Chapter 372 They have all changed...

As soon as Xia Yunmo got to the bathroom, he lay down on the sink and splashed water on his face several times.

The cold liquid immediately cleared her mind a lot.

Staring blankly at the person in the mirror whose face was dripping with water, Xia Yunmo was at a loss for a moment where he was.

The people and things around her are like unsolvable mysteries. What kind of fate is this? Is her punishment not over yet?

God made her fall in love with others, made her feel sorry for Yan Junyi, made her live in self-blame forever, and now sent Li Yueyin out, all to make her feel bad...

After that day, she almost suffered from insomnia every night. She had to bear the remorse and condemnation after the betrayal, but in the middle of the night she always fell into endless lovesickness for another person.

In the daytime, she wanted to force a smile in front of Ye Haoqing, how could she have the heart to hurt the reborn Yan Junyi again.

She should give him all her love, the love she didn't give ten years ago, the love accumulated in the past ten years, and the love in the future, all of these should be given to him...

However, some things are so involuntary, no one knows what will happen in the future, just like now, she actually put her future love on others.

Damn her!

Therefore, she, who is incompetent, can only treat Ye Haoqing as best she can, because he loves herself, so she can't let him down or make him sad.

She had already broken his heart, how could she hurt him again.

Thinking of this, the person in her heart was pressed down hard by her again, forcing herself to a dead end, leaving no way out for herself.

Even if she doesn't love Yan Jun anymore, at least she should treat him well and not make him sad.

He is her obsession, her former love, and she can still die for him.

As for her own happiness, it was really not important to him at all.


Wiping off the water stains on his face, he patted his own face: "Since he is Yan Junyi's friend, then he is my Xia Yunmo's friend."

Yan Jun also likes it, so she, Xia Yunmo, also likes it.

whoever she is...

After coming out of the toilet, Xia Yunmo smiled again, and blinked her eyes after changing from the previous sluggishness. She couldn't make Yan Junyi feel uncomfortable or worried.

"Yan Mo, are you alright?"

As soon as Xia Yunmo came out, Ye Haoqing pulled her and looked her up and down, afraid that she might feel uncomfortable.

Xia Yunmo is a human being, how could he not feel Ye Haoqing's kindness to her? Looking at this anxious face, whenever something happened to her in the past, even though he was very calm on the surface and said nothing, he would silently prepare for her. all right.

With such an obvious expression like now, she suddenly understood that it was only ten years, but it could change many people.

They have all changed...

Shaking his head, he said with a slight smile, "I'm fine."

Sitting in his seat and starting to eat again, seeing Xia Yunmo's appearance, Ye Haoqing's heart was finally relieved, but in the second half of the dinner, he had already reduced the number of conversations, and all his thoughts were on Xia Yunmo .

How could the two women present not understand, Xia Yunmo had to work hard to reduce Ye Haoqing's worry, while Liang Chuyin showed a knowing smile to express his understanding.

During the chat, Xia Yunmo and Liang Chuyin exchanged WeChat messages to facilitate their contact.I also learned that she will stay in China for the next few years.

After dinner, Ye Haoqing and Liang Chuyin's family were in the same direction, so they sent Xia Yunmo home first.

As soon as she got home, she let out a sigh of relief. This meal made her very tired.

(End of this chapter)

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