Don't touch my blue BUFF!

Chapter 432 Take the most confident hero

Chapter 432 Take the most confident hero

In the first game, both sides played very steadily.

In the end, it was QR Hoshino who won the first game.

But everyone's mentality is surprisingly good.

Jian Zeyu came up and said to them: "Don't worry too much, just let go!"

In the second game, TC did let go of the game, especially hard, but still lost the second game because of a small mistake at the end.

Seeing that he had lost two games in a row, when Jian Zeyu came up to the BP, although his face looked normal, there was still a trace of tension in his tone that he hadn't noticed.

"Let you let go of the fight, but don't be too careless."

Finally, when the BP was over, when Jian Zeyu went down, he said earnestly, "Just float away, as long as you are happy."

Among the five, Yu Tian is a girl who knows how to behave.With Ji Ke commanding, even if it floats, it won't go anywhere.

So, in the third game, TC won the game in 10 minutes.

TC's morale increased greatly, winning two games in a row.

It took a while in the fifth game, but TC won in the end.

TC took the lead in coming to his own tiebreaker.

Jian Zeyu rubbed his hands and came up to the BP. He didn't know what he was thinking, so he said: "You can see for yourself, take the most confident hero."

Yu Tian chose Zhuge Liang, this version of Zhuge Liang is not a high priority mage.

Clearly there are other better options.

Yu Tian's Zhuge Liang didn't play many games, Jian Zeyu frowned slightly: "Tiantian, are you sure you want Zhuge Liang?"

Yu Tian's Zhuge Liang is indeed good, but the version is not very suitable.

"Coach, what you said, let's take the most confident hero." Yu Tian turned to look at Jian Zeyu, smiling brightly.

Jian Zeyu reached out and pressed his temple: "OK."

Fortunately, in the final lineup, except for Yu Tian's Zhuge Liang who looks a bit weird, the heroes of the other teammates are all adapted to the version.

From the beginning, Yu Tian was very obscene.

The people from QR Hoshino also set their sights on Yu Tian, ​​and directly pressed the middle lane at the beginning.

Dajian and the others immediately came to support them. In this small team battle in the middle, both sides took kills, and the economy was still not much different.

For the time being, it is not clear which side has the greater economic advantage.

The two sides returned to the state of the first game, both played very steadily, and both were afraid of making mistakes and being seized by the other party.

The pressure on QR Hoshino is obviously greater than that on TC.

This round is TC's match point round. If TC wins this round, the national championship of this year's spring split will be TC's.

When people are under high pressure, they may make mistakes in judgment, and they may also stimulate their potential.

At No. 13 minutes into the game, QR Hoshino launched a wave of Juggernaut, which meant to force TC to fight head-on.

Ji Ke's voice came from the earphones: "They fight if they want to fight! Go straight."

QR Hoshino started the group impulsively. Their Bull Demon didn't even have a big move, and retreated into the Dragon Pit.

This is very beneficial to TC.

This wave of team battles went back and forth, Yu Tian stood at the back, Ji Ke didn't know what he was thinking, and always died first in the front.

Then there are big swords, marinated eggs...

And the three of them only changed one head, and there were three remaining blood on the opposite side, one of whom fled.

At this time, only Yu Tian and Liandong were left alive in TC.

Honeysuckle is in poor condition.

In Tianman's state, he chased up and collected three heads, turned around and fought the master with Liandong, and then led the line.

The rhythm is well controlled.

Ji Ke was the first to resurrect and beat the dark tyrant again.

At this time, the economies of the two sides have been separated, and TC's army line is also very good.

As long as the people on TC's side don't make mistakes, the outcome of this game has basically been decided.

(End of this chapter)

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