God, you are helping

Chapter 645 Faith 4

Chapter 645 Faith 4
Once a person makes a choice, he will definitely lose something.

But again, something will be gained.

One of your decisions, one action, may change the trajectory of your life.

The future is unknown and you don't know what lies ahead on the road.

But since you have chosen, you must go on strong, without fear, without fear, and go forward bravely.

Even if you regret your decision.

Ye Xi smiled, and she said to Lu Chengcheng, "It's because you haven't experienced it that you don't know."

Entering the e-sports circle, this is something she has never regretted.

Because, this is also her subconscious dream!
It is her yearning, her hope, and her belief to reach the pinnacle of this circle!

Lu Chengcheng just sneered, he has never experienced it, he doesn't know?

How could he not know?

People are different.

Born in an ordinary poor family like him, how could they understand it?

The gap is such a world of difference.

A person who was born in a family with superior and superior conditions, has access to superior resources and superior education since he was a child, which ordinary people may not be able to achieve in their entire lives.

A family determines a person's life.

With those conditions, they will always live better than them.

Of course, there are some exceptions.

Those born in ordinary poor families can only struggle in the mud, without any resource base, and can only take one step at a time.

Once this step is taken astray, the road ahead will be in vain.

However, rich families are different, at least they still have the capital to start over.

Lu Chengcheng's eyes became fierce, he is also a human being, why was he born in such an environment.

This world is unfair!
The veins on his hands were bulging, like a lion about to get angry, ready to strike someone fatally at any time.

How could they feel his pain!His suffering!
Lin You observed him, frowning unconsciously. Why does it feel like Lu Chengcheng has changed?

Or is it that his personality was covered up before, so he couldn't see it? ?
In the past, his character was quite docile, at least he never said or did anything out of line.

However, it wasn't until he finished the game for the first time, won the championship, and when it was his turn to receive the award, he volunteered to go up for the first time.

They waited for him backstage, but after waiting for a long, long time, the awards were over, everyone dispersed, and he still hadn't come back.

Calls, text messages, no one responds, it's like disappearing from the world.

Then, before they could recover, the fact that Lu Chengcheng ran away with money was spread out.

Make them stunned for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the police came very quickly, as if someone had called the police in advance.

Shen Yan and the others didn't even figure out what happened, and they couldn't be sure of the ins and outs of this matter.

Originally Luo Yiyi wanted to say that Lu Chengcheng was really running away with the money, but he was stopped by Shen Yan.

He panicked, saying that Lu Chengcheng didn't take the money to run away, but because his elderly mother was seriously ill, he borrowed money to go back to see a doctor for his mother.

Luo Yiyi didn't know why Shen Yan did this, and he also helped Lu Chengcheng prepare all the evidence, and the police left.

Now that I think about it, I'm angry, Shen Yan helped him to cover up like this, yet he still did such a thing.

So unscrupulous.


Thinking of this, Luo Yiyi doesn't get angry at all.

(End of this chapter)

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