Rebirth of the ugly girl

Chapter 450 Want to know everything about you

Chapter 450 Want to know everything about you

Shen Ting rushed to the hospital in a hurry, and after inquiring about Wen Ang's injury, she let go of her hanging heart little by little.

"How did you fall? You actually hurt your front waist." Shen Ting looked at Wen Ang's pale face and frowned, "Why do I think your face is abnormally pale, do you want to call a doctor?"

Women are inherently delicate, Wen Ang raised his hand to prevent her from pressing the hand on the bedside switch, and cheered up: "The doctor just came to see him, but the place where he fell hurts badly, don't worry."

After he said that, Shen Ting had no choice but to give up.

Chatting in the ward for a while, it was getting late, Shen Ting saw that Hongxi had no intention of leaving, so she stood up and said to the two, "I'll go buy some food."

She walked out of the ward and just walked to the edge of the elevator, when she saw Lex walking towards this side, her footsteps stopped, she yelled, saw Lex raised his head, and waved to him.

Lex was going to the ward, but when he saw Shen Ting's movements, he hesitated and walked towards her.

Shen Ting pulled Lex into the elevator, but there was no one else in the elevator.

Shen Ting originally wanted to ask Lex what happened these days, but when he saw that his face was gloomy and something was wrong, she put away her questions and asked him what's wrong?
Lex heard the conversation between Wen Ang and Hong Xi just now, and now his heart is in a mess, he has never contained such a big matter in his heart, and when Shen Ting asked, he felt the urge to tell.

Shen Ting is actually a very suitable person to talk about. She is not an outsider and is good at giving ideas. Lex still has a sense of trust in her.

So Lex spoke up.

After getting out of the elevator, Shen Ting's face gradually became serious. It turned out that Wen Ang's injury was not caused by a fall at all, also, how could his face be so ugly due to a fall.

Why did they lie to her?

Putting that aside, Lex's problems were obviously more serious.

"Are you sure you heard me right?" If this was true, it would be too serious.

Lex had a firm expression on his face, "I couldn't have heard it wrong. As early as when he was just out of the operating room, the doctor said that he had a very serious illness. Later, Hongxi passed away with vague words. I have always doubted it. Just pay attention to their conversation and hear it today."

Shen Ting didn't know how to comfort Lex, everyone obviously regarded him as a child, this kind of thing must not be so complicated for ordinary people.

But Wen Ang's identity is not simple, Shen Ting can think of what his intention is, it is nothing more than not wanting Lex to get involved in the underworld and keep him away from that dark world.

Judging from Lex's current attitude, it is obvious that he does not understand Wen Ang's good intentions.

"What do you want to do?" Shen Ting asked Lex.

Lex fell into silence, he was very confused, he didn't know what to do, but there was one thing, he was very clear.

He hated himself for being obsessed with games before, and for being dismissive of the things Wen Ang taught him. He never had a mature attitude towards life, and a calm and easy handling of things.

In the current situation, computers, programs, and codes can't help him, and he can't even come up with a decisive solution.

Only now did Lex realize how useless he was, those virtual glory were worthless in front of the pale reality.

Shen Ting saw confusion on Lex's face, just like her previous self, helpless in the face of grandma's death.

"Do you want to hear my opinion?" she asked softly.

Lex now needs a little outside voice to lead him out of his confusion.

Lex's eyes flashed with light, if anyone can lead him out of confusion, then that person must be Shen Ting.

"You are 20 years old this year. In the ancient times of country Z, a 20-year-old man represented adulthood, and he could handle family affairs on his own."

"Your father has protected you for 20 years. He is now in poor health and will soon be unable to support the family. At this moment, what are you going to do?" Shen Ting guided Lex.

The answer was ready to come out, Lex looked at Shen Ting, and said the answer: "I will replace him and support the family."

The four words of supporting the family are light and fluffy, but what they represent behind it is a pressure that is much heavier than a mountain.

This pressure was something that Lex had previously avoided, was unwilling to face, and even hated.

Shen Ting knew this, so she looked at Lex and asked seriously: "Do you know what is behind this sentence?"

Lex lowered his head, subconsciously escaping as before.

From a very young age, he knew what he would face when he grew up, but relying on Wen Ang's connivance, he loved what he loved unscrupulously, and willfully left those invisible things behind.

Anyway, with Wen Ang around, the family won't go bankrupt for a while, so he has nothing to worry about.

Lex thought so, and continued with his hobbies with peace of mind, thus ignoring Wen Ang's increasingly thin body and face that was getting paler year by year.

For so many years, how much time has he wasted? The time that could have been used for studying was used by him to play around. Wen Ang always verbally reprimanded him, and never really took care of him.

It wasn't until now that Lex really realized what a jerk he was.

"I understand." Lex raised his head, the hesitation on his face was gone, replaced by firmness that he had never seen before.

In Lex's heart, the family has always been dispensable, but now he understands that the family not only represents glory and deterrence, but also represents family.

Although there are only two people left in this family, if one day, there is only one person left, then this family will no longer be meaningful.

Sometimes it only takes a moment for a boy to grow into a man. Wen Ang's serious illness made Lex understand the definition of a family in a daze. He was even more determined than Wen Ang to maintain the Matt Monson family.

Back in the ward, after eating together, Shen Ting and Hong Xi left.

Before leaving, Shen Ting glanced at Lex, who was also looking over, Shen Ting gave Lex an encouraging look, and Lex returned Shen Ting with a firm expression.

After leaving the hospital, Shen Ting and Hong Xi got into the car.

As soon as she sat down, Shen Ting threw the question to Hong Xi, and she asked with a serious expression: "What happened these days?"

Before Hongxi could respond to her, Shen Ting added: "Don't try to lie to me, I already know the general situation from Lex, you'd better tell me everything now."

Hongxi turned to look at Shen Ting, "I apologize first, I just don't want you to be involved in this matter..."

Shen Ting looked at him seriously, as if she wanted to look into the depths of his gaze, to the bottom of her heart, "I want to know everything about you, just like I will tell you everything without reservation, if something happens to you , I want to be the first to know, not to speculate in suspense, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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