Chapter 183 The Little San Calls On The Door? (1)

At the moment of fighting, a thought flashed in Ye Lanyi and Ying Xuran's mind at the same time - she/he is the opponent!

Ying Xuran and Ye Lanyi faced different disciples from Dongchen Court before.

Like himself, he is a natural combat madman.

This feeling of meeting an opponent almost made her blood boil.

Whether it is the use of spiritual skills or the judgment of timing, Ying Xuran hardly needs to think, and relies entirely on his instinct in battle.

This made Ye Lanyi very passive, and could hardly find a chance to break through.

After all, Ying Xuran is already a sixth-level Spiritualist.

The huge level gap is reflected at this time.

Ye Lanyi only had the upper hand in the first few seconds of the first attack.

But soon, Ying Xuran reversed the situation and forced Ye Lanyi to a situation where he could only escape but could not fight.

If it wasn't for her fast enough movement, she might have been suppressed by Ying Xuran from the very beginning.

Even so, Ye Lanyi had a hard time avoiding it.

Ying Xuran's insight is too strong, she has no time to relax.

Even a single second of mistake would put him in a state of irreversible doom.

Ye Lanyi didn't even dare to use Fanjing Tianhuo to resist his attack.

Perhaps Ying Xuran kicked himself off the ring just as he was absorbing and digesting spiritual power.

In fact, Ying Xuran was equally surprised.

With such a big gap, he has fought for so long and still hasn't taken Ye Lanyi down.

This was the first time he felt frustrated after fighting for so many years.

But he was extremely excited.

In an instant, Ye Lanyi in his heart was no longer a junior junior sister who relied on luck and cleverness to defeat his subordinates, but an opponent who needed to be handled with care just like Xiao Jin.

In the stands, Ye Junze was so nervous that he squeezed the sweat from his hands.

"This guy is really strong." Nalan Tuo was also a little restless.

In his heart, Ye Lanyi is almost omnipotent, no matter how strong an opponent she faces, she will always find a way to save herself from danger.

However, in this competition, no matter how you look at it, she is bound to lose.

"Ying Xuran only used five points of his strength." Ye Junze's voice was a little rough.

He closed his eyes, as if recalling something.

"He has two attributes of gold and fire, and he is a natural fighter. And when he uses the mysterious skill Shining Gold Flame Tiger Palm in conjunction with it, the power is even more terrifying."

The boy's long eyelashes trembled, showing the unrest in his heart.

He fought against Ying Xuran, but it turned out to be his first defeat in Dongchen Courtyard.

The most frightening thing about him is not his suppression of cultivation and powerful attack power, but his control of timing.

Sometimes, the correct use of timing is the key to determining the outcome.

"Jun Ze, why does that mysterious woman over there keep staring at the stage? Who is she? I've never seen her before."

Suddenly, Nalan Tuo patted Ye Junze on the shoulder.

The young man swept over indifferently, and slowly frowned.

On the right side of the ring, stood a woman covered in long white veil, her face and figure were covered by the veil hanging from the hood above her head, making Ye Junze think of a round egg inexplicably.

The woman stared at the arena for an unknown amount of time, then suddenly let out a sneer.

"If this is my opponent, it's too weak."

A girl who looked like a maid standing beside her immediately agreed.

"I think the Eldest Young Master is saving her face, otherwise she should have been beaten by the Eldest Young Master for her cultivation."

"Xu Ran is soft-hearted. When they finish the fight, my legs are sore."

The servant girl hesitated for a moment, and suddenly whispered: "The elder guarding the ring is not here, why don't I go and turn off the protective formation outside, miss, you can just beat her down secretly."

The woman in white gauze was silent for a while, and then nodded unobtrusively.

In the arena, the battle has intensified.

However, every time everyone felt that Ye Lanyi was going to lose, she retreated from the edge of the ring and fell into the ring again.

However, no one felt impatient.

Although it seemed that she was being suppressed and beaten all the time, the precise dodge and the attack that took time out of the dodge still made many discerning disciples watch with gusto and enthusiasm.

Ye Lanyi thought quickly in her mind, it seemed that the method of exhausting Xu Ran's spiritual power was not feasible.

God knows why this guy's spiritual power is so surging. After fighting for so long, he is getting more and more energetic.

Just being suppressed and beaten is not an option, Ye Lanyi decided to use her best sneak attack to fight.

Suddenly, the girl who had been being chased and beaten stopped.

Ying Xuran hugged his hands together without the slightest hesitation.

"Shining Golden Flame Tiger Palm"

As soon as the cold words came out, Ye Junze's pupils shrank suddenly.

Is he finally going to use his housekeeping skills!

The ball of light mixed with gold and red slowly grew larger on his chest, transforming into a huge tiger's head.

With golden hair and red pupils, they roared towards Ye Lanyi.

Being able to combine the spiritual power of two attributes and use the same spiritual skill, the control over the spiritual power alone is astonishing.

Not to mention, the destructive power of the superimposed spiritual power of the two kinds, which are good at attacking.

On the arena, the sand and stone rolled up, and cracks appeared under the feet of the two of them. The shattered stones seemed to be lifted by a hurricane, and they rushed towards Ye Lanyi madly.

"Ah! Take it easy." Nalan Tuo grinned and let out a scream.

Ye Junze's hand pinched tightly on his shoulder because of nervousness.

The iron-walled body actually felt pain from being pinched, which shows how out of control this young man is.

In an instant, Ye Lanyi's figure was buried by the wind and sand.

A strange light flashed in Ying Xuran's eyes, and then, his heart trembled instinctively, feeling that something had been ignored by him.

"Boom!" There was another loud bang.

The cracks under his feet became more and more obvious, and the whole arena began to crumble.

"This is!" Ying Xuran jumped up subconsciously, avoiding the collapsed ground under his feet.

And at this moment, a silver light flashed in front of him.

Countless rays of light are reflected like a peacock spreading its tail.

The silver needles infused with five elements of spiritual power shot towards him densely.

The flickering colors were so bright that he subconsciously closed his eyes.

In just a split second, something swept his legs hard, trying to sweep him off the collapsed half of the ring.

But his reaction was also very fast, and he leaped in the air, and at the same time, he sent out two attacks with both hands, hitting his legs.

Ye Lanyi's hands were numb from the shock, and Hong Lian Yue Yue almost fell out of his hands.

This pervert!
The girl cursed angrily.

A bloodstain dripped from the corner of her lips, and she didn't bother to wipe it off.

Under the palm of Ying Xuran's Shining Jin Yanhu, she almost made a dangerous move.

Taking advantage of the sand and stones that obscured the sight at the moment of the attack, he completed his own series of sneak attack plans.

Destroy the ring under the opponent's feet, send out hidden weapons to confuse the line of sight, and finally push the opponent down.

A series of calculations, even if they are not seamless, have a [-]% success rate.

However, Ying Xuran landed firmly on the intact half of the ring at the last moment.

He silently stared at the girl across from him.

The blood under the pale lips was extremely glaring.


He was about to say something when Ye Lanyi's expression suddenly changed and he rushed towards him.

Ying Xuran swallowed what he didn't finish, and slapped Ye Lanyi with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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