Invincible upgrade system

Chapter 17 Bloodskin Ratmen

Chapter 17 Bloodskin Ratmen

Flesh and blood filled the air, and pieces of meat stained with blood fell down one after another. Instead of retreating, the other mice aroused their desire to attack.


Yang Xiu snorted angrily.

It's easy for me to be a master?

He drew the saber in his left hand, and held a Bailian long saber in both hands. Yang Xiu waved his arms like a windmill, and the snow-white saber light suddenly lit up in the Great Compassion Temple.

Like a crazily stirring meat grinder, flesh and blood filled everywhere Yang Xiu went, and those rats turned into a puddle of meat under Yang Xiu's long knife.

"Show your true skills." Yang Xiu sneered.

He knew that Xuannan didn't have many cards in his hole, and the strongest one should be to summon the Ratmen.

If you don't count the evil martial arts.

"There are really two brushes." A strange black light flashed in Xuannan's pupils, but there was a sense of relief in his words.

Because he has roughly seen Yang Xiu's background, he should not be a third-level professional.

This is good news for Xuannan.

"I really don't know, where do you have the courage to dare to challenge me, Master Xuannan?"

Xuannan stuck out his scarlet tongue, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Ho ho, ho ho."

XuanNan gave a strange smile, then clapped his hands and stepped back. Where he was standing, the ground was upturned, and the bricks and stones were towering.

A humanoid monster covered in blood skin slowly climbed up from the ground. Yang Xiu saw clearly that there was a wide hole under the floor, and the blood skin monster got out of the hole.

The blood-skinned monster was one meter tall, with blood-colored fluff all over its body, and a thick tail hanging straight down on the ground.

What is surprising is that this monster has a round mouse head.

[Blood-skinned rat man]: The evil power summoned by the demon monk of the Great Compassion Temple [Xuan Nan] is made of demon rats combined with human skin, occupation level, level one.

The long knife in Yang Xiu's hand trembled, sure enough, Xuannan chose to summon without accident.

[Blood-skinned Ratman] This kind of monster covered in human skin has only one level, so their attacks are not very high.

But there are two things that make people fearful. One is that they have no pain awareness and have high blood and high defense, and as long as their weaknesses are not severed, they will get up and fight to the death.

The second is that their saliva has corrosive power.

The surrounding floors bulged one by one, and holes in the ground appeared in Yang Xiu's sight.

And every hole will drill out a [Bloodskin Ratman].

There are four in total.

Four [blood-skinned ratmen] surrounded Yang Xiutuan, and outside the ratmen was the smiling Xuannan.

"Since you dare to come to my Great Compassion Temple, then you will die!"

The smile on Xuannan's face became cruel, and with a wave of his withered palm, he gave the order to attack Yang Xiu.


The blood-skinned ratman in front of Yang Xiu took the lead. It let out a low voice, waved its big bloody paws, and pounced on Yang Xiu.


Without retreating or evading, Yang Xiu slashed down at the rushing Rat Man with his long saber!
"The long knife hits the target!"

"The heavy slash skill was activated successfully!"

"Cause 12 points of damage!"

Yang Xiu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Ratmen, although they are only level 30, their HP is as high as [-] points.

So Yang Xiu's all-out blow was nothing more than cutting off 12 points of their HP.

However, this was as expected.

When Yang Xiu came to the Great Compassion Temple, he knew that the battle with the Ratman was not easy.


The first [Blood-skinned Ratman]'s attack was unfavorable, and the other three also howled and attacked Yang Xiu at the same time.

Yang Xiu's front, back, left, and right sides were immediately sealed off by the Ratmen!

"Good come!"

Yang Xiu shouted loudly and brandished his two sabers like a wheel.

Knife repair is a hard-working and passionate profession, and it will never back down!
"The long knife hits the target!"

"Cause 13 points of damage!"

"The target is in a state of continuous serious injury!"

Although Yang Xiu opened and closed, but he was thoughtful, instead of attacking in a large area, it is better to attack only one [Blood-skinned Ratman]!
This is called, it is better to break one finger than to hurt five fingers!
The first Rat Man he fought against had already been severely wounded by him, as long as he made up a few more cuts, that Rat Man would be completely wiped out!
Xuannan in the distance seemed to have discovered Yang Xiu's intentions, a mocking smile appeared on his withered face.

"Namo Amitabha." Xuannan put one hand on his chest, chanted the Buddha's name, and released a skill.

"The Buddha's light shines!"

A warm golden light emanated from Xuannan's palm, and then engulfed the four [blood-skinned ratmen] besieging Yang Xiu like a tide.

The rat man was illuminated by the Buddha's light, and his original injured state was fully recovered at once!
The Ratman who was seriously injured by Yang Xiu and was almost killed, suddenly came alive after receiving [Buddha's Light].

Even if he didn't return to his peak state, his health was restored by [-]!
(End of this chapter)

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