Chapter 228 Two Cups of Boiled Water

"Happy cooperation." He stared blankly at the hand stretched out in front of him suddenly, it was wide and slender, with distinct joints.

His nails were shiny and pointed, cut like almonds, and cleaner than ivory.

Swallowing secretly, she couldn't help but raise her eyelids and look at the owner of these hands.

His eyes seem to have magical powers to attract people to stare at. The pupils are pitch black, and it feels like falling into an abyss, and it seems that everything is like ants in his eyes.

Unfathomable, mysterious and alluring.

Xia Yunmo suddenly couldn't recover. Seeing his lips curled up suddenly, he subconsciously stretched out his hands to shake him, but he had already withdrawn those perfect hands calmly.

"Go make up first."

After finishing speaking, Liang Shaohua lifted up the limited edition leather shoes custom-made in Italy, and walked out first.

The manager hurriedly followed, as if remembering something.

Turning his head, he shouted at Xia Yunmo: "Why are you standing there? Hurry up!"

"Oh." Xia Yunmo nodded, and ran behind them.

The distance from the studio to the dressing room was not long, but Xia Yunmo's heart seemed to be running a marathon at an astonishingly fast speed.

I had already reviewed what the assistant would do early in the morning, but I didn't expect that the person she was going to serve would be so powerful, so powerful that she could fall at his feet at any time with just one look from him, trembling with fright.

Although, on the surface, Liang Shaohua seemed to be helping her, but...

Who really knows his heart?

When they arrived at the dressing room, everyone saw Liang Shaohua with his head bowed, with a respectful look. This posture looked like the emperor in person.

Then he sat down. No one had sat in that seat for three days, and it seemed to be his exclusive seat.

Everything was on the right track, makeup was started, and Liang Shaohua was familiarizing himself with the script at this time.

The agent also sat aside and looked at his mobile phone.

Xia Yunmo, who was standing behind her, felt a little embarrassed, feeling that she should do something.

So he took a deep breath, and boldly stepped forward: "Young Master Liang, do you want something to drink?"

She clearly saw the hands flicking through the script pause, but before she could reply, the agent next to her had already spoken.

"Americano, no sugar or milk, hot."

The corner of Xia Yunmo's mouth twitched, shit!Now it's not the answering session, what are you talking about!
But she still nodded calmly with a smile, forbearance!

Then he looked at the noble man beside him, "What does Young Master Liang want?"

"Two cups of boiling water." The voice was low and beautiful, like a stream passing through her heart, instantly bringing a sense of coolness.

Just: "Two glasses?"

The manager started rushing to answer again: "Young Master Liang, I don't want to drink away..."

With a leisurely glance, the manager immediately shut up and gave Xia Yunmo a vicious look: "Okay, two glasses of boiling water!"

After coming out, Xia Yunmo had a silly expression on his face. Are you sure you're not filming the dramatic scene just now?
But if it is to buy coffee, she has to take a special taxi to the coffee shop to buy it, but there is boiling water at the door!
Ever since, his affection for Liang Shaohua climbed up a few more steps, and he seemed to be a celebrity who was easy to get along with and didn't put on airs.

Take two cups, boil water and pour water.

A person came over and said to her, "Bring us two glasses of water, too."

His tone wasn't harsh, but he wasn't friendly either. He frowned and looked up, and saw a gorgeously dressed man standing there with his arms around his chest not far away.

The heroine - Lou Xiaoxiao.

The person who just spoke should be her assistant.

(End of this chapter)

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