Small town adventure

Chapter 500 Telepathy

Chapter 500 Telepathy
It's a pity that only the patriarch Master Zhang Zhenren knew where the treasure was hidden, and he was the only one who had seen this treasure. As for where the "Immortal Binding Vine" was hidden by Master Zhang, There have been many theories in Wudang Mountain for more than a thousand years. Some say it is in a cave in Changbai Mountain, others say it is on a snow mountain in Yunnan, and what is more, it is said that it is hidden in a cave in southern Tibet. in a lake.In short, there are different opinions, after all, there is no exact location.In the decades since Wu Yazi met those two ghost boys and set up the Big Dipper array around the village, he has been looking for the hiding place of this "immortal vine" and traveled all over the country. In a remote place, after searching all possible places, I found this treasure in a cave at the bottom of a cliff called Duanhun Cliff in northern Hunan a few days ago.Because the treasures are all spiritual, the "Bound Immortal Vine" is the most precious treasure in Taoism. It was hidden by Zhang Zhenren in the past, and it is extremely difficult to find.The first necessary condition to find it is; the person looking for this object must be a person with advanced Taoism, because the "Bound Immortal Vine" can only have telepathy with Taoism with a very high level of cultivation The higher the cultivation level, the greater the range of sensing. Taoist Wu Yazi has lived to the age of more than a hundred and dozens of years old, and his cultivation base is naturally unpredictable. It took ten years of painstaking efforts to find the location of this "immortal-binding vine", which has to be said to be a trick of good fortune.

Guitong's parents were full of suffocation at this moment, and a murderous aura enveloped the surroundings, making it suffocating.

Taoist Priest Wu Yazi is in a somewhat happy state of mind at the moment, if the two ghost boys were not injured by the ghost-slaying sword formation, there must be a vicious fight with the two ghost boys, and it would not be so soon Injure them, let alone force out their parents so quickly. The reason why the parents of these two ghost boys hide so closely must be that the cultivation of 'ghosts' has reached a very critical moment. When they have not cultivated into 'ghosts' and their morality is not particularly high, it is precisely the best time to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Taoist Priest Wu Yazi secretly condensed the spiritual power of his whole body and poured it into the sword body of the Demon Slaying Sword, but quietly stretched out one hand into his arms, and touched the sword wrapped around his waist. Because the "Binding Immortal Vine" is covered with many fine and short sharp thorns, if it is not done well, it will get stuck into the flesh, so Taoist Wu Yazi wrapped many circles around his waist. Rags, to prevent those sharp thorns from stabbing yourself, so the "immortal binding vine" is not particularly strong. As long as you grab a vine head, you can easily remove it from your body. The other two talismans took a lot of trouble, no wonder the patriarch was unwilling to use the more powerful "immortal binding vine".

Over there, the evil spirit of Guitong's parents was as strong as a burning flame.But seeing, Gui Tong's parents each raised a hand, and immediately, two blood-red evil spirits flew towards Taoist priest Wu Yazi quickly, just as the two groups of evil spirits flew out, Taoist priest Wu Yazi smelled something A strong bloody smell rushed towards him.

It was too late, Taoist priest Wu Yazi had been preparing for a long time, the ghost-killing sword in his hand was shining with a strong purple light, and Taoist priest Wu Yazi slammed it down violently, and a ball of purple energy rushed Charged towards those two blood-red evil spirits...

(End of this chapter)

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