Medicine Girl Jingjing

Chapter 39 Jingjing loses the first pharmacist exam

Chapter 39
Li Laoshi took the opportunity to quickly introduce three other Taoist priests to his family.

The one with a fat body and a horse face is Shi Tong, the master of Taiqing Temple, the one with a thin body like a bamboo stick is Guang Qingzi, a martial artist from Baiyun Temple, and the burly figure with a square face and big eyes is also a martial artist from Baiyun Temple. The name is Yun Dongzi.

Guang Qingzi and Yun Dongzi are the attendants and bodyguards of Yuan Hongzi's long journey.

The two are of the same generation among the martial artists, but they do not worship the same master, they are good at martial arts and use different weapons.

Shi Tong was originally a martial artist from Baiyun Temple. He also studied medicine and handled things well. He was appreciated by the master of Baiyun Temple and was sent to be the master of Taiqing Temple. He held a certain amount of power in Liuyang County and even Tanzhou Prefecture. A certain force.

Li Laoshi's ability to become the kitchen accountant is the name of Shi Tong's relatives.He can not introduce anyone, Shi Tong must introduce to his family.

Qu Shi was very grateful to Shi Tong for promoting Li Laoshi, and said: "No wonder you look familiar, it turns out that you are the master of Taiqing Temple."

Shi Tong didn't know why, but he was very respectful towards Qu's.

The Qu family sent Li Yunxiao to ask Qu Kuai to sit with him.She and He Shi went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

He Shi was a little absent-minded.

Qu Shi thought that He Shi was worried that Li Jingjing would not pass the exam, so she comforted her, "Don't think too much about it. Let everything take its course."

He Shi said in a low voice: "Mother, I'm afraid they will take Miss Jing to Baiyun Temple."

Qu's head shook like a rattle, and said loudly: "I don't agree with sister Jing leaving home. She has stayed by my side since she was young, and she won't go anywhere!"

The seven Taoist priests in the main room had better hearing than ordinary people, and Qu's voice was raised on purpose, so they could hear them all.

Yuan Hongzi didn't take it seriously. After Li Jingjing moved the small bench and sat in front of her, he began to ask her questions. First, the basic and simple knowledge of pharmacology.

The pharmacist exam held every three years at Baiyun Temple, the headquarters of Taoism, is divided into a written exam on pharmacology knowledge and a practical practice of pharmacy. The exam process is even more rigorous than the scientific exam.

Those who pass the two exams will be able to obtain the pharmacist's document jointly issued by Taoism and the imperial court.

This document has a higher gold content than the pharmacist's document issued by the Imperial Physician Hall and the Buddhist headquarters Tianyuan Temple.The medicines made by the owner are all named after the name of the Tao, and they are sold better than similar medicines in Taoist and town pharmacies.

Seeing that Li Jingjing was still young, the God of Medicine spared her the pain of traveling long distances to Baiyun Temple, and specially sent Yuan Hongzi to Qujia Village to test her for him.

Yuan Hongzi's medical attainment is higher than that of Guang Mingzi, and he has been in Baiyun Temple, the headquarters of Taoism with complicated personnel relations for many years.

He didn't want outsiders to have any objection to Master Yaoshen's acceptance of disciples, so the martial arts practitioners he brought with him this time came from the two factions of Baiyun Temple, so that they could be witnesses.

One old and one young, one question and one answer, soon passed half an hour.

The more Yuan Hongzi asked, the more surprised he became. The questions had surpassed the difficulty of the Baiyun Temple pharmacology knowledge written test.

Guang Mingzi gestured to Yuan Hongzi behind Li Jingjing, but he ignored it.

The last time Guangmingzi lived in Qujia Village for several days, he had discussed medicine with Li Jingjing.Otherwise, why would I strongly recommend it to Master Yaoshen.

Yuan Hongzi's eyes shone faintly, with a smile on his face, suppressing the excitement in his heart, he said slowly: "Next, I will test your prescription. I will talk about a disease, and you will give the prescription."

The pharmacology knowledge written test only tests medicinal herbs and medicinal animals. If you take the medicine prescription question, the test is whether the ingredients in the medicine repel each other and produce toxins.

Only in the doctor's exam can the examinee ask the examinee to answer the whole prescription composition with the disease as the question.

Guang Mingzi couldn't help coughing twice, and was stared at by Yuan Hongzi's sharp eyes, so angry that he almost stood up and walked away.

Li Jingjing glanced back and saw Li Yunxiao gnawing a big stewed chicken leg in the yard, she immediately stood up with her hands on her hips, and shouted to Yuan Hongzi dissatisfied: "I still have to take the exam, I'm getting a headache from talking about it, I Go play."

She ran out of the main room in a flash, went to the kitchen and asked Qu for a big chicken leg, took another chicken wing, ran back and handed the chicken wing to Guang Mingzi, stuck out her tongue at Yuan Hongzi to make a face, and then deliberately raised the big chicken leg to envy him .

Baiyun Temple has adopted orphans all the year round. There are many little Taoist boys and little Taoist nuns, but they can't find a little Taoist nun who is more beautiful, cute, naughty and intelligent than Li Jingjing.

Yuan Hongzi couldn't help feeling childish, and asked, "Why do you only give him chicken and not me?"

Li Jingjing ate the chicken leg, and said vaguely: "Guang Mingzi helped me and treated me well, so I treated him well. The exam gave me a headache when you came, so of course I won't give you chicken wings."

Guang Mingzi had chicken wings to eat, and heard that Yuan Hongzi was "ridiculed" by Li Jingjing, with a smile on his face.

Yuan Hongzi waited for Li Jingjing to finish eating the chicken wings, and when she saw that she was about to run out again, he hurriedly beckoned and said, "Don't go, I will test you a few more small prescriptions and the end will be over."

Li Jingjing said: "It's always boring for you to test me. Do you dare to be tested by me?"

Everyone looked at Yuan Hongzi when they heard it, and saw that he nodded in agreement.

Li Jingjing winked at Guang Mingzi, shook her head, walked towards Yuan Hongzi, and said as she walked, "I'm about to take the exam, are you afraid that I'll fail you?"

Yuan Hongzi couldn't help but said: "You just take the exam."

Li Jingjing smiled and said, "What kind of medicine are you best at making?"

Yuan Hongzi glanced at Guang Mingzi, and replied, "Powder."

Guang Mingzi's face changed slightly, and he gnawed on the meatless chicken wing bone with his eyes downcast.

Standing in front of Yuan Hongzi, Li Jingjing suddenly realized: "It turns out that you can make all kinds of medicinal powders. Well, it's summer now, and I'm going to test the simplest medicinal powder for children's prickly heat. Tell me the recipe, and I'll listen to it." right."

In Yuan Hongzi's mind, there are nearly a thousand kinds of medicinal powder prescriptions in the world, each of which has been made by himself, and he can memorize it fluently, and immediately tells the ingredients of the prickly heat powder.

Li Jingjing smiled slyly and asked, "What is the medicine powder prescription for preventing prickly heat in children?"

Pediatric prickly heat is just a minor illness. In her previous life, the talcum powder to prevent children from prickly heat was developed in modern times. In ancient times, the prevention of minor ailments was not paid attention to, and there was no medicine similar to talcum powder.

Now Yuan Hongzi was dumbfounded, but he answered frankly and directly: "I haven't seen the medicine powder prescription you mentioned to prevent prickly heat in children, and I don't know how to make it."

Li Jingjing said with a oh, and said with a smile: "I have seen it, I will match it!"

Shi Tong was even more shocked.Guang Qingzi and Yun Dongzi were no longer calm, they looked at Li Jingjing with inquiry.

In the world, people who failed Yuan Hongzi's test in terms of pharmacology can count on the fingers of one hand.

The person in front of him is only four years old, and he has never formally learned the art of medicine from a teacher, so he can beat Yuan Hongzi in the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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