Strong pet: black belly BOSS beg to let go

Chapter 301 Together: The Strange Secretary Group of 3

Chapter 301 Together: The Weird Secretary Trio
"Who made you look like you're going to get out of the wall at any time." Ning Moxi sighed, "What about your cooking skills? Hitch his stomach first, don't you always cook for Chu Munan, have you tied his stomach yet?"

"Tie your head!" Su Jinxi couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "He is very satisfied with my cooking skills, but do you think that a big boss is afraid that he won't be able to eat delicious food!"

Ning Moxi shrugged helplessly, "Your advantages don't work with Chu Munan, girl give up!"

Su Jinxi propped her head, with a sad face, "I knew it a long time ago."

Ning Moxi looked at the sadness in Su Jinxi's eyes, and immediately felt sorry for this silly girl, "When are you going to move out, tell me, and I'll help you move things."

Su Jinxi was silent for a while, then hummed, leaned on the back of the sofa, silently in a daze.Ning Moxi wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know what to say. She could only come out of this kind of thing. Fortunately, she had known her not long ago... She probably didn't like her very much. When she was rejected by Shen Chenche, she only needed to come out It's only a week... But can something like love really be measured by time?

Ever since the length of the holiday was revised, Su Jinxi felt that the May Day holiday was very short, just one day longer than the weekend. When she came back to work, she saw people from the technical department adjusting the monitoring upstairs.Su Jinxi had just finished making coffee when she saw Jenny walking in with a smile, and suddenly felt a chill behind her, "Secretary Su, the bathroom is leaking for some reason, the water in this place, we all wear high heels, just in case How bad it is to fall down. Just now I looked for the cleaning lady, but I didn’t see anyone, can you go over and clean it.”

Su Jinxi's expression froze slightly, she didn't say anything when she was a handyman, and now she has to clean the toilet!Sure enough, they didn't find fault with themselves a while ago because they were too busy with work. In the end, Su Jinxi still lowered her head and responded, "Okay, I'll send the coffee to the office and clean it."

"You go first, I'll deliver the coffee for you." Saying that, Jenny snatched the tray from Su Jinxi's hand, "Please."

Su Jinxi suddenly felt a creepy feeling, is Jenny not sick?

Su Jinxi sighed, and silently went to the tool room to get a mop. Fortunately, Gu's toilet was always cleaned very clean, and it was just mopping the floor, not too dirty.Su Jinxi felt a headache when she saw the water on the ground, she was not stable when walking, if she fell here, it would be over.

Carefully dragging the water stains on the floor, suddenly someone came out of the cubicle, Su Jinxi looked up and saw that Anna felt that something was wrong for no reason, and Anna smiled slightly, "Secretary Su, wait a while, come and pass the toilet , I don’t know who threw the paper inside, it was blocked and couldn’t be flushed down.”

"..." Su Jinxi's expression froze immediately, and finally she suppressed her anger, "Okay."

Su Jinxi watched Anna walk out with a smile, and suddenly became a little annoyed. They stopped attacking her emotionally, and directly ordered herself to do something she shouldn't do, so that she would feel uncomfortable but not easy to refute!After finally mopping the floor clean, Su Jinxi went to the tool room to get the toilet plug, pinched her nose and opened the compartment that Andy mentioned just now, went in and took a look, didn't it mean that the toilet is not working, isn't it good!

(End of this chapter)

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