Chapter 380 Two people are enough! (2)

Ye Lanyi took it curiously and opened it. The information inside was very detailed. In addition to their past achievements, they also explained their special skills.

Ye Lanyi lost interest after casually looking at it, and started looking around instead.

Ying Wuying caressed the little golden head in his arms absently, and said in a low voice: "That person is not there, Xiao Jin didn't feel his breath."

"But in the morning..."

Before he finished speaking, a figure stood in front of him.

"Ying Wuying?" The young man in a gorgeous brocade robe squinted at Ying Wuying, and tapped his position with a fan.

"Get out of the way, young master, I want to sit here."

Ying Wuying's eyes turned cold in an instant.

Tantai Mingyue snorted, "He's from the Yanwu Hall."

The boy immediately laughed arrogantly, "That's right, where did you come from? Don't you know that this area is our exclusive seat?"

"Get out of the way." A few people behind the boy also came over and blocked Ye Lanyi and his party tightly.

Fei Jin frowned slightly, "Everyone, come first, first served, you are late, there are still a lot of empty seats behind, why bother to compete with us."

He kept in mind what his master said when he went out, "Don't kill people", so he didn't want to cause conflicts easily.

However, the young man didn't realize his painstaking efforts at all, and said coldly: "What are you, what qualifications do you have to sit here. Do you know who we are?"

"Isn't it just the garbage of the Martial Arts Hall, what's the point here." Ying Wuying said sarcastically.

When he was in Beiliu, he just stayed in the Martial Arts Hall and suffered years of humiliation, so he didn't have any good feelings for these disciples.

"Win Wuying! Don't think that you can be safe if you find a backer! Believe it or not, I will destroy you in minutes!" The boy was furious.

Another tall boy behind him held him down, and glanced at the group of people in Dongchen Courtyard with calm eyes.

"Are you disciples who came to participate in the Shengyao Competition?"

Fei Jin nodded, and took the initiative to say: "Dong Yin, Dong Chen Yuan."

For a moment, the tall boy looked stunned, but the boys next to him couldn't help talking.

"Dongchenyuan? Is it the one your adoptive father wants?" These words were asked by the tall boy.

And even more people said indignantly: "Our people were framed by them in Dongyin, and now they hit our territory, we can't let them go!"

Ying Wuying smiled slowly, the ghostly smile made the young man standing at the front feel a little chilly.

The tall boy didn't speak, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ye Lanyi paid special attention, is Prince Gong his adoptive father?
It seems that after Tan Taimin was abolished by her, Prince Gong found a candidate heir from somewhere.

Thinking of the fact that Prince Gong spent so much time sending people to arrest her, her eyes were cold.

Tsk tsk, this is simply a door-to-door request for her to give Prince Gong a big gift.

"Do you really want to avenge your fellow disciples?" A soft voice came from Ying Wuying's side.

The tall boy glanced over, only to find that it was a petite girl.

Ye Lanyi narrowed her eyes and pointed down.

"Since we've all come to the fighting arena and want to take revenge, let's go down. Let's fight one-on-one in an upright manner?"

Looking at the hesitant eyes of those Yanwu Hall disciples, Ye Lanyi smiled again, "Why, this is the battle field between your Beiliu country's capital and your Beiliu people, don't you dare?"

"The people in Yanwu Hall are all cowards." Ying Wuying sneered disdainfully.

"Who are you scolding for being a coward? Just you, a piece of trash, who still wants to compare with us? Just compare, and I'll pick you!" The boy who had spoken earlier immediately confronted Ying Wuying.

Ying Wuying smiled strangely and stood up suddenly.

The group of martial arts disciples hadn't reacted when they saw a shooting star fly out from the auditorium and hit the middle of the competition stage.

The two people in the competition were startled, and they all looked up.

The people from the arena also rushed over. Seeing the appearance of these teenagers, they knew that these young and vigorous noble children were fighting again.

"Boss, lend us the venue today." Ye Lanyi raised her lips and smiled.

With this smile, the corners of the brows and eyes swayed brightly, like a delicate red rose suddenly blooming in the darkness, which made the angry boss of the fighting arena lose half of his anger.

"Besides, you don't lose money by lending us the venue." Ye Lanyi continued: "The disciples of the Beiliu Martial Arts Hall will fight against Dongyin Dongchenyuan. With this name, it must be able to attract many people to place bets, right?"

When the boss heard this, he immediately turned from anger to joy.

Disciples from well-known schools from two powerful countries compete, this gimmick may attract many people.

The boss hurried to the door to start publicizing, and the group of angry teenagers couldn't help but prepare to fight.

"It's enough for Ying Wuying and I to fight." Ye Lanyi stood up and turned to the others.

She made the move to demonstrate to Prince Gong, but Ying Wuying made the move to wash away his humiliation for so many years.

As for the strength of other people, it is not suitable to be exposed to the public so early.

The others obviously understood this truth and did not compete with her.

But the people in the martial arts hall were a little upset.

"Girl, we won't let you in just because you are beautiful." The tall boy frowned.

Ye Lanyi's face sank.

Is the beauty of the old lady the reason for you to look down on the old lady?

Without saying a word, she kicked up.Learning from Ying Wuying, he also kicked a young man down.

The boy just fell on the first boy who fell, hit the first boy until his head was bleeding, and he passed out again.

"You!" The tall boy finally started to look at this unremarkable girl squarely.

"Are you going up first or am I going up first?" Ye Lanyi raised an eyebrow at Ying Wuying.

Ying Wuying said with a gloomy face: "I remember there is a big melee game method, let's go together."

In a big melee, many people fight at the same time, and the last person standing in the battle is the winner.

This is the play that the nobles of Beiliu came up with after watching the ordinary games, and there are some other derivative plays on this basis.

The noses of the disciples in the Martial Arts Hall were almost crooked, there were six people left on their side, and two people on the other side.

Even if the performance of the two of them kicking people just now shows that they are not idiots.

But two to six?This is how you don't pay attention to them!

The spectators who placed their bets enthusiastically were also dumbfounded after seeing the people on the field.

Someone has already shouted angrily, "Are you cheating money! There are only two people in Dongchenyuan? Or are they such inconspicuous two brats?"

"Two people are enough!" Ye Lanyi completely ignored all the noise and cursing from the outside world, and focused on Prince Gong's adopted son.

(End of this chapter)

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