Chapter 292
Shen Ting was forced to look at Hongxi, her chin was raised, it would be too cowardly if she closed her eyes tightly.

Hongxi is undoubtedly the best among men, he is handsome, humorous and rare at the same time, he is the kind of man who makes women like him so much that he doesn't care about it even if it's upside down.

Even if a person like him doesn't seek to make progress and is a little boy who relies on women to support him, there are probably piles of women willing to take care of him with a lot of money.

God's eccentricity makes it difficult for people to ignore it. Thinking about how sorry she looked to the society in her previous life, there is such a man living in the same time and space as her, which is really unbalanced.

Shen Ting remembered that she also liked this man once, and she was afraid that people would know that she suppressed her feelings like wishful thinking, but unfortunately, time has diluted everything, and when they meet again, they no longer have the kind of love that they carefully longed for back then.

Times have changed, and she is more mature than before. The confidence brought about by the change in her appearance made her no longer avoid her eyes when facing him. Similarly, she could no longer cause big waves in her heart.

She will be temporarily confused by male sex, but temporarily loses interest in starting a new relationship.

Now in front of her is an upward step. She has to work hard to climb up, stand very high, and see far away, so that she can exercise the right to life and death against those she hates.

She needs to have no distractions and not be confused by external objects, so Shen Ting slowly moved away the warm palm on her chin, smiled at Hong Xi, and asked him nonchalantly: "What's wrong?"

Hongxi has seen Shen Ting's smile at the wine table, and he can't see that it is perfunctory, but this kind of smile has a wide audience, and almost everyone has got her smile.

Hongxi felt that she should be regarded as a special person to Shen Ting, she should not use this kind of reaction to deal with him, and he is not a passerby.

"You haven't changed much, you still love to escape so much." Hong Xi looked at Shen Ting with deep eyes, "You are so smart, it's impossible for you not to understand what I mean, so what's your answer?"

Shen Ting straightened the folds of the skirt on her legs, stood up, and left Hong Xi with a perfectly curved chin, and a sentence that was so cold that it was almost cruel, she said: "I don't plan to start a new relationship at all now, within three years , Don’t ask this kind of question again, otherwise, we won’t even be friends.”

Hongxi didn't expect Shen Ting to be so unfeeling, he watched Shen Ting walk to the table in a daze, said something to the people on the table with a smile, and dragged away Fang Kelu who was twisted because he was drunk .

Sitting alone on the sofa, he went through the information about Shen Ting that he had delivered to him in the past two months, but he couldn't find any reason that would make Shen Ting suddenly become like this, just wrinkling Confused.

A man walked towards him with a glass of wine, and said with his tongue out, "Brother Hong, what are you doing, everyone is drinking, what's the matter with you hiding by yourself, come on, keep drinking!"

Hongxi was upset and couldn't think of a reason, so he simply took the wine glass from the man, raised his head and drank it down, he hadn't drunk like this for many years, and immediately let out a happy sound from his throat.

Shen Ting hailed a taxi and took Fang Kelu home with great difficulty. Fortunately, Fang Qin was not at home, otherwise she would have to ask where the two of them had gone when she saw Fang Kelu was drunk and turned into a puddle of mud.

After Fang Kelu settled down, Shen Ting changed her clothes and went to take a shower to wash off the smell of alcohol. When she came out, she raised her chin slightly and glanced at the mirror. But after a while, his chin actually turned blue.

Her skin is very fair, so this bruise is particularly conspicuous. Shen Ting stared at the bruise for a long time, then turned her head and walked out of the bathroom with a blank expression.

Without this accident, she should have fallen into a fantasy of being content with the status quo.

After graduating, she made a career through hard work, and was recognized by the old man of the Lu family. She married Lu Yihe justifiably, and gave birth to a lovely child after marriage. The husband and wife lived harmoniously. Occasionally, she followed Lu Yihe on an important occasion and became Mrs. Lu. .

The better and better living environment has made Shen Ting forget that when she was just reborn, she swore over and over again that she would become stronger, so that those who look down on her will have to stand on tiptoe to look up at her in the future, and let those ugly Lie face down on the ground.

It must have been some years, and it has been many years since no one gave her that kind of contemptuous and disgusting look. When Shen Ting thought of her gloomy self at that time, she felt as if she had suddenly passed away.

But during that time with scars on her face and wearing a mask, she slowly remembered her original self bit by bit.

At that time, the self who was unswervingly moving towards the goal, in the summer when the sun was exposed, and Fang Qin hiding from the urban management and hooligans on the street, and the self who was doing small fry on the street, the momentum at that time, bit by bit. into the brain.

Shen Ting doesn't want those unrequited loves that may change at any time. For the strategy, she can also proceed with the mood of playing a game. Anyway, everyone is a genius, so why should she care so much about everything so stupidly.

This is the world of adults, and love has always been just a condiment in life, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty, if there is a missing taste, just make up for it with other things, and no one will die.

She finally fully integrated into this indifferent society. From then on, only she stepped on others, and no one else had the opportunity to squint at her or hurt her. When the time is right, she will recover the pain she suffered from that person. Repay double.

And one day tomorrow, I will meet up with Yuan Mu. Shen Ting went to Yan's house in the afternoon to find Yan Ziqi, and chatted with him all afternoon on the balcony of his house.

About his future, and how to get rid of Hao Zhuo.

Yan Ziqi fell in love with Shen Ting, she didn't want to see him being dragged into the abyss, she didn't object to homosexuality, but Yan Ziqi had a girlfriend before, she was obviously a straight guy, and he was disgusted by Hao Zhuo's touch, I knew he was forced.

It's fine if they are in love with each other, what's the matter with taking the lead and being hot, and that Hao Zhuo's attitude is ambiguous, and he doesn't know if he is sincere or just looking for a diversion.

Shen Ting and Yan Ziqi chatted all afternoon over two cups of afternoon tea, including three o'clock.

One, ask Yan Ziqi if he wants to transfer to No. [-] Middle School for senior year.

Although Yan Ziqi's current school is not bad in City F, it is far behind No. [-] Middle School, whether it is the admission rate of prestigious universities or the quality of teaching.

Shen Ting didn't want to go to No. [-] Middle School back then because there were unpleasant memories there, but purely in terms of school examinations, No. [-] Middle School was among the top in F City.

Shen Ting not only valued its teachers and environment, but also its fully closed management. No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] Department of Senior High School have the strictest management in the whole age group. They only have one day to go home on Sunday a week, and they have to come back at night for evening self-study.

The guards at the entrance of the No. [-] Middle School are vicious. Usually, even a fly has to report when it goes out. It is impossible to slip out or climb over the wall to enter. The fence of the No. [-] Middle School is three meters high. Except for a ladder outside, otherwise, Yao Ming must be taller than Yao Ming. Turn it in.

(End of this chapter)

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