Yong's sweetheart.But even so, the Qiu family has never been sincerely grateful to Concubine Qiu Gui, only contemptuous.

The Qiu family also relied on Chen Lingyun in many ways, but since she wanted to use him, she both loathed him and hated him, and was very torn.Because of this entanglement, Qiu always felt that she was unhappy. She was originally a shrewd person, not a smart person.If she had been smart and sophisticated, she would not have married Chen Yong, Marquis of Linjiang, who already had a concubine's eldest son and a sweetheart.

For Chen Lingyun's housewarming, there was a grand banquet. In addition to the relatives of the Chen family, the Jin family, and his military robes, there were also distinguished guests such as Wei Guogong and Guangning Marquis. Even the thirteenth prince personally came to send a congratulatory gift. , very grand.

Chen Lingyun's saving the thirteenth prince was really not in vain.

Mrs. Qiu was also at the banquet at that time, seeing Chen Lingyun's new home full of flowers and many visitors, he felt very uncomfortable.Since wives and wives get together, it is inevitable to talk about the family's short stories, so someone asked Mrs. Qiu, Linjiang Hou is young and promising, and he is also a Marquis, why are you still not married?Qiu's smirk did not smile, "There is an expert who has told the child's fortune. He, it is not suitable for him to marry early."

Although it was prevarication at the time, Qiu was very anxious afterwards.Seeing that the only son is also old enough to marry a wife and have children, but he is still in decline, how can this be possible.

Not only the Qiu family was anxious about Chen Lingfeng's marriage, but Chen Lingyun and Qiu Guifei were also very concerned.Chen Lingyun advocated that his younger brother marry a girl from the Fu family in the Yongping Hou Mansion, "Dignified and virtuous, she is about the same age as you. The daughter of King Xiang, Princess Rongmin.Princess Rongmin was born of Princess Xiang, and she is a bit arrogant, but she is very beautiful and has a rich dowry.

The Qiu family also looked at the daughters of several families, but when they heard about the Linjiang Marquis's Mansion, they didn't want to solicit much.Because the previous Marquis of Linjiang had passed away for a long time, the women's family was worried that the Marquis of Linjiang's mansion would be nothing more than empty airs. Besides, with a widowed mother and only son, Marquis of Linjiang must be spoiled and obsessed with his mother, which doesn't look like a good marriage.After the Qiu family was politely rejected, she had no choice but to focus on the Fu family's concubine daughter and Princess Rongmin.She prefers Princess Rongmin, she is always a princess, the daughter of the clan, among other things, at least has an upper hand over An'er in terms of identity.

But Chen Lingfeng didn't want to be Yibin, "I'm already Lord Marquis, why should I marry a princess, and I don't lack Yibin's salary. Mother, if I marry Princess Rongmin, our family won't get any benefits Yes. My aunt and cousin have tried to find a job for me, and I can also be a guard, or a soldier in the five cities, and the position is not high, even if I add a prince and father-in-law, it will be the same."

He has never been in the army, has no qualifications, but wants to have a high position as soon as he enters, unless it is the emperor's special order.The prince can't do it, it doesn't count.

Qiu was still hesitating, Chen Lingfeng coughed, and told her in a low voice, "Mother, is aunt trying to trick you on purpose? You are only my son. If I marry a princess, you will never be able to do it in your life." The majesty of the mother-in-law is gone, and I don’t want to think about three wives and four concubines, and a group of beautiful maidservants. Mother, the more I think about it, the more wrong I am.”

Qiu frowned, "Your aunt peed like this."

I said how could she be so kind, she was waiting for me here.I don't have any good intentions to send me a princess to be my daughter-in-law.

"The girl from the Fu family is pretty passable." Mrs. Qiu scolded Concubine Qiu in her heart and frowned, "Only one thing, I'm not satisfied. The status of the girl from the Fu family seems to be slightly worse than that girl from the Jin family. a little bit."

The first daughter of the Hou's mansion is not as famous as the first daughter of the eldest princess's mansion.

Yongping Hou is honest and incompetent, and he is even different from Jin Tongzheng, who is long-sleeved and good at dancing.

Regardless of name comparison or Billy, the daughter of the Fu family is not as good as the daughter of the Jin family.

The daughter-in-law of the concubine is not as good as the daughter-in-law of the concubine, is there any justice in this world?

Chen Lingfeng came to his senses, "You really want to compare me with my brother, it's easy to handle! My brother fought hard on the battlefield, and you sent me to the border, let me fight the enemy and make great achievements in battle, then you will be successful!" Is it? When I have done meritorious service and become famous, and return to the capital, I can choose a good girl!"

Chen Lingfeng's youthful heart, how could he want to study in the Imperial College all the time.He also hoped to make meritorious deeds, but Qiu refused to die.

If he really joined the army, made meritorious service, and became a senior officer, Chen Lingfeng's worth would be very different.

Qiu Shihuo stood up and changed his expression, "Don't even think about it! I only have you as my own son, and you don't even think about it. Swords and guns have no eyes. If something happens to you at the border, will I survive? Such nonsense, never mention it again in the future!"

Chen Lingfeng agreed dejectedly, "Understood, don't mention it."

I knew you wouldn't agree, I'll just be an idle marquis for the rest of my life.

"Why didn't you have two more sons back then." Chen Lingfeng complained, "If I had three or two younger brothers, I wouldn't be trapped in the capital."

When mentioning the events back then, Qiu's eyes turned red, and he said in a low voice: "I think so, how can I do it. You don't know, Feng'er, mother...forget it, don't mention it, you just have to remember, mother was not easy back then, Mother doesn't like your brother, there is a reason."

Such hatred cannot be forgiven in a lifetime.

"If you don't like him, just drive him away." Chen Lingfeng said with a playful smile, "He's gone, my mother and I live a good life, live a prosperous life, make him jealous, make him envious, you say it's okay good?"

Qiu smiled wryly.

He left, we want to be prosperous, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult.You, a Hou Ye who is still studying in the Imperial College, who will take you seriously.Everyone in the capital is snobbish. If you don't have real power, no one will think highly of you.

In the end, the Qiu family agreed and made Chen Lingfeng the first daughter of the Fu family.Chen Lingfeng thanked him bluntly, "Mother, thank you." He had seen the girl from the Fu family secretly. She had a face like a full moon, white, gentle and bright, and at first glance she was a good-natured and good-tempered girl. He is happy with such a daughter-in-law.

The Yongping Marquis Mansion is in a downturn, and the Linjiang Marquis Mansion is not much better. Don't dislike anyone, it's just right.

The Marquis of Linjiang quickly invited a matchmaker, first exchanged Geng stickers, and then made a small order.

Chen Lingfeng was about to marry Ruyi Meijiao Niang, and he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.Chen Lingyun warned him, "After you get married, you can work in the Imperial Guard. Don't be picky about the position. You are an adult when you get married. You have to look like an adult. After you get married, don't think about it. It is serious to have more sons." Do not put too many beautiful concubines and maidservants in the backyard before the son-in-law grows up to eight years old, and even if there are, they are not allowed to touch the children." Boys in the Linjiang Hou Mansion usually stop following their mothers after the age of eight and move to the outer courtyard live.If you really go to the outer courtyard, it's not a place that the concubines can reach.

Chen Lingfeng happily agreed, "Sure, I'll be patient for a few years first, and when my son is in his teens and 20s, I'll let go of my courage and indulge in flirting!"

There are many rules in the noble family, and the etiquette is complicated when they come and go.It will be more than half a year before Chen Lingfeng marries the prostitute daughter of the Fu family.The weather on this day was fine, with no clouds in the sky, and the blue sky was clear. Linjiang Marquis Mansion married a wife, Yongping Marquis Mansion married a daughter, and the Tao family was already holding a full moon banquet.I don't know if it's because Tao Song is too capable, or because Yin Qin, the general's tiger girl, is really good at giving birth. She conceived within two months after marriage, and when the pregnancy expired in October, it was ripe and she gave birth to a beautiful little baby girl.Tao Ming and Chu Shi were happy from ear to ear, "I have a granddaughter!" They busily made a full moon wine for the child, and had a big feast for relatives and friends.

What makes people feel a little strange is that at the full moon banquet, His Majesty the Emperor sent his servants over with great interest, and rewarded the little girl with silver bracelets, silver collars, silver anklets and other things. "Your Majesty, even the relatives of the Pei family are especially favored?" The guests couldn't figure out why the emperor treated Tao Song's youngest daughter so differently.

Few people know the real reason.

If he knew, he would probably vomit blood.The little baby girl of the courtier's family is only one month old, and you, the old man, are about to make an appointment?It's too early.The little girl from the Tao family was just born, and your young highness is not yet three years old, so she doesn't have any character.

The Tao family received silver bracelets and other things commonly used by babies from the emperor, and the crown prince and Ajiu received a jade carving from the fat emperor.

The moment Ajiu saw the jade carving, she held her breath.

This jade carving is made of rare Hetian mutton fat white jade, which is very pure white, fine in texture, moist in luster, like curd fat.The jade carvings are about the same size as real babies, a baby boy and a baby girl, both white and crystal clear, very delicate.The two babies have delicate expressions and agile postures. They look like they want to be hugged and kissed.

"Xiao Shi, Ajiu, do you like this jade carving? If you like it, you can put it in the bedroom." The fat emperor cheerfully ordered.

Ajiu and the crown prince looked around the jade carving with bright eyes, and they didn't have time to talk to the fat emperor.It's so beautiful, so fun, these two little babies, I love them to death.

"Junior Sister, let's have two more." The crown prince quietly discussed with Ajiu.

"Okay Brother Ten." Ajiu was very tempted, "If it is really possible to have such two cuties, I am happy, I am so happy."

The little boy is like Brother Ten, and the little girl is like me. With such a pair of twins, life is perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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