Chapter 239 Remembering You
Although the words are not good, but how many people Andrew is going to "see" are normal people?
Yan Siyang heard something unusual from Andrew's words.

"I said, why don't you let me visit your brother-in-law by the way?" Andrew thought it was because the signal at the airport was bad and he didn't hear him, so he repeated, "Your family still pays twice, if I know it's you Brother-in-law, I'll give him a discount."

Andrew was joking.

Yan Siyang doesn't even need to guess, Andrew has already made it very clear.

Si Jintang is also mentally ill?

This is totally unexpected!
If it's just a general mental illness, Ningchuan has a lot of experts in this field. It must be that the doctors in Ningchuan have read it all, and then try to find a doctor from another country.

Can find Andrew...

How difficult is Si Jintang's illness?
No wonder……

Recently, there have been rumors in the circle that Si Jintang hasn't been to the company for a while, and everyone is saying that he is busy divorcing his sister, and the two families are discussing the matter of "breaking up the partnership".

Others approached him directly.

Of course he was tight-lipped and revealed nothing.

"There is no need to give him a discount, he has too much money to spend," Yan Siyang asked calmly after receiving the message, "How is he doing?"

"How about a coincidence?" Andrew pointedly said, "You have a saying that doesn't mean that a family does not enter a house. You told me before, and I think it is especially suitable for you. Coincidentally, he also I'm not sick."


Andrew Qi: "You will be shocked when I tell you!"

"Don't be a secret, Andrew."

He accepted that his sister was not his sister, what could be more unbelievable?
"Before I wondered if I was crazy to believe that your sister is really someone else. But today I want to say, it's true!" Andrew said, "Si Jintang knows Gu Xiang!"


This matter was a bit bizarre, Yan Siyang made a gesture with his father while answering the phone, and went upstairs to his study.

After closing the door, he asked again: "How is this possible? Think about it, doesn't it mean that there is no her in this world?"

He also checked afterwards, and the Si family did not have a girl named Gu Xiang. The orphan girl that Grandpa Si had taken in was Su Yue.

How could Si Jintang remember a person who didn't exist!
"Isn't it weird!" Andrew said as if taking credit, "The stories the two of them told me are connected! Either what they both told is false, or both are true!"

Andrew adhered to the principle of fairness, since Si Jintang had told about the Yan family's situation, he would also tell the Yan family about his situation.

Then he considered that he had completed the mission and left Ningchuan.

He couldn't take these two "cases" back for research, so he just had a fresh addiction.

After hanging up the phone, Yan Siyang leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

What's all this?

Judging from what Andrew told him, Si Jintang should have "awakened" recently.

According to this rhythm, in fact, all of them have lived again, but they don't know it.

The "awakened" Si Jintang had memories of his previous life, so he remembered Gu Xiang.

Before I fully remembered it, others thought it was schizophrenia.

and so……

Is this the reason why he said he wanted a divorce before?
Because think about it?

This point, think about it, probably don't know yet.

What's ridiculous is that he heard from Andrew how much Si Jintang loves to think, and he can feel his attachment to her only through words.

But what about Qianqian?
Is Qianqian only worthy of being an innocent victim?

Yan Siyang fell into a tangle.

Think about whether he should tell this.

If you think about him still in your heart, and he told her at this time, would she choose to return to Si Jintang's side?

Although it's Qianqian's body, the one who controls it is thinking about it. They can't lock her at home, and Qianqian is on the left and right, so they can't bear it.

If she insisted on going back to Si's house, she could always find a way, or just ask Si Jintang to pick her up, they probably couldn't stop her.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

"Who is it?" Yan Siyang had a headache, and his tone was not very good.

"Whose call did you answer? Is there something wrong with the company?" Yan Mingda saw that his son was in a bad state just now, but now his tone was bad, and he couldn't help doubting, "Is it serious?"

"It's okay, Dad, it's my private matter and has nothing to do with the company."

On his father's side, Yan Siyang still chose to conceal it.

Once you start hiding something, you keep hiding it.

"Are you all right?"

"It's all right, don't worry about it."

Yan Siyang struggled for a long time between whether to say or not to say, but in the end he couldn't hold back his conscience and stood up.

Let's talk!

The decision is up to her.

Their Yan family also owed her a lot.

Yan Siyang was about to go to his sister's room, but before he got there, he saw her come out of the room.

"Think about it, let me tell you something, go back to the house."

"?" Yan Qianxun was startled.

Think about it?How does brother know to think about it?Did my brother know all about it?
When she woke up, she found herself in Yan's house, and she didn't know why she came out.

Except that she briefly appeared for a few seconds on New Year's Eve, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

She was in a normal state, and she woke up at home again, obviously not because of stimulation, why did she replace her? Think about it?
She turned on the phone, wanting to see if she had left any messages for her, only to see that behind the "suicide note" she had left before, there were a few big words back after thinking about it: I refuse.

Followed by an angry kaomoji.

Yan Qianxun smiled helplessly.

It seems that whether it is her or thinking about it, no one can "suicide" at will and get out of this body.

While thinking, Yan Qianxun had been pushed into the room by Yan Siyang, and he locked the door with his backhand.

"Think about it, I have something to tell you, and then you make your own choice," Yan Siyang said directly, "Si Jintang remembers you."

"Who?" With just this one sentence, Yan Qianxun immediately understood the current situation.

"Si Jintang."

"Brother..." Yan Qianxun frowned, "Did I tell you everything after thinking about it?"

"?" Yan Siyang was stunned for a few seconds, looking at the person in front of him in disbelief, "Qianqian...?"

Yan Qianxun originally thought that her brother only knew about her "split personality disorder", but who knew...

Yan Qianxun nodded heavily: "It's me."

Yan Siyang wept with joy, hugged the person in front of him, and stroked her hair, "It's great Qianqian, you're finally back."

"Brother..." Infected by his brother's warm embrace, Yan Qianxun's nose became sore, "I'm sorry..."

 I can't do it anymore, I'm too sleepy, I just fell asleep while coding _(:з」∠)_
  Must sleep.

  Let’s update the next chapter when I wake up, probably at night

(End of this chapter)

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