Chapter 392 Lawsuit (3)
This porridge must have been boiled by Xu's mother herself - soak the good-quality fragrant rice for more than three hours, put it in a purple clay pot, boil it on high heat and then turn it to low heat for one hour; But the rice fragrance was completely evaporated.

This was plain porridge, which was tasteless and tasteless. After Xu Jiaqi took a few mouthfuls, his appetite whetted.

Seeing that she was eating deliciously, Wei Yanzhou took another spoonful of porridge and put it near her mouth; but when she opened her mouth to eat, he suddenly put the spoonful of porridge into his mouth.

Xu Jiaqi was taken aback for a moment.

He has already kissed her...

She blushed.

The porridge in a thermos bucket was full, and they ate it up bite by bite in this way.

After eating the porridge, he also took a tissue, first wiped her mouth, and then wiped himself carelessly.

The two rested on the bed.

After sleeping and eating porridge, although Xu Jiaqi's body was sore and tired, he was in good spirits.

She couldn't hold back, and asked softly, "Hey, Bai Xueli's mother... how is it?"

He was in a good mood at the moment, so he replied, "I didn't die, and I was rescued again, but it is said that it was a craniocerebral injury. If the recovery is not good later, it may become a vegetable."

Xu Jiaqi froze all of a sudden.

Wei Yanzhou held her in his arms, patted her arm lightly, and comforted her, "Her daughter hired a murderer to kill her, and it ended up on her head. Who can blame it? Maybe she herself is one of the masterminds. One! But...don't worry, I've pre-deposited enough surgery expenses for her, as long as she's alive enough to survive... Let's wait for her to fully wake up and recover from her illness before prosecuting her for the murder! "

Xu Jiaqi was silent for a moment, and asked, "...the murder case? Has it been solved yet? Did Wang Xiaohua explain it?"

After hearing her words, all the muscles in Wei Yanzhou's body tightened.

After a while, he replied in a low voice, "Wang Xiaohua insisted that no one instructed her, and she did everything by herself... I don't know what benefits Bai Xueli promised her, but she was willing to do it for her." Bai Xueli bears the charge of murder..."

Xu Jiaqi's eyes widened!

However, at the scene of the car accident that day, Wang Xiaohua still...

He seemed to know the question in her heart.

"When the car accident happened, Wang Xiaohua said that she was drunk, and she couldn't remember what she said or did..."

Xu Jiaqi couldn't help asking, "Then, what about Bai Xueli?"

Hearing her question about Bai Xueli, Wei Yanzhou had a sarcasm smile on his face, "Bai Xueli? She looks like a sufferer... Hehe, she has come to me several times. I ignored her for her pitiful appearance... She might have become a little annoyed and said she would sue me..."

"By the way, speaking of this, the car that Wang Xiaohua drove that day belonged to Bai Xueli's concubine, Fatty Ma. Then something happened, and I ignored Bai Xueli, so she sued me and Fatty Ma, saying that she would Claim 1000 million from us... Attorney Feng is now handling the case." He said indifferently.

Xu Jiaqi felt a little incredible.

"She, she sues you... No, she sues me? What does she want to sue me? "

Wei Yanzhou said disdainfully, "Because her mother was injured in our car, and Wang Xiaohua's car was owned by Fatty Ma..."

Xu Jiaqi hesitated, and asked, "Then how did Wang Xiaohua get Fatty Ma's car?"

Wei Yanzhou said, "It is said that Fatty Ma lent Bai Xueli to drive that car, but Wang Xiaohua was greedy, so she borrowed it for a ride, and this happened...Two days ago, Fatty Ma and his father heard that you were in the car. I was hospitalized, and even came to see me, and they knelt down for me outside... I ignored them... Attorney Feng called me this afternoon, saying that Fatty Ma had an affair with Bai Xueli, and that he gave it to her 200 million...So now, Bai Xueli won't sue him, but only sue us..."

Xu Jiaqi sighed.

This Bai Xueli really won't die if she doesn't try to die!
(End of this chapter)

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