Strong pet: black belly BOSS beg to let go

Chapter 504 Together: 1 Table Ribs

Chapter 504 Together: A Table of Ribs
When Chu Munan saw a table of ribs, he felt a little dizzy. Although Su Jinxi's ribs were indeed delicious, it would be too exaggerated to have a table of ribs for one meal. "There are no other dishes in the refrigerator. Yet?"

"You have a broken bone, and people say that what you eat can make up for it, so you should eat more." Su Jinxi quickly filled a bowl of big bone soup for Chu Munan, and also scooped up a large bone and put it on the plate, " There's a lot of bone marrow in it."

"It's all misinformation, not to mention how much bone marrow the pigs themselves grow up on catalysts." Obviously, Chu Munan didn't believe these old sayings at all, "Besides, I'm pretty much fine. Can you change the habit of running around when someone disagrees with you, I'm poorly lying on the bed and can't move, and you actually go on a trip!"

Su Jinxi smiled embarrassedly, "It's obvious that you have spoken too much, if you give me another chance, I'll leave anyway!"

"Hmph." Chu Munan suddenly became arrogant again, and turned to look away with some awkwardness, "No, just speak up if you have something to say, don't run away!"

"I was afraid of you at the time, who told you..." Su Jinxi stopped talking halfway, she knew that although Chu Muxi was punished, Chu Munan must still dote on her, so the first time she didn't want to date One day, it was because of Chu Muxi that he was uncomfortable.

Comparing heart to heart, Su Jinxi felt that if Su Jinyan and Chu Munan had a conflict, she might blame Su Jinyan, but if Chu Munan brought it up again in front of her, then she would feel uncomfortable, so why not ignore it for now? .

Chu Munan couldn't figure out what Su Jinxi didn't finish, and sighed helplessly, "Su Jinxi, I apologize to you on behalf of Mu Xi, it's also my fault, because I wished to have you since I was a child. My little sister, after my mother adopted her, I will protect her so much that I will make her character become as self-willed as she is now. If she bullies you again in the future, you can tell me directly or bully you back. Don’t worry, I won’t I will tell you!"

Su Jinxi couldn't help laughing, "Sister Chu will probably hate me even more if she hears this. Her favorite brother actually helps me like this, so it's okay!"

"That's when she bullied you, I'm very fair and just." Chu Munan knew that he shouldn't bring up this matter at such a warm moment, but he couldn't help but said, "You two are right To me, the meaning is different, but they are both very important to me, so I really hope that you can get along in harmony, but I didn't force you to shake hands with Mu Xi immediately, after all, the conflict between you still exists .I'm just can try to accept her, Mu Xi is just spoiled and has a bad temper, but she's not bad at heart."

Su Jinxi knew that Chu Munan only knew that Chu Muxi had bullied him and made him wronged, but he didn't know what happened. If he knew that Chu Muxi had tried to kill him again and again, would he still Can you say something that is not bad in nature?In the end, Su Jinxi just smiled, "I see, she is your sister."

In the end, Chu Munan still ate more than half of the spare ribs to save face, and ate two more bowls of rice with a good appetite. Watching Su Jinxi pack up the big and small bags he had carried back, he packed a big bag of gifts for him. Ning Moxi sent it over, and Chu Munan sat beside him with a stinking face, "Where's my gift!"

(End of this chapter)

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