Medicine Girl Jingjing

Chapter 13 Jingjing Qiao Makes People Dig Earthworms

Chapter 13 Jingjing Qiao Makes People Dig Earthworms
Yuyu carried Li Jingjing down to the foot of the yellow hill, and found that the hill was separated from Yaotian Mountain by the Lingshui River. The mountain was bare and there were no plants, and the soil was light golden yellow, slowly emitting aura like the purple soil of Yaotian Mountain.

I think it was like this when Yaotian Mountain appeared. It can have the current scale, except for Li Jingjing's work on medicinal herb seeds and seedlings, as well as the credits of Yuyu and Yaotu.

Li Jingjing hugged Yuyu's neck and said sincerely: "Yuyu, everything is difficult at the beginning, and the new Yaoshou Mountain will bother you."

Yuyu's two rabbit teeth exposed outside moved, and said weakly: "Master, you kissed Yusansanqi last time. Can you kiss me again?"

Since the rejuvenation medicine mansion made the medicine, the number of rabbits produced by the aura has increased, and twenty new rabbits have been born.

Li Jingjing once kissed the youngest Sansanqi, and Yuyu was jealous.

Li Jingjing said generously: "Okay. I will kiss you every day from now on."

Yuyu suddenly rolled her eyes and said excitedly: "Master, there is a book on medicine and beasts in your study cabinet."

The last time Yaotianshan came out, the Yaofu gave Li Jingjing herbal scriptures, and this time it was still the same.

"It's about to dawn outside. Let's go and read the book on medicine and beasts." Li Jingjing rode Yuyu to the study in Yaoju Mountain with great interest.

The bookcase made of spiritual sandalwood is about seven feet high, and it is close to the wall. There are five floors in total. On the left side of the bottom floor, there is a shining golden book. , on the right are five prescription notes written by Li Jingjing herself.

On the third shelf, there is a mysterious book with golden light and fairy air. The cover of the book is facing outward.

Li Jingjing was too short to reach, so she put the "Herb Book" and prescription notes on the bottom layer.

Yuyu put the "Book of Medicine and Beasts" on the desk with her understanding, and Li Jingjing quickly sat on a high stool that matched her height to read it.

"Book of Medicine Beasts" also uses spirit silk paper as the pages of the book, with rich pictures and texts, ranging from dragons and phoenixes to ants, and each medicine beast is painted lifelike. The medicine beast heard in the legend.

The whole book has more than 6 pages. The silk paper is extremely thin, but it is not thick with so many pages. There are two ways to read it. You can find the medicine animal from the catalog, or you can find the medicine you need by looking for the name of the medicine from the catalog. medicine beast.

Li Jingjing was a pharmacy expert in the army in her previous life, and was proficient in ancient and modern pharmaceutical methods, but she was not good at planting medicinal herbs or raising medicinal animals.

In this life, she is extremely honored to have obtained the Rejuvenation Medicine House, where she can systematically master the knowledge of medicinal herbs and medicinal animals through books and exchanges with Yuyu, analyze the efficacy of medicinal herbs and medicinal animals more thoroughly, and comprehensively improve pharmaceutical technology.

Li Jingjing flipped through more than a dozen pages of "The Book of Medicine and Beasts", and was deeply attracted by the detailed explanations and new knowledge of medicine. Will be envious and jealous."

Time flies, even in Rejuvenation Medicine Mansion, Li Jingjing feels that it passes quickly.

Yuyu reluctantly sends Li Jingjing out of the Rejuvenation Medicine Mansion.

Before dawn, Li Jingjing lay beside Qu's.

Qu's family was still sleeping soundly, Li Jingjing couldn't sleep because of the excitement, thinking about what kind of medicine beast to send to the Rejuvenation Medicine House during the day.

At dawn, the crowing of roosters came from Qujia Village. After a while, the dogs raised by several families barked a few times, and the autumn morning came.

Qu's family was the first to get up like in the past, and took a look at her little granddaughter Li Jingjing, then put on her clothes and got out of bed, and tiptoed to the bathtub inside the screen to urinate.

Children sleep more than adults. At this time, the second grandson Li Yunxiao is sleeping soundly while drooling.

She didn't know that Li Jingjing had woken up a long time ago, but she lay on the bed and pretended to sleep just to avoid her suspicion.

Qushi simply combed her hair, gently closed the door to wash up, and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the family. When she looked up, she saw Li Qubing and Li Yunqing coming out of the bedroom fully dressed, and asked suspiciously, "You guys got up so early?"

Li Qubing said excitedly: "Mother, Qing Yazi has learned Wuqinxi boxing from the Taoist priest, and wants to show me."

Qu Shi was surprised.

Mr. Li has been in Taiqingguan for 14 years. He started to learn martial arts when he was ten years old. He has said more than once that Wuqinxi boxing is the most powerful basic boxing method of Taoists in Taiqingguan, but the Taoist priest refuses to teach it.

Now Li Yunqing has learned this boxing technique just two years after he went there.

Li Yunqing was also afraid of waking up her mother sleeping with her siblings, so she whispered: "Grandma, let's go to the mountain side in the backyard."

In early autumn in Qujia Village, the temperature is slightly cool, the trees and grass on the mountainside are dark green, yellow, white, purple, and light pink daisies are embroidered all over the ground, and there is a faint fragrance of green grass floating in the air. Gray-brown soil grasshoppers often appear in the grass .

Li Yunqing tied his chest-length hair with a black hair rope, and wore dark blue shorts and trousers. He skillfully performed Wu Qin Xi boxing on the grass, with his feet firmly planted on the ground, and his fists made a slight sound of wind.

Li Qubing stood beside him with envious eyes and applauded, and when Li Yunqing stopped to rest after punching ten times in a row, he said excitedly, "Qing Yazi, I want to go to Taiqing Temple!"

Li Yunqing's face was blushing, she was full of heroic spirit, her spirit was radiant, her eyes were confident, and she said with a smile: "If you want to go, you have to ask grandma."

Li Qubing shook his head and said, "She won't even let me go to the school in the town, let alone Taiqingguan."

Li Yunqing said: "Little uncle, Taiqing Guan is very bitter, you will cry every day when you go."

Li Qubing asked suspiciously: "You said last night that it was fun at Taiqing Temple?"

"I just told you fun things, I didn't tell you about my hardships." Li Yunqing said slowly: "Do you still remember that when I came back last winter, my ears and hands had chilblains, which were red and itchy? "

Li Qubing nodded and said, "I remember."

Li Yunqing said: "Last winter, I washed clothes for more than a dozen Taoist priests. Every day, there was a pile of dirty clothes as high as a hill. I beat the well water to dry quickly, so I had to go to the river to wash. There were a few days when it rained lightly, and my ears, Hands were stained with rain, and the wind from the river gave rise to chilblains.”

Li Qubing said softly: "It was quite painful."

Li Yunqing said sincerely: "There are dozens of laymen like me in Taiqingguan. I can't do odd jobs all the time and fail to learn something. In order to get the approval of the Taoist priest, I not only changed the dirty clothes in winter, I washed it frequently, and it was very clean. I persisted in this way for a whole winter, and in the spring, I was selected by the Taoist priest to help the disciples guard the medicine garden."

Li Qubing looked admiringly and said: "Qing Yazi, you are really smart, and you can really endure hardships."

Li Yunqing spread his arms and said with a helpless smile: "My life in Guanli is full of joys and sorrows, and I don't know when I will be able to find a job with good income and no chores like my father."

(End of this chapter)

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