Chapter 792 Return Arrangement
Seeing Brother San Huang mentioning his son-in-law, Murong Xin blushed: "Uh--this character has not been written yet, how can it be said to be a harvest, I don't know if my father will agree to this marriage. too early."

"It's not too early or too early, as long as you like Fifth Sister, Emperor Father will still obey you in the end. Counting your age, you are eighteen, and it's time to get married. Could it be possible to stay at home and become an old lady?" Murong Han laughed.

Father has already recruited her a consort twice. The reason why father agreed to let her come to Tianqi this time is also to let her come out to learn a lot. I went to choose a son-in-law, but I didn't expect that she would bring her father's son-in-law back this time. I don't know how the father will feel.

"Brother Sanhuang, you will know if you succeed or fail when you go back to see the emperor. It is too early to mention this matter now. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment in the end. If this matter is known to everyone , once the father is not happy, how can the fifth younger sister get married in the future! Keep a low profile, low key." Murong Xin laughed.

Although I don't know if the father-in-law I chose will nod, but she has already made a white-headed agreement with Huangfu Hongyan. If the father disagrees, she will elope with Huangfu Hongyan and escape to Tianqi's side Come, when the time comes, the father will also be helpless.So it's good if the father agrees, if the father doesn't agree, then she will run away.

Anyway, she was convinced of Huangfu Hongyan, if anyone wanted to break them up, then she would definitely not do what the other party wanted.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about leaving Lingdu the day after tomorrow." Murong Rui brought it back to the topic.Seeing that the second brother started to talk about business, Murong Han and Murong Xin swallowed back their words and continued to argue.

Seeing that they didn't talk about other things, Murong Rui said: "Tianhan Tianqi's alliance is a happy event for Tianhan, and it is also a great event, but someone secretly obstructs the alliance. On the way to Lingdu, we I have been attacked by a group of black-clothed killers at night. The night raiders are sinister and merciless, which is enough to prove that the other party does not want the alliance between Tianhan and Tianqi to succeed. If Mo Yihen's people did not arrive in time, I am afraid that we The consequences are unimaginable. So this time, even though we have all the guards from Tianhan, we still have to be careful to prevent the latter."

Seeing that Second Emperor brother brought up the matter of assassination, Murong Xin couldn't help but said: "Second Emperor brother, have you ever found out the strict records of those who assassinated you last time? This is not a trivial matter, you can't take it lightly."

With the style of the second brother, I believe that he should find out the origins of these masters, but I don't know how the second brother will arrange a reverse course this time.The second emperor brought a lot of people out this time, but so many people died in that accident, I believe the second emperor will be more cautious this time.

"Those killers are very mysterious. There were more than 400 people, but most of them were killed, and a small part escaped. On the day of the burial, I sent a letter back to Tianhan to report to Father. Father has already found out the killers who attacked us at night. Who instigated it, so we have to be careful when we go back this time, otherwise we will fall into his ways." Murong Rui said with a serious face.

"Second Brother, who is the one who assassinated us? The other party can use such a huge group of killers, it seems that we Tianhan don't have such powerful people?" Murong Han asked back.

Knowing that there will be killers to assassinate, they should not leave separately from Second Emperor Brother, and should not take Master Gao with them. If Master Gao was there, the soldiers accompanying them would not die so many.

(End of this chapter)

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