Invincible upgrade system

Chapter 14 Great Compassion Temple

Chapter 14 Great Compassion Temple

Although Yang Xiu knew the general map of the Great Wilderness World and the various forces, but since the world was small, he was not very familiar with the actual paths in each city.

And the White Tiger Gang has a lot of scoundrels and hooligans, with many eyes and ears, if he leaves the city rashly, he will be easily overtaken by them.

At that time, Yang Xiu will face the bloody revenge of the White Tiger Gang in the wild.

In the wild, it is a paradise for fighting and a cemetery for the weak.

Yang Xiu had no doubt that once he was out of the sight of the Anyuan City guards, he would immediately face the powerful killing of the White Tiger Gang.

If he died, his body would be devoured by the spirits outside the city soon, and he, Yang Xiu, would completely disappear from this world.

Nobody cares about a dead person.

On the contrary, if they are in the city, the White Tiger Gang can be a little more scrupulous.

At least, they won't blatantly kill people in broad daylight.

So now, Yang Xiu can't leave the city without any scruples.

At least until he has the power to ignore the White Tiger Gang, he can't leave at will.

But waiting or blindly hiding is not the solution.

"Before the White Tiger Gang finds us, we must strengthen our strength as soon as possible."

"It seems that that matter has to be done in advance."

Yang Xiu rubbed his forehead, he knew a place where he could quickly improve his strength.

Originally, he thought that he would spend a few days to investigate the terrain and other conditions of that place before going in for an expedition.

But now the danger of the White Tiger Gang is imminent, like the sword of Damocles hanging above his head, making him uneasy.

Yang Xiu raised his head and looked towards the outskirts of the city.

The outskirts of the city are even more remote than the outer city, where the mountains and forests are densely covered, and there are very few people, only a few houses.

His eyes narrowed.

Yang Xiu knew.

There lived a rat king.

The outskirts of Anyuan City are like the outskirts of most cities. It is remote, densely covered with mountains and forests, and there are very few residents, only a few here and there.

However, the suburbs of Anyuan City are different from other places.

Because, here, there is a magnificent temple.

It is called the Great Compassion Temple.

In the Great Compassion Temple lived a thin yellow-robed monk whose dharma name was Xuannan. He came from another place and had settled in Anyuan City for several years.

Xuannan's reputation was not obvious when he first came, but everyone quickly discovered his ability.

He can miraculously revive people who are about to die in an instant.

The matter of saving lives was witnessed by many people in Anyuan City, so it is not a false talk.

Those people who saw Xuannan saving lives told people everywhere that they saw the golden light flashing in Master Xuannan's hand, and the sound of Buddha's Zen singing rang out all around.


The rescued people can recover as long as they are exposed to the golden light.

This incident was spread so miraculously in Anyuan City that some stupid people regarded Xuannan as the reincarnation of the Buddha who saved the suffering.

And along with it, the incense of Dabei Temple became more and more prosperous.

However, those who have been to Dabei Temple to burn incense all said that the atmosphere of Dabei Temple is different from other Buddhist temples.

Not to mention the weird atmosphere in the Dabei Temple, the main reason is that the Bodhisattva enshrined in the Buddhist hall is very different from the Buddhist temples in other places.

The Bodhisattva statue in the Great Compassion Temple, with its eyebrows and mouse eyes, has a deer head and mouse eyes, and it feels extremely wretched at first glance.

In the words of some people, it is, "The Bodhisattva in the Great Compassion Temple has a mouse face."

"Monk Xuannan enshrines the Mouse-faced Bodhisattva."

However, these words are only discussed in private, and they dare not say them publicly.

After all, Xuannan's skills are there, and there are still a lot of people who want to ask him to do things.

Therefore, although the Dabei Temple has different praises and criticisms, in general, the incense is not bad.

the next day.

Yang Xiu came to the Great Compassion Temple with a long knife on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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