Chapter 280 Car Love
Xia Yunmo stood there in panic, his tongue trembling when he saw the person who was wearing a pair of underwear on the bed.

"Yes... I'm sorry... I, I..."

"I thought you...didn't come back..."

"That's why... I went in... I came in to clean..."

Because of being too flustered, she kept grabbing the quilt that was taken off Liang Shaohua's body.

He explained tremblingly against his chest, as if she was the one who was seen, not Liang Shaohua.

Seemingly thinking that she was too noisy, she kept buzzing above his head, Liang Shaohua sat up angrily: "Xia Yunmo, do you know what time I came back last night, and you are still quarreling with me now!"

"I, I, I..." She lowered her head nervously, didn't she do it on purpose.

Looking at the man with soft black hair, the anger that Liang Shaohua had just brought up suddenly disappeared.

Sighing, he lay back on the bed in big characters again.

Then I heard him say domineeringly: "Cover the lonely king."


Xia Yunmo didn't realize whether the plot was moving a little too fast.She was too embarrassed to look at him, until she realized the quilt she was holding.

He quickly threw it at that person as if he was startled, and ran out without having time to see his expression.

Leaning against the door, panting heavily.

I always feel that every time she is with Liang Shaohua, she always lives in fear.

She didn't know what was going on with Liang Shaohua inside, and she didn't want to know, so she shook her head and left everything behind, turned around and went downstairs.

It was noon in a blink of an eye, and Xia Yunmo was hesitating below whether to call Liang Shaohua, but he had already taken care of everything and came down at a steady pace.

Xia Yunmo walked up to him and was about to ask him what he had for lunch when he heard him speak first.

"Let's go."

"Go?" Go where?

Xia Yunmo was dumbfounded when he heard these two words, and looked at him idiotically: "Where did your car go?"

"How did you come back last night?"

Even if you want to leave, you must have a vehicle, and a person as dazzling as him cannot show his face casually.

Liang Shaohua straightened her shirt, walked aside to pour a glass of water, ignored Xia Yunmo's words, and threw her a key instead.

"There is still a car in the garage, go get it."

Still have a car?

Also, it is normal for a big star like this to have two or three cars.

He took the key and went to the garage.

After waiting, seeing everything in front of her, she realized that her previous thoughts were simply too good to be true.

Taking the car to the door, she could feel that her nostrils had inadvertently enlarged a lot.

"This is the car you mentioned?" She still couldn't believe it, and wished he could deny herself.

However, she searched the entire garage for just one car.

Under Xia Yunmo's gaze, Liang Shaohua nodded coolly: "How about it, my car is not bad."

She could clearly feel that the veins on her temples throbbed violently because of his words.

"Is there a mistake, just this bike?"

That's right, what she looked for in the garage for a long time was the black bicycle in front of her.And it is an old-fashioned bicycle that can sit in the back seat.

Hearing her doubts, Liang Shaohua's face tightened all of a sudden, looking at Xia Yunmo directly gave her a heavy blow.

"That's it, don't you like it?" His eyes narrowed, showing a dangerous breath.

Xia Yunmo quickly pretended to be silly and laughed dryly, "No, no, no... just do you have any other bicycles?"

She searched the garage for a long time but couldn't find the second one. If she was really riding it, then, how could Liang Shaohua take her?

Is this idea plausible?
(End of this chapter)

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