Scrap against the sky: Miss Stunning

Chapter 877 Traveling to the 21st Century 2

Chapter 877 Traveling to the 21st Century 2
"Child, wake up."


Seeing that the child was not bleeding, but just passed out, everyone couldn't help but shook him, called him, and tried to wake him up.

Xiaobao was in a daze, feeling so noisy, his head was about to explode!
He opened his eyes suddenly.

It frightened those who were close to him.

But they reacted and laughed.

"Son, are you okay?"

"Child? Do you remember your name? Where do you live? What are the phone numbers of Mom and Dad?"


A series of questions made Xiao Bao feel a slight pain in his head.

And when he saw these strangely dressed people, he was stunned for a while.

Pang Feiru used to dress in suits. These people have different clothes, but he knows that he must have come to the 21st century, because only people in this world can dress so simply.

Xiaobao is very excited!

He finally came to his mother's 21st century!

"Is the little guy stupid?"

"The little guy is an actor, right?"

"He looks really handsome, did Diao Weiya get thrown out?"


After a while, I heard the sound of an ambulance siren.

By the time Xiaobao reacted, he had already been carried into the ambulance.

Little Treasure was shocked, and quickly used a spell to knock everyone out!
This large area of ​​people has seen him, so this large area of ​​people fainted for the time being, he has to temporarily seal this place with an enchantment, after an hour, they will wake up, and then forget everything that happened just now!
After finishing all this, Xiaobao immediately felt relieved to leave.

In order to make it easier for her to find her mother, Xiaobao changed her outfit with spells, and her hair was changed into a cute mushroom head. The soft hair is close to her face, her bangs are uneven, and her round face is full of childishness.

And his clothes were changed into a relatively simple plaid T-shirt and jeans, which looked very cute!
Xiaobao is very satisfied with this outfit.Then left the square.

He had to get acquainted with the world first!

But Xiaobao observed in secret for a long time, but he didn't observe anything.

It seemed that things in this world were too complicated. Many cars were running on the streets, and pedestrians were densely packed, which dazzled him.

Xiaobao finally wanted to ask someone to see what the fastest way to find someone in this world is.

"Looking for someone? Did you sneak out by yourself?"

"Little friend, don't make such a joke. How old are you? You know how to find someone? Be good, hurry up and talk to your parents, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with."


Xiaobao asked a lot of people, and they all thought that Xiaobao had escaped by himself, and some even enthusiastically dialed 110!

Little Treasure had no choice but to knock them unconscious again!

Mother here, the idea is too strange.

It seems that if he wants to find his parents, he must figure out the things in this world as soon as possible!


Pang Feiru is doing prenatal education.

Bai Yiming hugged her gently from behind.

Pang Feiru smiled softly, "Honey, you are bothering me again."

Bai Yiming laughed, "I'll do prenatal education with you, so that our baby can feel the love of father and mother."

Pang Feiru, "..."

She had to admire this guy, how long has he been in the modern age, he has already explored the modern things, a typical modern person.

"Prenatal education is good. I asked people who have been here on the Internet, and they all said that insisting on prenatal education works well, and the baby will be smarter in the future."

Pang Feiru, "..."

"However," Bai Yiming massaged her belly, "Our baby is a little child prodigy, and he is smart whether he needs prenatal education or not."

(End of this chapter)

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