Chapter 173 Story
"What did you say!" Xia Yunmo turned around in a 'snag', the eyebrows on his face tightened even more, and his face became a little ugly.

"Stop slandering him here, not everyone is qualified to mention him!" Xia Yunmo's tone lacked the modesty she had when she was a patient, and when it came to Yan Junyi, she was like a hedgehog with thorns .

She will stab anyone who says he is not!

Seeing her reaction, Li Yueyin smiled contentedly, and covered her mouth: "Everyone knows it well, but you, a fool, don't know anything."

"Oh~ I see, you're just pretending." Li Yueyin looked suddenly enlightened, and looked at Xia Yunmo whose face was getting uglier, and her tone became even worse.

"Being close to Tianze from the very beginning, isn't all of this your goal? You have achieved your goal, so you just pat your ass and leave, right? Xia Yunmo, the most vicious woman's heart is probably talking about you!"

Li Yueyin squinted her eyes, her tone became harsher each time, and her words became more unpleasant each time.

Xia Yunmo looked at her twisted face, and his voice was as clear as spring water, "I don't know what you're talking about."

After a pause, he continued: "You can slander me, but if I hear you say that Yan Junyi is half wrong again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"I have evidence for the nasty things you and Gao Tianze did behind the scenes, as well as the pregnancy!"

"Hehe~" Hearing Xia Yunmo's swear words, Li Yueyin turned pale. She was not afraid of being ruined, but she couldn't let Gao Tianze fall into a sea of ​​misery.

He was already in pain when he didn't participate in the competition, and she didn't want to add to his burden.She didn't know what else she could do for Gao Tianze, but she couldn't do it seeing those people who made them suffer but still live happily!
She wants to let them taste the pain too!
Thinking of this, she paused: "Sit down, some things cannot be explained clearly in a sentence or two."

Xia Yunmo lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then glanced at her again, then walked to the seat where he sat before and sat down again.

"What are you going to say to me?"

"Don't worry." Li Yueyin raised her eyebrows, curled her lips, and looked at Xia Yunmo as if she was looking at a prey that was about to fall into her trap.

"Let me tell you a long, long story first."

Xia Yunmo frowned, and snorted coldly: "I don't want to hear it, please get to the point."

"No, you're wrong." Li Yueyin quickly interrupted her: "My story is indistinguishable from what I'm about to tell, maybe after you listen to it, you'll understand why I hate you so much."

Pursing his lips, Xia Yunmo didn't say a word, just looked at her without blinking, apparently already prepared for the audience.

Li Yueyin curled her lips in satisfaction, and gently stroked her stomach with the hand under the quilt, child, I won't let you die in vain.

"That year was a summer, and the weather was very hot. In that year, a little girl in the orphanage was adopted by a family. She thought it was God's favor. After six years of living without father and mother She finally has mom and dad."

"In the same year, she met the most important person in her life. He was very kind to her, and always shared his favorite candy with her. On her birthday, the boy would celebrate her birthday and sing happy birthday. She thought She will be so happy forever."

Speaking of this, Li Yueyin's face seemed to be immersed in deep memories, and a sense of desolation spread across her face.

Xia Yunmo bit her lip and raised her eyebrows slightly: "This girl is you?"

She ignored Xia Yunmo's words and continued.

(End of this chapter)

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