Chapter 469
After Shen Ting got on the train, she put her bag in the innermost sleeper, and clasped the bag with one hand to make sure that she would wake up whenever someone moved the bag, and then she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Two days of hiding made her mentally exhausted, and she sank into a dream almost as soon as she touched the bed board.

In the dream, Shen Ting vaguely heard someone crying beside her. It was a very old voice. At first, she heard it clearly, but then she fell into a deep sleep, so she didn't know it.

When she woke up the next day, Shen Ting found that her body was a little heavy, her forehead was hot, and her throat was dry and itchy. The last time she was like this was before she had a bad cold.

Getting sick during the trip is very troublesome. Sure enough, my physical fitness plummeted after pregnancy. It may be because I was frozen in a humid dark room. At that time, my body didn't feel it, but now my body has begun to respond.

Shen Ting left in a hurry, and didn't have time to buy medicine. She didn't know if there was any medicine on the train. She sat up with difficulty, took her bag, and walked outside.

"Girl, wait a moment." An old voice sounded from behind, and Shen Ting froze for a moment, then turned her head.

An old man with gray hair and silver-rimmed glasses, who looked rather bookish, held a medicine box in his hand and handed it to her, "I just saw that you shook your body a few times when you stood up, and your face turned pale. , lips are purple, do you have a fever?"

Shen Ting looked at the old man in surprise, how he guessed that she had a fever, it was amazing.

She took the medicine, thanked the old man, and asked with a smile, "Grandpa, are you a doctor? You can tell I have a fever just by looking at it."

The old man nodded to her, and his smile was very temperamental. It can be predicted that he should be a good-looking man when he was young.

Shen Ting took the medicine, lay down and slept again, and when she got up again, most of the heaviness in her body had disappeared.

She remembered that she should give someone money for the medicine she took, so she took a note from her bag and walked to the opposite side where the old man and his wife were.

The old man was fanning his wife who was lying on the bed. His wife had been lying on the bed since getting in the car. Shen Ting rarely saw her sitting up.

She handed over the money, and just about to speak, the old man gestured to her to speak, and after a while, he walked outside.

Shen Ting didn't know why, so she followed him outside.

When the old man saw her coming out, he waved to her: "Girl, I don't want your money. There is no problem for anyone who is away from home. It is necessary to take care of each other. You take the money back."

Shen Ting was very embarrassed. She felt that it was not good to take things from others for nothing, and she was suspected of taking advantage.

She came out in a hurry, and she had nothing to give to the old man except 20 in cash, but the old man's attitude was firm, so she could only keep the money.

The old man frowned slightly, as if he had something on his mind.

Shen Ting thought about the old lady who had been sleeping on the opposite bed, and tried: "Grandpa, may I ask, is it your wife who you have been taking care of? What's wrong with her?"

The old man glanced at her, hesitation flashed in his eyes, he didn't know whether he should tell a stranger what troubled him.

Shen Ting's eyes are soft, she looks harmless, she is a kind girl.

The old man sighed, and said eloquently: "She is my wife, she is seriously ill, and she is in a coma for nearly twenty hours a day. I originally wanted her to recuperate at home, but she said she wanted to go outside and think about it. Bring her out."

Although she had already guessed that the old lady might be ill, and she really got a definite answer from the old man, Shen Ting was still a little bit embarrassed, life is doomed to old age, sickness and death.

Seeing the sad look of the old man, he must love his wife very much.

Shen Ting had no way to comfort her, and she didn't know how to comfort her, so she changed the subject.

"When I got on the bus, I saw many old people getting on the bus. Are you traveling in a group?"

The old man put away the sadness on his face and nodded to her, "I came with the group, and there are two medical staff with me. They are afraid that something will happen to us old bones, and they take good care of them."

"Where are you going first?"

Shen Ting thought that it would not be safe to carry so much money by herself, so it would be safer to be with this group of old people with more people.

"Go to Changbai Mountain." The old man looked longingly: "I went there once when I was young. It was really deserted. The mountains were covered with snow, and the pines and cypresses were covered with snow. At that time, the sky was still blue, and the mountains surrounded Tianchi. The water in the pool is clean and clear, and if you look at it from a distance, you will forget all your troubles and your mind will be washed.”

Shen Ting was made to yearn for Changbai Mountain by his description. She has never seen what Tanshui surrounded by mountains looks like, so it should be beautiful.

The train moved forward quickly, and Shen Ting and the old man introduced themselves to each other. The old man's surname was Li, and the single name was Xing.

Mr. Li is the most temperamental old man Shen Ting has ever met in his life.

He doesn't talk much, he only speaks a few words when Shen Ting talks to him, and he reads books at other times. He reads a lot of books, such as geography and history, and foreign classics.

Shen Ting didn't have anything on her but her mobile phone. She borrowed a book from the old man to read in boredom, and the time was unknowingly wasted.

The old lady never woke up. Maybe when she woke up, Shen Ting was already asleep. Fangzheng took this train, and she never saw the old lady's face. When she slept, she faced the inside, and Shen Ting only A back can be seen.

The tour group got off the train the next day, and Shen Ting saw what the old lady looked like.

Compared with the elegant old man Li, the old lady looks haggard, with wrinkled face, drooping eyes and cloudy eyes, she looks more than ten years older than the old man.

The two don't look like a couple at all, but from many details, it can be seen that the old man has a very deep affection for the old lady.

The old man combed the old lady's hair, skillfully braided a beautiful braid on the back of her head, spoke softly to her, fetched hot water to wipe her face, knelt down and carefully put on her shoes.

Shen Ting saw love in an old couple over fifty years old.

She got out of the car with a group of old people, and she didn't follow the tour group on purpose, but just followed them, whatever they did, she did.

The tour guide went to buy tickets after getting off the bus, and she also went there. After buying the tickets, the tour guide went to a nearby small stall to buy some food while telling a group of elderly people what to pay attention to when entering the scenic spot.

The food and drink on the train was really difficult to agree with. Shen Ting endured it for two days and one night, and finally no longer had to be checked for drugs.

A group of people trek from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

The old people came prepared and brought a lot of food and clothes.

Mr. Li reminded Shen Ting that the temperature difference between the foot of the mountain and the top of the mountain is huge. If she wants to go up, she'd better buy a thick jacket and bring some high-calorie food.

According to what the old man said, Shen Ting bought those equipments. The money has become a burden at this time, but he can't throw it away, he can only carry it on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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