Chapter 150 Shi Yan Leaves (Part [-])
Qian Wan glanced back and saw that Shui Qianqian didn't pay attention to them, so she said, "I said, she probably fell in love like this." Her voice was extremely low.

Bei Lele heard clearly now, and turned her head to look at Shui Qianqian cautiously, "No, no way? Just go out for less than an hour?"

"Isn't it a matter of time for them to be together sooner or later? One sentence can solve it, and one hour is not enough?"

That's what she said, but this... was faster than she expected.

Also, if the relationship is really determined, what book do you go back to the classroom to read?Shouldn't you have a good date on the first day together?

Well, there seems to be nothing to date in school, but sitting together and chatting or taking a walk is better than going back to each class, right?

"How did you see it?"

"Aren't all people in love like this? They just giggle all the time."

"It seems that this is indeed the case. How about I ask Qianqian to confirm?"

"I don't think you should ask. Anyway, they will be together sooner or later. Even if they are not together now, they will be together in the future. No matter whether they are together or not, you can just treat them as if they are already together."

Bei Lele rubbed her temples, "I'm about to be fainted by you."

"Anyway, just don't ask too many questions. There were a lot of rumors about them in school during this period of time. After Shi Yan managed to lower their enthusiasm, don't ask too many questions to let others find new topics. The third monthly exam will be soon , causing too many troubles might affect their exams."

Bei Lele doesn't think it will affect the exam or anything.

Others may be affected by rumors, but Qianqian and Xueshen will definitely not.

Qianqian has always been like this, no matter what others say or do, she only does her own thing, and will not be easily affected.

As for the god of learning, let alone, he is a god. From what people in his class said, he has never seen him study hard, and every exam is super easy.

However, it is better not to ask too much about this matter.

Just like what Qian Wan said, the heat was finally suppressed by Shi Yan, and if there were any more rumors, Qianqian might be invited to the office again.

Anyway, they are going to be together sooner or later, and it doesn't matter too much if it's earlier or later.

"You're right, I'm not going to ask any more questions, just do the questions." Sit up straight and continue working on the test paper.

Qian Wan glanced at her, and then at Meng Qin at the first table.

Also lowered his head to do the question.

In fact, she didn't see that she was in love entirely from Shui Qianqian's expression.

After Meng Qin went out and came back, the whole person was angry.

Although Meng Qin tried her best to suppress her anger and put on the same smile as usual, no one could tell the difference, but she and Meng Qin have been good friends for more than a year.For more than a year, as long as she was in school, except for class and sleeping time, she was almost inseparable from Meng Qin.

She thought she knew Meng Qin very well.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have started to dislike her just because of Meng Qin's slight expression change.Obviously in the eyes of others, Meng Qin like that is no different from usual.

So whether Meng Qin is angry, she can tell.

Shui Qianqian went out, and Meng Qin followed, and when she came back, she was so angry, she must have seen something.Combined with Shui Qianqian's smirk, she naturally came up with the answer.

However, these are other people's business, and she doesn't want to meddle too much.

Xiang Su also heard the whispered conversation between the two.

She was very gossip at first, but suddenly she didn't want to ask.

No matter what, at least she knew that Qianqian was very happy now.

Such a perfect face should be matched with such a sweet smile to be more perfect.

In the next two and a half days, the previous lineup of three girls and four boys eating together changed to five girls and five boys.

There are more Dong Linshan and Qian Wan among the girls, and Shi Yan is more among the boys.

The atmosphere changed from weird at the beginning to gradually adapting later.They adapted, and the classmates who had been paying attention to them in school also gradually adapted.

Although Qian Wan was very curious why Dong Linshan, a nerd who only had eyes for studying and loners, suddenly had such a good relationship with them, and she always sat next to Shiyan when eating, and...

Although her movements were very careful, Qian Wan still noticed that every time Shi Yan asked Dong Linshan to sit down, the two obviously knew each other, but they probably didn't want to cause trouble for Dong Linshan, so they pretended not to know each other.

If it was Qian Wan from before, she would have asked thoroughly.

Now, just look at it.

On the contrary, Shi Yan asked Bo Jing more than once, why does he feel that the atmosphere between him and Shui Qianqian has changed, it seems that the relationship is better than the previous two days.

Every time I asked this question, a group of melon-eaters would listen with pricked ears, but unfortunately, Bai Jing ignored Shi Yan.

In the past two days, there have been some small disturbances, for example, there will still be some students who ignore the school's requirements and block Shi Yan on the way back to the dormitory after evening self-study.

It's just that even though he was blocked, he didn't even touch a piece of his clothes, and he was recorded as a major demerit.

For his own safety, Shi Yan followed Bai Jing all the time.

With Bai Jing around, his face darkened like that, and those who wanted to finish high school in No. [-] Middle School would not dare to provoke him again, especially girls.

Bai Jing's support team is too strong.

Zuo Kui, as the president of Bai Jing's support club, has made it easy for anyone to block Shiyan, and anyone who blocks Shiyan will have trouble with her.

Many students sighed that she was very competent as the president of the support club, not only protecting Bai Jing, but also protecting Bai Jing's cousin.

But he didn't know that Zuo Kui did this not because of Bai Jing.

Zuo Kui knew that if something happened to Shi Yan, Dong Linshan would be the most restless person.Once the relationship between Dong Linshan and Shi Yan is exposed, there will be endless troubles.

She just didn't want Dong Linshan to be in trouble.

Everything was going well at first, nothing bad happened, Shi Yan packed his luggage and took advantage of the afternoon when everyone was in class, and quietly walked to the school parking lot, and when he was about to take Director Zhao's car to the airport, Lin Yue came.

At that time, Homura was putting the suitcase in the trunk.

"Shi Yan."

Hearing back.

After staying in Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School for a few days, the famous school belle of Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School... oh no, she is no longer the school belle.

Shi Yan had heard about Lin Yue.

When he heard that the Lin family and the Bai family had an intention to marry, he even used this to make fun of Bai Jing.

"So it's Miss Lin, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing important, it's just that I've been busy for the past two days. I didn't even come to say hello when Mr. Shi came to Jiangcheng. Now that you're going back, I should naturally come to see you off."

In fact, where Lin Yue was too busy to come to say hello, it was clearly because she couldn't find a chance.

Ever since she learned that Shi Yan had come to Jiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, she wanted to find a chance to get close to him, at least to make a good impression on Shi's family.

But these few days, Shi Yan was either with a large group of people or with Bai Jing, she couldn't find a chance to talk to him alone.

And when Shi Yan was with Bai Jing or others, if she went to him, she would be greeted either by Bai Jing's cold face or Bei Lele's anger from Xiang Su and his party...

No matter what the situation is, it will not leave a good impression on Shi Yan.

So she waited until now for her chance.

If she hadn't overheard the conversation between the principal and the dean, she wouldn't have known that Shi Yan would leave at this time.

The school was afraid of causing a sensation again, only a few people including Bai Jing, Shui Qianqian and Dong Linshan knew that Shi Yan was leaving, and even Bei Lele didn't know, because she was a fan of Shi Yan.

The school gate has been blocked by reporters and fans for the past few days, and they had to sneak away to send Shi Yan away.

"Not many people know the news that I'm leaving, but Miss Lin is well informed."

"I also happened to pass by here and saw you dragging your suitcase, so I probably guessed that you were leaving."

"Is it."

"Who is it?" Director Zhao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, poked his head out.

Lin Yue smiled, "Director Zhao, it's me. I passed by and saw Shi Yan was leaving, so I came to see him off. As the host, Shi Yan finally came to Jiangcheng once, and I was too busy studying to entertain him well."

"It turned out to be classmate Lin Yue. If you have anything to say, hurry up, or you won't be able to leave after class. You young people, you say whether to entertain or not at a young age. When you grow up, some of you will Chance."

"Director Zhao is right."

"Come on, I'll give you 10 minutes." Director Zhao sat back after speaking.

For Lin Yue, he is at ease.

Lin Yue has good grades, looks beautiful, has a good family background, and is very well-behaved and easy to get along with. She is the kind of child from other people's family in the legend. Most of the teachers in the school like her.

"It doesn't take 10 minutes, 1 minute is enough." Shi Yan said this.

In fact, he felt that it would take less than a minute.

"Thank you Miss Lin for coming to see you off. If Miss Lin wants to find a breakthrough from me to get close to my cousin, I advise you not to waste your time. Don't talk about my cousin, let alone my grandfather. Can manage."

Before Lin Yue could speak formally, Shi Yan blocked her.

His expression was a little stiff, and he forced a smile, "Young Master Shi was joking, I just came to see you off, and I have no other plans. I, Lin Yue, don't rely on these little cleverness to get what I want."

"Really? Then I wish you all your wishes will come true as soon as possible."

Although he didn't know the details of Shui Qianqian, but with Xiao Heng around, it was impossible for the Lin family to try to snatch someone from Shui Qianqian.

What's more, Bai Jing is not a vegetarian.

As long as Bai Jing is unwilling, even the old man of their family can't force him to marry anyone. The Bai family wants to influence Bai Jing's marriage, what are they thinking?

"This young master is leaving first. I hope that when we meet next time, Miss Lin will still be so glamorous."

"What does Young Master Shi mean by that?"

"It's not interesting, just talk about it." He raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "Sure enough, it didn't take a minute. Goodbye Miss Lin."

The car went away, but Lin Yue was still standing there.

For some reason, thinking of what Shi Yan said with a smile just now, she felt a little uneasy.

She always felt that Shi Yan was alluding to something.

Turning around, there was a person standing behind her, which startled her, "Are you sick? Standing behind others, you don't know how to make a sound!"

"I called you, maybe you were too engrossed to hear it."

"You call me? Who are you? Do I know you?"

"Lin Xiaohua doesn't know me, but I know you. No, it should be said that there are not many people in this school who don't know Lin Xiaohua."

Lin Xiaohua...

From hearing this title in the past, Lin Yue was only superior.Now she just feels that whoever calls her that is mocking her.

So she didn't give the person a good face, "Call me the school flower, and laugh at me?"

"Why? In my heart, Lin Xiaohua is prettier than Shui Qianqian. I don't know what those people think. Anyway, the first time I saw you, I regarded you as my goddess."

Most people like to hear good things, whether they are sincere or not.

Lin Yue's expression eased slightly, "You are very good at talking."

"What to say to someone, of course you have to say beautiful things to beautiful people."

"What's up?"

"I do have something to ask you. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Meng Qin, and I'm in Class 2 ([-]) of Senior High School."

When Lin Yue heard about this class, her expression changed again, "Same class as Shui Qianqian?"

"It's a classmate, but I don't have a good relationship with her."


"I'm not afraid of you knowing. I just hate Shui Qianqian. I hate Shui Qianqian very much. I wish she would disappear from No. [-] High School. I know you hate her too. I can help you drive her out of No. [-] Middle School, and even let her go to Jiangcheng. You can't get into any middle school."

"You hate Shui Qianqian? Why? You also like Bai Jing?"

Meng Qin's expression was unnatural for a moment, "If I say I don't like him, you won't believe me. Xueshen is so good, how many girls in school don't like him? But don't worry, I like Xueshen not because you think I hate Shui Qianqian because she took the first place in my class."

First in class?

In this way, the name Meng Qin is indeed somewhat familiar. If you think about it carefully, isn't it the person who is closest to Bai Jing on the honor roll of each exam.

"I remembered who you are. Before Shui Qianqian transferred to another school, you were the second grader."

I wanted to add the words "before Shui Qianqian transferred to another school", as if to remind her how inferior she was to Shui Qianqian.

Meng Qin hates people saying that the most.

"You hate Shui Qianqian, is that the only reason?"

"It's not all. I don't think she is worthy of such an excellent learning god. Compared with her, you and the learning god are much more compatible. I don't want the learning god to be so wronged."

Now Lin Yue believed her somewhat.

Because Zuo Kui also said this.

Zuo Kui has no interest in Bo Jing at all.

"Okay, let me trust you, so why do you say that you can help me drive Shui Qianqian out of No. [-] Middle School and even out of Jiangcheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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