Little fairy dressed as a prince

Chapter 529 Hurt each other

Chapter 529 Hurt each other
King Yu went back to the palace angrily. These days, he didn't think about food or tea, he didn't take a bath, he didn't change his clothes, and he didn't shave his beard. As a result, as soon as he woke up, he said that he would wear a cuckold. Thinking about it, he became angry big.

However, in the morning of the next day, he asked Wei Xiankang to send someone to go to Ankang Hall to pick her up.

Gao Chuchu's back was still in pain, and even a slight movement could tear the wound.

Therefore, he did not ask someone to pick her up in a carriage, but carried her back in a sedan chair.

When she returned to Yinyue Pavilion, all the servants in the yard were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

God knows that they have long wanted to take care of the master, but the prince said that the master was still in a coma, and there were too many people and it was too noisy, so he didn't let them go.

In fact, King Yu had selfish intentions. At that time, he wanted to be alone by her side quietly.

After Gao Chuchu came back, she didn't eat anything.

Let them talk nonsense in front of her, but she didn't open her mouth, she didn't lose her temper, she just sat on the head of the bed without thinking.

This frightened Yuan Xiang and the others. In their eyes, the master was always optimistic, and she would not take big things to heart.

But what's wrong this time, without saying a word, just sitting in a daze like that, not eating, this is really worrying!
Gao Chuchu was angry that she was useless, fell in love with such a scumbag, and was instantly disappointed in herself.

King Yu had been busy all day and dealt with all the things that he hadn't done a few days ago.

The first thing he said when he returned to the mansion was: "Master Gao can eat."

Wei Xiankang was startled, but he still said cautiously: "I heard that Concubine Gao has been sitting since she came back, and when she gets tired from sitting, she will lie down for a while, but even if she doesn't eat, the servants in the yard can't persuade her no matter what."

"A bunch of trash!" King Yu went to Yinyue Pavilion without even changing his robe.

In Yinyue Pavilion, Gao Chuchu stared at the quilt in a daze.

As soon as King Yu came in, he was furious: "You bastards, you don't even have the ability to coax the master to eat. What's the use of this king keeping you? Go out and get twenty big boards for me, and kill every one!"

Hearing this, Gao Chuchu, who had been dazed before, finally reacted, she said flatly: "Only an incompetent man would vent his emotions to his servants."

"This king is incompetent? You can try again?" He squeezed her chin tightly, forcing her to look directly at him.

Gao Chuchu couldn't be fooled by him, she sneered: "If you tell me to say it, I have to say it? Then don't I lose face?"

Damn it, why does he feel that this woman is getting more and more disobedient and her temper is getting wilder?
Obviously she was the one who made the mistake, okay?
He stared into her eyes, and met her small cherry mouth with a punishing, domineering kiss like a tornado.

Gao Chuchu felt that his behavior was simply insulting her injured and weak self, so she bit his aggressive tongue sharply.

Suddenly, a fishy sweetness spread between the lips.

King Yu still ignored the moment of pain and continued to violate her, he just wanted to punish her.

And Gao Chuchu continued to take revenge on him.

Come on, we want to hurt each other!

When King Yu was bitten by her again, he stopped and stared at her, as if trying to see through her.

But she responded to him with indifferent eyes, as if looking at a stranger.

Finally, he was defeated. He sat on the armchair beside him, buried his face in his hands in distress and decadence, and finally supported his forehead with his hands, looking down at the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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