Strong pet: black belly BOSS beg to let go

Chapter 322 Together: Guessing the Male God

Chapter 322 Together: Guessing the Male God

The last reference advice given by the doctor is to relax and go back and wait and see. If you still don’t have your period after a while, then take medicine.

Su Jinxi put away the medical records, came out and saw Shen Chenche sitting outside waiting, she was a little embarrassed, "Senior, did I delay you from going to work?"

Shen Chenche raised his arm, "I'm a wounded person, do you have the heart to watch me go to work?"

"Eh..." Su Jinxi scratched her hair immediately, "How about I treat you to dinner tonight? I really want to thank you very much today. If you hadn't pushed me away in time, I would be dead now."

Shen Chenche paused, "It's just right, I also have something to ask you."

After bidding farewell to Shen Chenqing, Su Jinxi and Shen Chenche went to the small restaurant nearby, although Su Jinxi wanted to treat Shen Chenche to some high-end food, at least they saved her life twice.But Su Jinxi was really short of money. Gu's first month's salary was almost used up, and before the time for salary payment in the second month, Chu Munan also returned the card that Chu Munan gave him. The little salary left is Ning Moxi's money to support her when she starts school.

After Su Jinxi finished ordering, she suddenly remembered that Shen Chenche said that she wanted to ask herself something, so she asked tentatively, "Senior, you said you wanted to ask me something, what is it?"

Shen Chenche waited for the waiter to leave before opening his mouth, "Su Jinxi, did you offend someone?"

"Huh?" Su Jinxi was at a loss, "I seem to have offended many people, but they were all women."

"No, this should be an offense with a deep hatred." Shen Chenche looked serious, "Although there were not many people on the road at the time, there were some pedestrians, but that car seemed to be coming straight at you. And if it was an accident Generally, when someone is in front, they will definitely brake, but that car has no trace of brakes at all. At first I thought whether the brakes were broken, but after I dodged, it was obvious that the car had brakes."

Su Jinxi thought carefully and was terrified, "No way, that's right, he didn't get out of the car at all, and ran away directly. I thought he was a hit-and-run. When you put it that way, it seems that he was targeting me."

"So, can you think of who is trying to harm you?" Shen Chenche thought about Bai Ranran at first, but after thinking about it carefully, Bai Ranran probably didn't know about Su Jinxi's leaving the Chu family, and she probably wasn't brave enough yet. Going to touch Chu Munan's wife, so Su Jinxi must have offended someone, "Think about it carefully to know that you moved away from the Chu family, and you are not afraid of Chu Munan's people."

Chu Muxi!Su Jinxi thought of her almost immediately. Chu Muxi fell in love with chatting with her these days, and would come over to chat with her every now and then to talk about how much she likes Chu Munan, how good Lin Muwan and Chu Munan are. Let’s talk about my great fulfillment and I want to convince myself to fulfill them too.What's more, Chu Muxi met him in the Chu family, but he said so much, it is possible that he will go home at night, and he will definitely find that he has not come back.

As for not being afraid of Chu Munan... Chu Munan's degree of sister-control is far inferior to Su Jinyan's, but it's a proper sister-control, okay? How could Chu Muxi be afraid of Chu Munan.Su Jinxi really couldn't figure it out, she divorced Chu Munan, why would she hurt herself?

(End of this chapter)

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