Rebirth of the ugly girl

Chapter 322 "Gray and White"

Chapter 322 "Gray and White" ([-])
For ordinary people, 20 years is equivalent to most of their lives, but Bai Le is willing to wait. He thought that if he killed someone, he would definitely be shot, but God was merciful at last, and it wanted him to live on. He lives on.

Twenty years later, Bai Le was released from prison. He was already 20 years old, but the years hadn't left many marks on his face. He looked like a man in his early thirties.

Bai Le has no relatives, so naturally no one came to see him in the prison in the past 20 years. He was wearing the clothes of 20 years ago and returned to the crowd again. He was like an alien, wearing old clothes, looking poor and useless .

Bai Le wanted to find a job to support himself, but no boss was willing to hire someone who had been in prison, so he had no choice but to be a cleaner without any education or experience.

Bai Le reintegrated into the crowd. He worked diligently, no matter how hard or tired he was, and his life was developing in the opposite direction. His neighbors were often taken care of by him. Seeing that he was single all the time, he said that he wanted to tell him With daughter-in-law.

Bai Le was very happy. He thought that like himself, he was destined to live alone for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that he would still have a chance to marry a wife.

The neighbor introduced a divorced single mother with one child. She was five years older than Bai Le. Although she was not very good-looking, she was very capable.

Bai Le didn't dislike women who were divorced and brought children. He thought it would be a great thing if a woman was willing to live with him under his conditions. He didn't dare to ask for too much.

After meeting formally, both of them are very satisfied with each other. The woman is very satisfied with Bai Le's appearance. Seeing that he is an honest man, although his work is not very good, he is serious in his work. The days will be long in the future, and he is not afraid that the living conditions will not be improved. .

The two quickly held a simple wedding with the help of neighbors and friends. The woman has a son who is already in high school, and the tuition fee is not low.

Bai Le leaves early and returns late every day. His wife quit her job after she got married and devoted herself to being a housewife at home. The pressure of life suddenly increased. Bai Le worked three jobs. Although he was a bit tired, it felt good to have hot food when he came home .

Happy days always pass quickly, and Bai Le has almost forgotten that every time he is happy for a while, he will encounter bad things. The longer he is happy, the worse things will follow.

Bai Le's wife was always away recently. When he came back several times, the house was empty. He didn't pay attention at first, until one day, he took out a gold bracelet from his wife's pocket.

Their family has never been very wealthy, the school their children attend is good, and the annual tuition fees are a huge expense, and the family has no spare money to buy gold.

No matter how stupid a person is, he should suspect that a woman is cheating, but Bai Le didn't take this matter to heart. It should be said that he chose to avoid investigating this matter. direction of development.

He didn't want to lose his wife, so he chose to be patient.

People who tolerate are cowardly, and cowardly people are always bullied.

Bai Le went home again. He thought he would face the empty house again, but he was pleasantly surprised to find his wife's shoes at the entrance, but his surprise only lasted a second. Next to his wife's shoes, he saw a pair of strange shoes. men's shoes.

The blood all over Bai Le's body froze in an instant. The bedroom door opened without hesitation, and there were bursts of piercing sounds coming from inside. Bai Le stood stiffly in the living room, listening to the sound going on for a long time, and finally stopped. Someone came out of the bedroom.

It was the concubine. He was standing at the door wearing only a pair of underwear, looking at Bai Le mockingly. Bai Le's wife came out of the room and followed the man to watch Bai Le.

You see, he is such a useless man, his wife slept with someone, but he didn't respond, just stood outside like an idiot, indifferent.

He's really useless, trash.

Hey, trash, I want to divorce you, so pack my bags and get out tomorrow.

Bai Le moved his necrotic eyeballs, and he remembered that the name of the head of this thirty-one-story house, which had been transferred several times, was coaxed by the woman into changing her name.

The woman is right, he is a useless man, useless, cowardly and cowardly, he knows that his wife is cheating, but he dare not expose it, he is afraid of breaking the peaceful life, and lives uselessly.

Looking at the two dogs and men cuddling together, Bai Le suddenly felt a destructive hatred, just like when he was beaten up in an alley by a group of people 20 years ago, he wanted to kill him so much. This pair of dogs and men.

In fact, he did put his ideas into reality. He walked into the kitchen without a word, and before the dog and the man could react, he took a sharp fruit knife and cut off the man's thing, stabbing him. After more than a dozen knives, he cut off the woman's trachea with one swing of the knife, allowing her warm blood to spray on his face.

Bai Le went completely insane. After repeated censures, his already fragile heart was completely crushed.

He wanted to live a good life so much, to be born in this world, simply or.

These two words seem to be of great importance to him, he must always be cautious, as long as he relaxes, these two words will overwhelm him.

Maybe it's wrong to be born human?Why is it so difficult to live well?

He clearly wanted to live under the sunshine of daylight, but the gloom had always enveloped his life, like a plague that could not be driven away, slowly consuming what little vitality was left until he died.

Bai Le went out with a knife in his hands, and the neighbor's aunt who went out to take out the garbage saw him as if he had seen a ghost, and ran away screaming.

There was boundless hatred in Bai Le's heart, and he desperately wanted to destroy something to fill the emptiness in his heart.

He was covered in blood, his expression was in a trance, but his eyes were extremely fierce, like a ghost crawling out of the blood pool in hell.

Bai Le remembered that there was a kindergarten on the street south of the community, and there were a group of innocent and lovely children in it.

They had fun and carefree all day long. Every time he passed there, he would stop and look at the lovely children through the school railing. He especially hoped that he and his wife would have a child and send it here in the future. come to school.

Those children are so happy. They are sent to school by their parents every day. There are so many friends playing together, with happy smiles on their faces. That smile is simply too dazzling.

Why are they so happy?The world is so bad, so unfair, they shouldn't be so happy, they should cry in pain, crying and complaining about the world.

It's better not to cry, the cry is too harsh, it's better not to speak, be quiet, be quiet forever.

In the glare of the afternoon sun, Bai Le was full of resentment, and the fruit knife in his hand was squeezed so tightly that his palms felt cramped and painful. He stepped on the zebra crossing like a walking dead, not noticing that the light on the opposite side was red .

Bai Le was like a ghost that suddenly appeared. No driver noticed that someone was crossing the road. By the time someone reacted, it was too late to brake.

The skinny man was knocked flying and fell to the ground like a piece of paper. With such a strong impact and such a high height, when he landed on the ground, the sound was very soft and there was no sound at all.

Blood spread silently, surrounding this poor man who was dying with deep resentment in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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